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Posts posted by Xikkom

  1. I keep trying to join my friends, even random people in the region chat but EACH time I try, there is a million problems that pop up.


    When my friend invites me, it takes me 3 seconds to enter his session and after a few secs, it kicks me out. The only way to join my friend is to try this atleast 30 times and hope for a time when I dont DC.


    This is the same for other people I try joining Void Runs with. After 67 hours of this kind of problem, It has become stressful, seeing as I even opted for the founders package since I like this game so much. There are even times that when someone invites me to a session, I just get transferred to a completely random game with different people.


    This was a problem when the game first became open beta and it feels like it has become a bigger problem now. Am I doing something wrong? Im not using a router or anything and my internet connection is very fast.


    Edit: While Im at it, why is the contacts list bugged? says my friends are offline or session unavailable when in fact they are just waiting for me and others to connect? Even my clan list is like this.

  2. Why is it that when I try to join other games sometimes, I can connect to the group quickly but after 5 seconds I get booted. Its like this with my friends as well. Sometimes it says a session is unavailable when in fact they already have 3 members. The Contacts list is also clunky, I only see 6 of my clan members online in it but when I check that chat box, there is a whole lot more. That includes my friends as well.

  3. This is my exact problem as well. Game play is smooth and the randomly freezes for 1 second every now and then. Difficult especially when you are a Kunai or Paris user.

  4. Yes, I can barely join my friends game. 80% of the time I connect for 1 sec then get kicked. And hes offline in my contacts list when he's actually in an in game mission. I really hope this gets fixed because it is frustrating to not be able to join my friend.

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