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Posts posted by Mrblakesonny

  1. On 10/3/2017 at 1:26 PM, SD.Laeley-EN- said:

    Good to hear, but i can't add you on discord without knowing your #tag numbers in addition to your nickname. Edit out your post to include that - and i'll be sure to send a friend request!

    Sorry about that, fixed it!

  2. Hey guys, I've been playing pretty casually for years now, since around when Vauban came out.  I mostly play solo and I want to join a smaller clan to actually make some friends on here.  I know pretty much everything there is to know about this game (besides raids) and I can help anyone with anything they need.  My discord and IGN is Mrblakesonny#6691.

  3. Hi, I'm looking for an active clan where I can actually make friends.  Yours looks great! I'm pretty active (on every other day at the very least) and I can answer or find the answer to pretty much any question anyone has.  I'm mastery rank 10 (I could be higher if I tried) and have been playing since around when the Grineer Galleon tileset came out (and to prove it I remember Xini being everyone's go-to spot).  My IGN is Mrblakesonny.  

  4. cool. I mean, nova's the anti-matter warframe already, but I like the abilities and design of this one. not sure how to balance the ult out, seems a little like vortex, but with higher damage. but nebula and darkwall sound cool, nebula could be a little like venom, but it would just be an AoE, versus the spreading spore mechanic. and darkwall is like electric shield, but it affects tenno too, which sounds like fun. maybe pulsar could be tweaked a bit to make it more unique

    (I'm a friend) Darkwall does sound like electric shield but it doesn't work as a shield at all, it only increased damage and travel time and such of frames and bullets.

  5. And this is why Mag needs a nerf.. how about no damage? :p lol



    might be a bug...

    I think what is happening is all of his weak points are being damaged at the same time via Pull and that just kills him instantly but when I do that the mission doesn't register that he is dead and it wont let me complete.  So sadly, no easy farming.

  6. I think decoy should get a timer for like 5 sec, and then be vulnerable (how can you even kill a hologram?) Maybe shots should just pass through it.


    About your suggestion: thats just some playing around, shooting an enemy would probably be faster.

    It might be faster, but if your shields go down on a high level grineer mission that would make a great "oh S#&$" button

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