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Posts posted by C4Mingus

  1. On 2021-03-23 at 12:57 PM, caustik said:

    ^This but also add boss fights.  Maybe every 5th round (would have liked to see that in Onslaught mode).  Rotate in a few diff types and of course harder each iteration,  I'm a fan of blowing the reactor on a ship to big to be to killed.  Take out shields with RJ and fly int to the center via archwing to pop reac.  Extra beefy boss ships.  Tactical puzzle boss,  like the new corpus crewships. Carrier boss that commands, buffs, spawns enemies.

    I totally agree with you. But i think there are too many people with different opinions talking to the DEVS. All the railjack thing is probably very confusing for then right now. To be honest i criticized the new railjack in other posts and now i regret what i did. Because it will not help improve the game, doesn't matter if i'm right or wrong.

    I thing the DEVS should listen only people that enjoy the mode ....

    • Like 1
  2. Just want to leave a suggestion for the DEVS ... I don't know if its possible to do this idea or not so ....

    Can we have a node for a RJ survival mission? Just a survival, without other objectives. Just killing a lot of enemies ... only fighters and crew ships, without the normal timers from ground survival. But not a fast mission like giant point .. an endless one with the escalation that people like. The rewards could be relics .... a good relic farm.

    I think this can be used as an experience: to correct the numerous bugs that RJ has causing the experience of playing impossible for some people (i can only play alone and one mission per time - playing a second in sequence makes the game freezes on the 'ending' screen). And with time new things can be added like neutralizing external weapons on the big ships, destroying the big ships in a sequence of events, and last boarding that ship .....

    I think people want some epic space battles. All this boarding and secondary objectives just make everything too complicated. I like them, and i think they are great at some point. But if the game cant even be played (or people don't like it) in a simple and clean way i don't see the point of doing so elaborated things ... that don't even work properly.

    As some people already said: a RJ survival, A RJ exterminate, a RJ defence ..... not and taxi or a mixed thing that is nothing in the end.

    • Like 3
  3. Repetitive and boring. Just go from A to B and defend. Must be interesting at the beginning but gets repetitive fast ... And you let the RJ parking outside???? This is just ridiculous.

    Just another way to farm the Eidolon and The Quills stuff .... for players who don't like to hunt eidolons. The game resumes itself for the reward table and even this cant be done right.

    One new weapon. One new enemy. Old stuff.

    And the cherry cake: they nerf some weapons people are using to run the missions in the middle of the event.

    A bunch of nonsense.



    • Like 2
  4. Well ... for me this event has the most boring missions ever.

    First the ground Condrix was interesting at the end when you need some coordination to do damage on it. Now its so easy that one player can do it and the rest just waits inside the limbo bubble.

    Second the space Murax ... ridiculously disappointing. Space `battle` where there is no battle at all .... no ships or anything .... you just use railjack to pick up a satellite and after running some corridors you stay put in the limbo bubble waiting.

    So you wait and repeat waiting. Seems like everything is about how to give arcanes to new players instead of making a fun game mode / missions to play.

  5. I have the same issue with no solution yet. For other reasons i did a reinstall of windows and everything here but nothing changed. Before new updates I had 60fps easy with no drops.

    Hope someone found a solution.

  6. 1 hour ago, Awazx said:

    And yes, I agree ... all or almost all the points you have indicated are bad systems. The "open world" is not an open world, conclave and Lunaro are unnecessary, Archwing is a marginal system, Lich was one of the worst updates to remember ... and now we have Empyrean, which promises to follow the unbroken chain of successes.

    I was being ironic, but who cares?

    Its different what you dont like from what is bad.  The truth nobody knows.

    I know that work for people is always difficult and annoying, and at some point you get tired of all and quit. Things vanish this way.

    Its just impossible to please everyone and some people will never be.

    If they do every simple thing you asked will not be enough.

    I liked Railjack, i think it's a new thing, it's fun and nice. As i liked plains, fortuna, k drive races and the melee rework. And I think the changes you people listed are important too. They are just different, should be done both.

    Sometimes you make people do what you want giving them something and not taking. Criticize a big update with less than 24 hours release it's too rush.

    You reply so fast you work here?

    • Like 1
  7. I agree with some of criticism about the game, especially what concerns new IA and enemies and a rework of the core of game (optimizing enemy fight and mini boss appearances for ex), but if we consider everything you people listed as bad, time lost, not warframe, etc the game should never went beyond earth. 

    Plains of eidolon, fortuna, archwing, lunaro, kdrive, melee rework, old blood ... everything bad.

    If you don't like the game don't play it. Just do another.

    Some people just like to complain, others just do what they always do, and for some this is a job.

  8. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)death404 said:

    What about those rivens that got buffed? Many of my rivens have improved.

    I agree with you on the crit chance issues and seeing as they massively buffed the Sacrifice mods I have faith. Just gonna put those to the side for now and use any of my many other weapons and rivens.

    Improving some weapons / mods and nerfing others its balance that makes the game better.

    But nerfing something to the point to be useless is too much. Worse if this thing is really dificult to get.

    Like you i will wait to see what comes. As i asked at the beginning and someone answered they will do some balance on this.

  9. You play months, even a year, to farm a good riven (thats what i do). Some people spend money on them. Nerf the thing to the ground is disrespectful.

    Even worse when they do that to rivens at the same time they give more ways to farm rivens. No point on this.

    Balance things its a lot different from disable them, like they did with maiming strike.

    But as Xaero posted they will make some balance on this question. Thanks for answering my question mate.

  10. We can expect a "balance" on melee rivens stats after Old blood (CC, slide crit, etc) so they can continue to be useful or all the work to farm them will be lost?

    Embarrassing doing this in the same update that gives more kuva and more ways to get rivens. Whats the point? They will be nerfed at some point.

    Disrespectful with people who spent time farming them.

    • Like 1
  11. The problem in my opinion is how DE deliver the "new" things in the game. Old Blood introduces new relics that gives, besides the new parazon mods and exilus adapter, kuva and rivens basic speaking. Cool? Lets farm some rivens????

    And after 2 years playing this a lot to build my rivens colection they made a change that destroyed all my work in all melee weapons at the same time. After a 5 minutes download: boom!!! .... 1.000 hours of gameplay became garbaje.

    There is a lot of things they could done ... a lot of ways to balance the spin to win ...

    And now what i supose to do? Farm more rivens? Reroll all? Dont use them at all?

    I like this game a lot ... Only play this for 4 years already, but infortunatly if they dont fix this i will give up playing warframe. Its disrespectful to the community nerf all this weapons and mods to the ground.

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