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Posts posted by (PSN)scourgeoux

  1. On 2019-11-02 at 10:43 PM, Antolak said:

    Maybe you havent killed higher enemys than 165. Guess that explains why you have not tried to maximize ur builds.

    No I haven't, because there's literally zero reason to, as endurance is probably the most boring thing I've ever come across in a game

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  2. 1 minute ago, Da_Grizzly said:

    I'm sry, but no. My Ember has 224% base strength + energy conversion. Makes 274% strength and couldn't do a s*** against lvl 60 greneer with her 3...

    Armor shredding is supposed to shred armor. The whole point is to shred the armor, THEN deal damage.

    1 minute ago, Da_Grizzly said:

    Because you are just guessing, i know what i'm talking about cause i use it a lot...

    Eh, well ok. If you say so. It seems like an ability that would go down a lot better in more static missions.

  3. Just now, Da_Grizzly said:

    Thats not true, therefor you can use Volt, or Mirage, Mag ... but just staticly. Not continuously like Ember was befor.

    Volt’s and Mag’s don’t have such excessive range, and Mirage’s is limited by walls and the amount of lasers. And Mirage’s is continuous.

    Besides, they’re nicknamed ‘ultimates’ for a reason. They’re imagined to be used for epic feats, like killing a big group of enemies at once, not to turn it on and walk through the map, killing every enemy in range.

  4. Just now, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    So volts and gausses passives are extremely similar.

    Huh.  Doesn't matter too much i guess. I used gauss as mastery fodder. And volt i use solely for ediolon sniping body parts with his energy shield ability.

    I suppose they are, but Mirage and Nezha’s are even worse. I’m not exactly a huge fan of either of them myself, but I like Gauss sometimes for the Plains or Orb Vallis.

  5. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Wait so whats gausses meter thing? Doesn't he get charge for every second hes sprinting? And some of his other abilities.

    I thought volt had a different gimmick huh.

    Gauss’ meter also fills up when he runs, and not only helps with shield recharge, but is needed to be filled a lot to get the best effects of Redline.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Famecans said:

    goodbye extermination races to open relics

    Yeah. World On Fire was way too much. Saryn is now the only frame with an ability that can go through walls and mass murder from very far. 

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Volt doesn't have a meter? Confused here are people mixing up gauss and volt.

    It’s not a meter. Volt’s passive generates up to 1000 electricity damage for use in his next attack while running.

  8. First of all, Volt’s damage generator passive is not that similar to Immolate. It’s not just ‘run around and get a measly amount of damage’. It offers damage reduction, and makes the other abilities more powerful while also making you have to balance the meter.

  9. A second Volt? I don’t recall Volt having a mechanic similar to Immolation.

    because he doesn’t


    As for making sense, a lot of things in Warframe don’t make sense. You’re being a bit nitpicky.

  10. So, for a while now I've been getting this very minor bug where the first time I start up a mission that isn't solo, I'll be booted from the squad and I have to do it again. No problem.

    Now I straight up can't play any mission at all. The loading bar progresses slightly, and then either stops or the game freezes completely. I've tried regular missions, Cetus, my Dojo, to no avail.

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