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Posts posted by Earthworm_Jim

  1. I will fondly look back at the time in warframe history where the game was on permanent Manly Mode™ with base health and shield capacity all around, and only those blessed by the RNG gods had the luxury of Vitality and Redirection mods.

    I will forever cherish the times when Phorid's scream was an instant kill with a four-player group regardless of what frame you were in, unless you were one of the Blessed®.

    It taught me how to play the game without being hit and without relying on one's abilities or sturdy frame to save them.

    It taught me the Way of the True Ninja©.

    I will pass these tales down to my children, and my children's children, so that the Time of the Brave®©™ will never be forgot.

  2. Everytime I go into a colorize menu, be it for a warframe, a weapon, or a sentinel, the back and confirm buttons disappear from the screen. The only way to leave the screen without these buttons is to join someones game from the Contacts menu, or log out and back in.

    It would be nice if this was not the only way to exit these menus.

    ADDENDUM: You can use the Escape key to back out of the menu and still save your colors. Still, buttons would be nice.

  3. The activation graphic for it looks like a green cloud of particles. At rank 1 it has a super low range so you only ever see it if you run right into a mob of enemies. I assume that the range increases with rank.

  4. Now that you can buy credits with platinum, there are some serious adjustments that need to be made to the cost of weapons.

    For example, Lex costs 35,000 credits OR 190 platinum. Buying a Lex with platinum gives you the supercharged version of the Lex. Other than this, the two are identical.

    A supercharger costs 20 platinum. 10,000 credits costs 30 platinum, 25,000 costs 60, and 60,000 costs 90. So at most, a supercharged Lex costs 110 platinum, and in this fashion you would also end up with 25,000 credits to spare since buying a 10k and a 25k instead of a 60k for the same price is silly.

    However, the cost of a Lex with a supercharger with platinum is 190 instead of 110. For the cost of the difference, you could get ANOTHER supercharger AND another 25k credits ontop of the supercharged lex and the extra 25k credits, totalling: A Lex, two superchargers, and 50k.

    Lex isn't the only weapon out there like this; in fact, every weapon in the market that has both a credit cost and a platinum cost has a platinum cost well beyond what it would take to just buy the credits and the supercharger.

  5. So I logged in, and I had a global chat window. After opening the window and moving it a bit to the left, it disappeared and has not come back.

    Progress from being unable to see it at all ever, but I stil can't chat with people.

  6. Ciphers should not be offered as a reward at all. The only people who'd ever use them are people who are are so impatient they cannot wait the 5 or 6 seconds it takes to spin some hexagons, or people who literally lack hands.

    And if you lack hands, you probably are not playing warframe.

  7. I have yet to find a health and shield mod since update 7 launched. I did find enough shield recharge mods to max it out, and enough guardian mods (Auto-fills your shield when it runs out and you take HP damage, level determines how much shield it restores) for my sentinel.

    The end result is that I pretty much never take HP damage in significant amounts because my shield is pretty much constantly up at all times, but a Toxicant can kill me with a stiff breeze aimed in my direction.

  8. Everytime the host leaves, it pops up the menu for me again and lets me take the reward or leave it. I always click battle if I don't like the reward because sometimes the host will leave and the migration will allow me to reroll a new card.

  9. You can also go to the bar where Garry the Gimp and S&M Susan spend their time when they are not waiting around in a dreary prison waiting to be rescued by a group of mass-murdering space ninjas.

    I would prepare yourself though; it is pretty intense.

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