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Posts posted by khangalanga

  1. 23 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

    Guys, its promotion...

    What's wrong with enticing new players with good gear? In the end, everything is farmable, everything is for sale.

    Just move on.

    "Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die. Which will it be Tenno?" - Alad V

    But see, if it was promotion, why have it so soon after another promotion of theirs that hasn't even expired yet? And if it's solely for the new players, why not make it so that the gear is untradeable or have the access code only usable for a new account? 

    I don't expect you to answer these because you of course aren't DE, but I genuinely want to know what's going through DE's minds to give away 200p items that can work into the late game to "new" players?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    No offense, but it seems you don't understand what a free market is. 

    A free market is not "controlled by the players". 

    A free market is not controlled by DE through artificial auction housing mechanics. 

    A free market is not controlled by anyone. 

    A free market does what it wants because a free market is free.

    Free means free for everyone, not just for the high roller seller. Big entities like DE also have fair game to throw their weight around in a free market. Free market doesn't mean fair market, if it were controlled or regulated to a point of fairness, it would't be very free anymore would it? Just like in real life, big entities have a bigger influence on the free market. You want a fair market by controlling those entities, that's a totally different thing, but one thing it ain't is free. 

    Sorry, I just always heard as this game as free-market so I assumed it was. I chose the wrong word, but I think my point still stands in that the game developers shouldn't do too much to influence the market unless there is something drastically wrong with it (which, in the case of primes, I don't think there is.)

  3. 12 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    This is arguable statement. If you can say with poker face that everyone plays for the meta min maxing in order to get CC, CD and DMG - be my guest, but let's be honest - this is not the case. By letting people pick the stats they want, they still have to wrestle with 2 rng gates (getting the riven type and the riven weapon) from a not small pool.


    This is also extremely arguable. 
    I could enter details about Potatoes and slots that are honestly TMI, but let's say for the sake of argument that neither potatoes or formas are nearly as hard hitting as people assume. "Keeping the platinum flowing" can be said only based on the assumption that platinum is used, and you just stated that a lot of "veterans are hoarding plat" (that they are). So... If they are hoarding plat, how does the flow go?

    But this ignores my main point. This is an extreme pay to win mechanic, that on top of that is tied to RNGesus to the point of gambling. I don't know what you have sold as rivens, and I would not require this information from you (after all, some personal integrity), but from the bypass of Opticor, Soma, Galatine, Sicarus and others that have unlocked in the past weeks... It is ugly mate. 10-20$ (with 75% discount) for a riven that has nothing to do with my personal skills. DE was able to make money before the riven system, either via the Prime access or by providing quality content inside the game with heavy visual customization or lucrative packs (like Hunhow for example).

    For the first part, I never said everyone plays to min-max. There are a ton of casual players, like myself, who get content with a decent riven, and when we get it, we get all gitty and excited because it was a decent role from uncertainty. By guaranteeing at least one outcome, it becomes less of a "oh nice i got a damage roll!" to a "ugh I didn't get CC to match my CD/Dam/-zoom riven." You lose the element of surprise and excitement like a kid on christmas day and replace it with a suboptimal tax return.

    The vets hoard platinum, but when they find a riven they like, they are more likely to dump some of that hoarded platinum. If they can make their own riven with guaranteed outcomes, people are less likely to spend platinum when they can get it themselves at a much cheaper alternative. Also, I wouldn't really call this a pay to win mechanic. Does it make your gear better? Yes. Is the game unplayable without it? No. They make a few aspects of your weapon better, but you'll notice almost every single build that someone recommends is a build WITHOUT a riven. Why is that? Because the game and weapons are not meant to be designed around rivens. With your proposal, the rivens will have guaranteed outcomes and will quickly become a "must have or this build cannot function." In other words, the game WILL end up revolving around rivens. The reason they don't right now is because of the RNG.

    Yeah, DE was able to make money before rivens, but that doesn't mean they aren't making more money with them. They are coming out with big projects like PoE and as such need some kind of support for it, that being the consistent flow of platinum throughout the game. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    The... what now?

    Please elaborate how the only form of P2W in Warframe is something that we should protect.

    1. Because tons of people like it and the randomness of the rolls keeps the game interesting. Sometimes you settle on a decent roll on a riven, sometimes you keep getting more and more kuva to keep the rolls going hoping to get an ever better set. By letting people pick the stats they want, the game can essentially get more stale because what is essentially being implemented is a "make your own mod" subgame. Though not a lot of people are fans of RNG, it keeps the game exciting by not giving everyone the exact same gear.

    2. Any flow of platinum is good for a game standpoint. DE needs to make money, and by keeping the plat flowing, you're helping both DE by eventually putting plat into other people's hands who can put it into reactors/catalysts/forma/etc. and new players by giving them a chance to roll a great riven and hit the jackpot. Lots of veterans are just hoarding plat (I'm no veteran, but that's even what I'm doing), and rivens keep the plat flowing. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)KamiMadara said:

    well the site is quite good, 
    room for improvments:
    of curse implement Melee Riven, but I guess u already know and working on it. 
    second, it would be good if there would be in message system so players can be notifyed if someone is interested and can make up a date when to sell

    I believe that option is in the works. The button for it is there, but when you click it, it says something like "we're working on it!"

  6. 6 minutes ago, Blacksonfive said:

    I don't really see that happening, its an economy that thrived on a really bad mechanic that's not healthy for the game overall, the market would still operate under the concept of free market, good rivens are not priced at "2k" for instance, that's what the seller thinks it's worth, if he finds a buyer that agrees with that, good for them, you still can buy good, if not better, rivens for lower prices, this mentality wouldn't change.

    I do agree that the prices would change, with a tendency to drop, because now you would have more rivens competing with stats that are similar, but the other rng layers would keep this in balance, i don't believe the toll would be too strong, "prices" range is really too far apart nowadays, there is a huge gap to fit if the influx of those rivens would happen to exist at this scale

    And after all, this would be a balance, remember when spintace, simulor, tonkor, and so on balance happened? I liked those mechanics, but it was for a better game experience overall, although prices would be affected (even though i believe i would not be a total ruin), this sugestion is to increase a game mechanic performance

    At its current state, whether people like it or not, the lure of rivens is that you can greatly boost your weapons' capabilities at the risk of pure chance and luck. By picking what stats you get to keep, you will get a huge saturation of rivens with perfect mods because people will literally only pick the best stats available. At its current state, the randomness prevents thousands of perfect rivens and keeps the riven game interesting. With the proposed mechanism, everyone will have the perfect mods, making the game stale.

  7. 48 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Everyone happily defends the free market and gladly charges amounts of platinum that equate to A LOT of real money. 

    But whenever DE does any free giveaway with their game to attract new players, that lowers the value of an older item, people get upset with DE for lowering the value of said item. 

    Free market means free market for everyone; it certainly doesn't mean DE makes their decisions based on not displeasing a few high roller sellers. Does it really make sense for people to boldly defend the most ridiculous trading practices, wherein we charge absurd amounts for temporarily vaulted items, that generally aren't even that great, while at the same time getting super upset anytime DE decides to reintroduce old items from the game economy which temporarily lowers the trade value? 

    TL;DR: Everyone is in love with free market economics until the same principles hit them in their in game wallet, funny how that works. 

    The difference is that in-game free markets are controlled by the players and changes result from supply and demand. What DE is doing is directly influencing the market not through gameplay, such as nerfs and buffs (which is fine), but by directly giving something away FOR FREE that was meant to be locked away for an indefinite amount of time. 

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for DE giving away some things here and there to support to player base. In fact, the whole reason I even got into this game was because of the frost prime access. I saw an ad, saw some free content for a free game, and decided to try it out. The problem, in my opinion, is that they're doing this twice in a row and are depreciating the efforts that players worked hard for. They either saved up a ton of plat to buy the weapons or worked hard to grind the prime parts to craft them before the vaulting. Doing this once is "fine," but doing this twice makes us wary about whether our primes even have value anymore if they will just be given away for free later. 

    If DE is doing this to recruit new players, I think the best thing they could have done is to make the free weapons untradable. This entices new players without giving every already existing player free limited-edition items. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Blacksonfive said:

    Indeed, I'm fine with the rng to obtain a riven (which is kinda low but understandable), then the lucky to get it for a certain weapon (again, I understand the reason for that) but keep in mind, those are already 2 layers of heavy rng, then again, you have the lottery of rolling stats, you can roll a thousand times and still get crap stats, there's no accomplishment by farming kuva and rolling stats, you have not even the slightest control or influence about it, it doesn't matter what you do

    I think this was suggested before but i was thinking the other day and being able to roll each stat individually would be perfect, you'd still have some rng but it would be more of a controllable environment 

    This would literally ruin the riven economy

  9. 10 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    Ok, here comes the salt train.

    Listen... Stockpiling primes and trying to accumulate interest in them, was and always will be a black sheep among trades, with a big risk-reward scenario. While I understand your pain, anguish and salt over the fact that you will loose some precious plat, consider the following : 
    a) Warframe changes. A lot. Expecting anything "for sure" is naive.
    b) Holding on parts for over half a year is not... Hard work that automatically should grand you ze moneys. Harsh and I feel your salt level rising, but... maybe try to keep up with times and demands of trade chat, instead of trying to accumulate interest based on people that came in the game on later day, hm?

    PS: A big fat, warning due to tendencies of people to jump to assumptions. I am not saying that I agree with how they handle Twitch Prime (because I don't). I am not saying that I won't be hit in the plat trading as well (because I will be hit, with a relatively nasty sting). I am just not agreeing with how Prime Vault is treated and I don't agree with "new players should have played 2 years ago in order to get primed gear, or they should pay 1000+ plat in order to attain vaulted gear". Are we good?

    Yeah, I completely understand what you mean. I used to play a lot of runescape a lot when I was younger and witnessed the rise of the santa hats/party hats, so whenever I see something as a limited edition item, I try to collect it in hopes of the easy profit that will ensue. I was just worried about my investments and, as you said it with complete truth, easy money. However, not all money earned has to be hard earned. Work smarter, not harder.

    Either way, I don't like the way DE is going with this. Not even mentioning the "give all the newbies free godly weapons" argument or speaking on behalf of it, DE is hurting the economy and turning it into one giant riven as we wait for the next "roll" of free prime items.

  10. The lenz riven market, along with ALL riven markets and markets in general, has a bunch of people who vastly overvalue their mods. A +heat/+faction damage/-reload speed could be listed for 2000p. Of course, no one is going to buy it, but tons of sellers believe their riven is already worth multiple thousands of platinum just because it has the name "lenz" on it. They're the same people who call that same riven "godly." They're all looking to make a pretty penny, but they greatly overvalue their items and refuse to accept the actual price of their riven.

    It only affects the whole market as you said because people get this disillusioned idea that the riven name is the only major selling point and that the stats are just a side benefit. They don't factor in the fact that their stats absolutely suck.

    And to answer your last question, I hate it. It makes it hard for riven traders and buyers like me to find an actual decent riven without sellers advertising their +zoom/-damage rivens as godly.

  11. A 100% recycle system would really ruin things. You essentially get to test out something to see whether you like it or not for an infinite amount of time until you decide to get rid of it. Then you can use those resources to get another mod fully maxed with the resources you just got back. And if you don't like the mod you just made, you can easily just go back to the initial mod and fully max it for free.

    Basically, you get access to fully rank any mod you have for free whenever you feel like it. After a certain (very easily reachable point), endo and credits would be useless. Hard no.

  12. 4 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    Slash mods increase the slash damages of the weapon, meaning direct slash damages will be higher.
    But these mods don't affect the status effect that is what deal the more damages on high level because of the armor bypass, so they are generally not worth the use.

    So what would be better in terms of damage output? A slash mod that does 100% or a toxin mod that does 100%?

  13. 16 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    Slash status inflict 35% of your base damages (after base damages mods like serration) as finisher damages per tick each second on the target over 6 seconds for a total of 245%.
    Finisher damages ignore armor and shield, so it's pretty decent.

    Also, dont forget that the status effect take the percentage from the total base damages of the weapon and not only slash.
    So imagine you use unmodded Jat Kittag and proc slash, the weapon only has 6.5 slash but the slash status will deal 35% of the base total base damages, so 35% of 130.

    I got that, but that still doesn't answer what a mod that does, for example, +100% slash does for a weapon.

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