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Posts posted by LEGION346

  1. 5 minutes ago, zhellon said:



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    Sentinels offer those two mods 


    Sentinels also stay near you, with now weapons dont attract aggro. I see how those 2 mods posted by you could be useful, but sentinels offer the same and probably more.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Lodestrike said:


     She just feels so limited to use IMHO, but I love her she's fun. Just these things kinda annoy me while im playing her.

    At least 3 of these abilities should synergize at all times. ;-; depending on how you build her, not just 2 because it's too specific. You can go Eff/Range/ or Pwr Str/Eff trying to squeeze in having decent range and good pwr str for balefire's fire radius because it is not very good when it comes to scaling. Maybe make balefire damage scale better somehow, I should 1 shot those winter spoders for toroids and have huge aegis an pillage effectiveness.

    I also still think you should Remove her health pool entirely and give shields slight buff if efficiency is gonna be so bad and you cant get good duration with good efficiency. Like wut and make the augur mods work.

    Thanks. ❤️

    I know your feelings. I love Hildryn's design, visuals and concept but it saddens me that her abilites dont synergize with themselves very well which makes her clunky to use and makes her less enjoyable to play. Give my bae Hilde some love. Pls DE ❤️

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  3. Okay, time for real feedback about Hildryn's.


    No need for energy is great in ESO or content that cuts energy regen, nullifies is or a lot of drain is present making Hildryn amazing in this type of content. However, that is the only good thing about this passive. Toxin and Slash still can kill her even with adaptation on. Sure, can 2 can cleanse her from those effects but with how 2 is buggy in terms of LoS, it may be only a waste of shields. Invurnerability period is nice but shield recharge is too slow to allow Hildryn for any proper reengage into fight unless you run Sentinel with guardian mod or arcanes. Getting only 25 shields per energy orb is useless considering the fact that Hildryn can have on average 4k= shields with mods. 


    Clunky and not useful weapon. The fact that is slows you down for barely any meaningful dmg is silly. Add to it weird hit detection and we have situations where shots go through enemy doing 0 dmg. Or when shot explodes right next to the enemy and he took 0 dmg for some reason. Get the idea. Also Balefire stats are mediocre. And the fact that the drain per shot is quite high, by using your 1 Hildryn kills herself by using it.

    Shield Pillage:

    Good ability vs Corpus. Average/Bad vs Grineer. Useless vs Infested. And scaling per enemy that scales with power strengh. Remove LoS requirement. Or fix it. Nothing is worse than not getting shields despite having enemies around. Adding flat scaling per enemy would make her 2 actually somehow usable vs Infested. Atm her 2 is not worth using vs 2 out of 3 factions in the game.


    I would understand damage not being high if the utility was amazing. But the shield recharge even with 200%+ strengh is slow, shield given is nothing. Yes, 1200 that you can give to allies is nothing because you need to stand near them for a bit to fully give it to them. And count the fact that shields are broken and mostly useless defensive mechanism. The drain per enemy and ally is too big to make this ability worth keeping on. Oh, and when playing solo this ability does absolutely nothing outside of boosting shields of your sentinel or pet ( Dont even use pets with Hildryn. Just dont )

    Aegis Storm:

    Fix the elevation detection of this ability so I can actually CC enemy in front of me but slightly above / below me. This ability as her 1 feels clunky, slow and makes Hildryn easy target for the enemy. As I mention in one of the previous posts, why Rhino, Nezha or even Vauban can CC enemies like Hildryn while not being restricted to LOS, not having their other abilites disabled, guns taken etc. Energy orb generation is too slow to even consider this part of ability useful. And dmg of this ability is not even that good oustide of starchart. Also, why can't we use Shield Pillage while Aegis Storm is active? Why can we use our 1 and 3 to drain our shields EVEN FASTER and die faster? Why are we allowed to kill ourselves in this ability? Why her 1 is not automatically activated in this ability when we cant use our guns in it? There is so many things bad in this ability that questions what the word "powerful" even means, regarding newewst post from DE about Hildryn. Oh, and we are we getting another way to kill ourselves even faster with added dodge for shield cost?

    Personal opinion:

    I love Hildryn. Love her design, visuals, sound but it pains me seeing her so... unpolished in her current state. She has such a potential to be amazing or at least decent but there is so many things that holds her down. I was playing Hildryn nearly exclusively since she came out. I hope we will receive a lot of suggested in this thread buffs and QoL changes.

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, SSI_Seraph said:

    The whole design falls apart as soon as you increase the level If you don't abuse an interaction that's surely gonna be nerfed.


    You mean only recharge mods with keys? Yeah, it surely will be nerfed. Or not consdiering the fact that with that build you are on par with Wukong in terms of usefulness and we know in what spot Wukong is.

  5. 1 minute ago, Silver_Shadow_Kaze said:

    Exactly. Plenty of Warframes out there that can hard CC enemies, and hit them with their normal (fully modded) weapons while still being fully mobile. With Hildryn, you can ONLY use balefire and you're stuck with a fairly slow move speed.

    And Balefire DRAINS your shields too while shooting. Hildryn is literally killing herself if she has her 3 on and shoots her 1 while Aegis is activated lol

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Silver_Shadow_Kaze said:

    How is Aegis Storm "that powerful"? The CC is similar to that of Bastille. The damage is fairly negligible after level 40 or so. The energy generation is only good for your teammates. The only weapon you can use is Balefire. If you play solo, or aren't near teammates, the CC is worth bubkis - as by the time you undo Aegis storm, the enemies recover 0.5 seconds after you do. The only argument for being so powerful, is that they are using it only on starchart-level enemies. Where the damage can actually kill enemies.

    That is the problem. It seems as DE was testing her on starchart not on any other content. On starchart her 3 and 4 kills quickly. But in any other meaningful content her 4 and 3 is a joke and simply hinders Hildryn.

  7. Aegis storm


    Pick one

    For real, more mobility is nice but why the F it costs shields? Hildryn NEEDS shields to live. Dodge on 4 should be free and innate to begin with. Why cant we cast our 2 in Aegis? Why can we cast 3, to lose shields faster, but not her 2? Can we at least fix the enemies not on the same elevation not getting CC'd despite flying literally 1m from them?

    2 minutes ago, SSI_Seraph said:

    She already has stupid costs and can't use her pillage during it. This should be innate with how slow and underwhelming the ability is to begin with.

    Exactly. Aegis Storm IS NOT powerful. Energy orb generation is slow, our shields are being drained, we are now easy immobile target for the enemy. Only downsides. Why Rhino and NeZha can CC and then do whatever they want while Hildryn NEEDS to be there getting destroyed? I mentioned Rhino and NeZha because their CC on 4 is similar to Hildryn's but their is better.

  8. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)PowerArmorMeow said:

    The Nerf hits pretty hard on Gara. I've only barely used her. People were so excited about her and so I believed in that hype. Then the Nerf came and everyone is upset. I agree the Mass Vitrify should be tweaked. I've had thought about her for awhile as I played her and it occurred to me that everyone wants her to be like frost in terms of defense. Prior to the nerf she was just better than Frost and to have that happen to one of the "grandfather" frames and have Frost fade into disuse obscurity would be sad. 

    I think people need to think outside the box right now. Gara is a glass frame and glass is fragile and there are certain properties that glass has over a thick layer of ice.

    Which I propose that Gara's Mass Vitrify should be allowed for multiple casts. The wall itself is fragile but what if the player could start and stop the cast? Multiple times?

    This way the player can create layers of defenses unlike Frost. I think this would make her fairly unique to Frost. On one hand her defense remains somewhat fragile but with multiple layers of vitrify the enemies have to literally work there way through an onion of glass to get to her. Yeah panels will break but multiple rings make it so that it doesn't matter as there will be another layer behind that broken glass panel.

    I also think that range should determine the height of this ring from base Gara's MV just being the right height of the average frame to Gara Sporting range mods making respectable sized pillars. I think that would remove the Gara jumping into the air to cast a MV pillar. 

    With these kinds of tweaks particularly the first one I mentioned it would make Gara a frame that centers more on her efficiency and energy management to create multiple glass layers.

    Hell, augments mods in the future could be that Gara makes thicker glass walls or create bullet proof glass walls, or even allows for multiple layers to be casted in a single cast , of course for some kind of drawback maybe.

    This is just my two cents from the first few minutes of playing her. I wanted to cast multiple instances of MV but in the end doing so removes the first wall which left me highly disappointed.

    Like the idea of multi layer wall. It would make more unique to Frost. With this, I would also still add more scaling and more base HP. Wall atm is too fragile. And no, Glass can be hard to break. I think even now we have glass that is harder than metal. 

    Also, players compare her to Frost because both are frames who lean towards defense more than any other frames. Players finally got an alternative to frost and then the alternative was taken away. 

  9. Yes. Gara needs changes. Her MV unique aspect was taken away and replaced with "Snow Globe Wannabe" Concept which is bad. In previous thread on nearly 33(!) pages, many players, including me, were posting their ideas, their disapproval to those changes and possible outcomes of those changes which in most part, became true. After the patch Brozime tested Gara. With 180% power and no armor mods, Gara wall had 4k hp. Frost bubble with ONLY Steel Fiber and 100% power had nearly 8k. Double of what Gara has. And frost globe can be stacked 4 times, protect from every angle and can absorb dmg while being invincible. Gara MV, AN ULTIMATE FCKING ABILITY, in comparison, is a joke. Joke that DE will most likely leave behind. 

    Also what is more funny, they "fixed" Octavia which made her even more broken and powerful. And she was already powerful. 

    Gara needs buffs now. Remove Armor Scaling from MV. Gara HAS NO USE OF ARMOR FOR F SAKE. 

    Increase scaling from Power.

    Give MV more base HP. 7500 as a test. Current base is a joke and disrespect towards players and goes against "more engaiging" gameplay DE wants (#OctaviaSoActiveFrame) since you need to recast is right away because section got destroyed immediately. 

  10. After the update and after checking MV base stats I wonder if DE really tested it. It has less base hp than Frost's globe ( And Gara's MV is a FREAKING ULTIMATE ), has worse scaling and no invurnerability. While Frost bubble has those things. People said it many times in thread about Gara. ARMOR MODS ON GARA ARE WORTHLESS. Frost can use them because his base armor is high enough. In Gara's case, armor is a joke. So player is left with only power strenght. 180%~ gives your MV 4000 HP. Meanwhile Frost bubble can have 7k with 100% power and Armor Agility + Steel Fiber. And player can stack this 7k up to 4 times. 28k bubble vs 4k Gara section. Without taking into consideration health absorbed by enemy fire. Gara's MV needs serious buffs and tweaks now.


    1. Remove scaling from armor. It is pointless.

    2. Increase scaling from power strenght by 2 or 3 times. Maybe then it will be good.

    3. Increase base health a lot. Maybe up to 7500.



    As it stands now, it is completely worthless and will be just used for buffing 2.

    Oh, and her 3 is STILL USELESS.

    For now Gara has 1 amazing ability ( Her 2), 1 decent ability and 2 worthless abilities. I wonder how Mag and others will welcome her on trash bench.

    End of semi rant.

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