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Posts posted by Brandonsweet

  1. I suppose that would be true, but if you were desperately running out of health and mana wouldn't you be seeking a way out of the situation and therefore not really have time for blocking/ parrying?

  2. actually would be more interesting something like an "Magnect field" aoe that immobilize and deals eletric damage to all enemies or repell all bullets away that come into it, like that Ember's big fire aoe, forgot the name

    Wouldn't that technically more or less be both Rhino Stomp and Radial blast combined?

  3. I don't think Volt's abilities exactly cater to just rushing into a bunch of enemies though, shock can only affect so much enemies and electric shield is self-explanatory.

    Yeah I was thinking something along those lines before but then I realized that it's under Rhino as Rhino Stomp (4th Ability). It would be kind of unfair if Rhino's 4th ability had to be paid for yet Volt had more or less the same ability with extra fire damage as his 3rd.

    The repelling bullets would be cool, like enemies shoot bullets at you and the ability automatically fires them back at the enemy, like bullet attractor but more like... bullet reflector XD

  4. Despite being 'space ninjas' in concept, there appears to be a lack of epic 'ninja' abilities. I suggest these abilities to enhance the possibilty of ninja-ish.

    VOLT - 'HACK' - 2nd Ability, Possibly 3rd Ability

    I think 'SPEED' should be replaced with 'HACK', seeing as speed seems to be more like 'tactical retreat' ability, I think hack could work equally well if it not better.

    Basically 'HACK' allows Volt to convert Turrets to the Tenno side and also allows Volt to 'lock' doors preventing more enemy units from entering, which could be helpful when escaping or when you are overwhelmed. It also always Volt to open doors which are locked by consoles, enabling easy escapes when you have been locked in. In terms of Corpus since they are robots it would also make sense that Volt could convert units to fight for the Tenno side.

    LOKI - 'REVERT' - Unsure

    I have rarely heard of people actually completing a full on stealth mission. It would be pretty interesting if Loki was able to 'revert' the ship's detection sensors so that your status of being detected vanished and it would be like you never even existed at all... But this one is questionable seeing as Loki's current skill set is already pretty solid.

    MAG - 'PUSH' - 3rd Ability

    I understand how Mag is meant to be a powerful one on one combat based Warframe, but in the situation in which Mag becomes completely overwhelmed her abilities are not so powerful except for perhaps Bullet Attractor.

    Push is the opposite of pull -evidently- and it is a continuous ability, so once it has been activated it remains activated for around five seconds. Push literally pushes enemies away from Mag and 'pins' them to walls or the nearest physical barrier allowing Mag to escape into safety without enemies harrasing her.

    EMBER - 'HELLFIRE' - 3rd Ability

    I view Ember as an extremely offensive Warframe and the Overheat ability is useful, but seeing as you already have the fire wall thingy ability it is kind of rendered useless. If you have enough energy to summon Overheat you can summon the second ability which not only kills enemies around you but does so at a lower energy cost and they both have roughly the same AoE.

    So I suggest implementing Hellfire, which basically grants all players on Ember's team, as well as Ember himself, +50% fire damage to all weapons and attacks, including offensive abilities.



  5. I think that blocking and parrying are slightly useless but they would be cool. Also they are kind of negated by the fact that all Warframes have at least a single ability to prevent enemies from attacking you,


    Exacalibur's 'Radial Blind',

    Loki's 'Decoy' (They attack the decoy instead of you),

    Mag's 'Bullet Attractor',

    Volt's 'Electric Shield',

    Rhino's 'Rhino Skin & Rhino Stomp',

    Trinity's 'Link',

    Ember's 'Overheat'

    and Ash's 'Smoke Bomb'.

    Plus melee attacks can be easily evaded or you can kill the enemy before they get to attack you. However those Grineer units that do stun melee attack when you get too close, in that case I could understand the point of a block.

  6. I like to play Ember with Braton, Aklato and Bo Staff. Both my guns have electrical damage to be effective against shields to balance Ember's fire damage dealing abilities which are effective against flesh. I can't decide between Aklato & Sicarus though, I really like both.

    Bo Staff is just for entertainment because ragdolling enemies is amusing.

  7. I agree that they are useless. I main with Volt and rarely do I ever use the shield and my gun is already modded to have electrical damage, I've literally had Grineer walk AROUND the shield and just attack me casually.

    His first ability seems rather solid the second ability doesn't really provide all that much except saving or escaping a difficult situation. I think the shield needs to fixed and moved to the second slot and the third ability changed completely. An AoE effect would be nice, like 'STASIS' in which Volt sends out electric currents which destroy surrounding enemies nervous system, rendering them immobile. I don't think he really needs a trap seeing as Volts whole purpose is to do high damage then flee (Shield and speed).

    I only just got Ember and I have yet to obtain the third ability, but judging from the feedback, it seems pretty pointless. Whatever overheat does do, Ember's first and second ability negate the point of the third. Not only do they kill enemies instead of stunning them but do so at a lower energy cost. How does it even work against infected? They don't have guns!

    Blaze is kinda already left pointless by Pretty much all her abilities, fireball leaves a lingering flame, second ability provides a circle of fire and her forth is an aura of fire damage. I think a more tactical ability would make more sense since it does cost a lot of energy. Maybe like a buff which provides the entire team with a fire damage to all their weaponry for a short period of time?

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