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Posts posted by Wargasm.

  1. I thought at first that we the player were the Tenno and the armor were the warframe. Warframes are under "Arsenal" tab and not a separate "Character" tab. And warframes are created in the foundry. I think during the advancement of the game, the story of the Tenno changed. Now I just accept that it's poly-Tenno and kill stuff all the same. However, since it pretty much is poly-Tenno and the frames are different characters, then it should be removed from the arsenal and have a character screen with a background story for each one just to lend some more lore behind it.

  2. I was farming for mutagen samples to complete 3/5 mutagen mass for my Acrid prior to U10. Not to mention I still need 20 more samples to complete the other 2 masses before I pop it in the oven. So now I have to create keys just so I can farm in derelict? Lame! I totally agree that it was a stupid idea to take them off the regular areas.

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