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Posts posted by LightningRain

  1. So, I've been posting about this for roughly two years now... and clearly it hasn't received enough attention in the "Bugs" Category under "Art & Animation." I'm guessing at this point, that ever since the Operator apparel rework, this misalignment right here has become a feature?


  2. So, I recently obtained the first-tier amp from Vox Solaris in Fortuna. After prepping it for Gilding, I returned to Little Duck in Fortuna. I made sure to have the 5k Standing required to Gild it, and so I did. HOWEVER, upon gilding, I noticed I still had that exact 5k Standing remaining. I re-logged into the game to make sure it wasn't some visual glitch or whatever, but it seems like the standing just isn't being deducted.

  3. Towards the end of The War Within Quest, when fighting against the Queen and her Kuva Guards, I am unable to successfully dash through her to finish that part of the quest. I believe it may have something to do with my Naramon Skill Tree's Focus Node that alters the Dash to "no longer displace enemies". The same goes for her guards, except after multiple tries I can eventually knock a scepter out of their hands --- but definitely, I cannot take the Scepter from the Queen.... 

    And as you are aware, there's no "Quit" option in this Quest.

    Therefore, I am stuck in there until @DE fixes it.

    Please do this ASAP!

  4. It might be interesting if they made the cosmetics more accessible through specific pay options. What you are paying most for is the 90 day boosters. Maybe DE could just have the cosmetics on their own as the cheapest option, then the regular accessory pack above it.

    ^ That would be amazing.

  5. Well, I as much as I enjoy DE's continuous updates (thank you for doing what you do best!), I must admit, I'm kind of disappointed that the Targis Prime Armor Set is only obtainable via Prime Access. 

    I knew, that one day, something really amazing would turn up this way, but I just hoped it wouldn't be something like this...

    Anyways, I just hope that there might be some way to achieve this beautiful armor set without having to pay for it. Or maybe future Prime Armor sets that don't require you to pay. 

  6. Will we ever receive anything like Passive traits that are unique to each WarFrame other than base stats?


    Is there a possibility that you can create Different Tiers for each WarFrame ability?

    Reason for asking this, is because some of us high-leveled Tenno venture into extremely long survivals/defenses, sometimes going over 40 mins/waves. Some of us feel extremely oppressed by the enemies when our abilities become useless, and can barely revive each other.


    What about an Aura-mod type of card for our Primaries and Secondaries? Maybe something Like a [visible] Suppressor, Range Finder, Compensator, etc?

    Lastly, will the Kubrows be commandable? I'd like to command my specter from time to time, and choose the abilities he/she should use when I want, while maintaining their AI's freedom to use any ability. Commanding Kubrows would also be great; for example, running a stealth mission and ordering your Kubrow to hold off from tearing apart enemies. 

  7. I am a WarLord of Dead Silent Slumber.

    That is not how my tale in such a clan began.

    I was initiated by one of the founding members, long ago, during a accidental play-through with one of their WarLords.

    From there on, my life had changed.

    Upon admission into such a once-prestigious clan, I was overcome with joy, knowing I finally belonged somewhere - in a family. From that day forward, I built myself up, making my actions and contributions noticeable in hopes of rising within clan status. I supported clan members, authorities, even assisted the WarLords themselves with high respect and reverence for the clan. 

    Then, came a fateful period of time, where clan members either became inactive or left.

    I often ask myself: "Why did they leave? Are they just done with the game, or are they unsatisfied with the clan?" 

    I couldn't find the answer. I clearly and vividly recall active, loyal members devoting resources and time to the clan and the dojo. 

    Time, however, gradually became an enemy through the original members' perspective.

    In attempts to restore our clan to its past glory, we have broken our boundaries and expanded our options: We are now recruiting Loyal, Active, and Reliable members who share a passion and seek to maintain their belonging within the family.



    Dead Silent Slumber


    We are a family. We support one another and contribute towards each other's as well as our own strengths.

    Clan Status: An individual is not simply granted Clan Ranking. Naturally, Higher authorities such as Leaders and above observe other individuals' skills, what they contribute, and how they interact with other members. Upon coming to conclusions about individuals, Clan Authorities reserve the right to promote or demote any members. 
    Communication is a very desirable skill in leaders, as well as Strategic Intellect.


    Ban: We often do not ban members who cause minor troubles or dilemmas, but if there is an unsatisfied-member majority, members will be banned for periods of time accordingly. 


    Glory: We were once within the Top 50 Clans, but our loss of members has stripped us of that title, rendering our position within the Top 100 in terms of kills. Even then, that is composed of only the original members' kill counts, which originate very far back in time. We hope to acquire strong members that are skillful as well as great comrades and reliable clanmates. 

    Join us, Tenno. Join our family. New and Old Players are welcome. We are children of Dead Silent Slumber, and we impose our namesake on those who dare challenge us.

    (Comment if you wish to join our family)
    [Any questions or comments, please send me a message]

    Other WarLords to talk to: Apsalus, MetalMarauder, rapt0rman

  8. I'd still love to be able to switch out and customize my abilities to my desire as opposed to being limited to a WarFrame-set default abilities. It would make sense to have to find these abilities (like that infamous Tranquil Cleave).

  9. As of right now, we have Damage 2.0 and Melee 2.0... what about Powers 2.0...?


    In my opinion, it would be amazing if there were different tiers of abilities for each WarFrame, which would also contribute to player and WarFrame variety/customization. 

    For Example: Long ago, Rhino's Roar was a Radial Blast and was featured in one of WarFrame's trailers.
    My thoughts: I've loved using that ability, just because it looked cool, but I also love the Roar for its buff. However, it would be nice if I could switch them out when I want to (you know, to vary in offensive capabilities). 

    Wouldn't it also be really awesome if we had different ultimate abilities to choose from? Or abilities that are more support/defense/offense oriented? 

    Don't get me wrong, the current Abilities System is fine, but I kinda want a freedom to choose or manipulate certain aspects of the battlefield using various abilities that I could switch to and from. It would also be extremely beneficial, if higher-tiered abilities allowed for stronger damage outputs (for extremely long endless defenses or really high-leveled enemies). It would make sense, if there were - for example - Three Tiers of each ability [1],[2],[3],[4] that can only be equipped as one's WarFrame ranks up every 10 times. 

    e.g. Rank 0 - 9, WarFrame can use the current (or weaker) ability mods.
           Rank 10 - 19 WarFrame can select between the previous abilities or discover and select Tier 2 abilities.
           Rank 20 - 30 WarFrame can select between the previous abilities or discover and select Tier 3 abilities.

    Just thinking about something like this potentially happening (with DE's 'God Hand', of course) really makes me excited, interested, and persistent!

    Oh yeah, something like this could be extremely beneficial in battling hordes of high-leveled enemies in the future T4 Void Keys!

  10. Okay, I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, but...

    Crafting a single-use Cosmic Specter just seems like a ridiculous waste of resources. I highly doubt I'd play for a really-really long time just to maximize the usage of my specters.

    With all honesty, I believe Specters should be a one-use-per-mission type of gear. If that was the case, I'd gladly hand over a ridiculous amount of credits and resources to build it.

    As of right now though, I don't think crafting any Specter other than Vapor or Phase seems very resource-efficient...

  11. Wouldn't it be an awesome idea to implement a variety of different customizable WarFrame parts?

    I mean, sure, color-changes and stuff are cool, but what if we could customize certain aspects of our WarFrames; like, change Rhino's Pauldrons and how they look like. 

    I would love to see DE do something like that; allow us to customize our WarFrame's parts for even more variety and differentiation between each other.


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