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Posts posted by Wonder_Archer

  1. Tried my best, had to work on this while a lot of of things where going on, but here's the final product. It may not be the best, but hey you know what they say, "It is better to fail, and have tried, then to truly fail, for you never tried at all"-Someone super duper wise (Teshin probs)


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  2. unnamsed.jpg

    Ever since yesterday 8/27/2017, at around 10:00pm EST, my chat just vanished, I could pop up the chat box, but theres nothing there, its just a blank black box, with a little loading circle in the top, that just keeps going, nothing happens, I remember seeing something that said "chat failed server: disconnected", and logging in today 8/28/17, its still like that, ive been in the game for awhile now, the loading circle just keeps spinning, Ive reset my game, logged in and out. nothing happens, its still the same problem, so I was wondering if anyone else shares the same issue, or if someone could give me some insight on how to resolve this, the sooner the better, thankyou.

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