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Posts posted by Sass_Queen_Neo

  1. There isn't much that I can say that hasn't already been said. I've been here since closed beta, back when there were only two tile sets, and mods weren't cards. I have played this game on and off through out the time and even when I don't play it I'm checking up on it seeing when the next update is so I can jump back on. I love this game even when I'm not playing it, sure it's not perfect and there are some issues but what game doesn't have them?


    In short thank you DE now if you excuse me I'm going to keep refreshing the front page waiting for update 13.

  2. Just minding my own business, doing the event with some friends, when suddenly stalker appears, we nearly kill him, When suddenly he starts channeling nyx's ultimate, right after that, he stayed invincible and wouldn't move, though he did start moving at some point cause he started following me but wouldn't attack and still wouldn't take damage.

  3. Give it time, the Void didn't have much in it either when it first came out, reaper, latron and frost prime was all if I recall. Sure, that's more than what the Direlict missions have right now, but the Void doesn't have any bosses (yet) and I'm pretty damn excited to try to fight this thing when I'm able to get to it.

  4. They could've finished it, but they've shown where their priorities are.


    You don't know how making games works do you? They have different teams do different things, there are people that make new content for the game and then there is the people that do the actual number work. Making new content is a whole lot easier than completely redoing an entire system and thus takes longer. You can't just send people from one place to the other, you don't ask an artist to help with your trigonometry homework do you?

  5. Now that I think of it, I think switch speed would be a nice stat, larger weapons like the Gorgon would have a longer switch time, and every weapon switch is two parts, putting the weapon away and taking the new one out, so each gun would have those two stats, so you could have something like the gorgon that takes a bit longer to put away, but then take the kunai which would easily be taken out quickly. But that just might be an idea I like.

  6. This. Unless you don't fully grasp the concept of the word "element".

    However, quite a few of them actually do represent a element. It's just that there's exceptions (and more after the Trapper/Engineer warframe is implemented) to this.

    PS: Trinity would be Heart. Guess what's next?

    So we need Water and Air, then we can get a Captain Planet Warframe.

  7. All I've been hearing is how they ruined shotguns and gorgon. I'll agree with shotguns... But my gorgon still turns things to a gooey mess of blood and guts, sure I can't hit people from the other side of the room but it's a minigun pretty much, it shouldn't be able to do that. I'm sorry but I really don't see how the gorgon is ruined...


    If you want to know what I have I have 20% ammo max, 45% freeze damage, 60% fire damage, 20% reload speed, 30% Armor Piercing damage, 90% damage, 60% multishot and 40% fire rate.

  8. If there is one thing I love about this game is the atmosphere of infested levels. They are so creepy and eerie. I want there to be an infested planet. Everything mutated and moving, pitch black, only light source is your flashlight and the moon(s, if there are any). We need more types of infested, they are my favorite looking faction and you could do so much more with them than you can with the borgs and cybermen. (Though I love them too. Copus significantly less so... Stupid lasers.)




    I envision a small probability scenario where it's seemingly your everyday Grineer or Corpus Capture mission, then the Lights flicker in and out before blowing. As the flashlight turns on, you continue through the level, killing a corpus here and there, and then you see them start to flicker between another more sinister form. For you see, it's the ship itself. It laid a trap for you and your brethren. It lured you here in order to consume you.


    What would be freakier is if there were a player with Enemy Radar, as this event/realisation occurred, enemies started appearing everywhere on the radar. I'm talking, 40 or 50 red dots moving around the players. If there were enemies with wall/floor hiding abilities, the effect would be absolutely TERRIFYING. Especially if there were a creepy ambience that occurred once the shape shifting took place.


    I love this. DE pls.

  9. I agree with Shuriken, it needs something too make it not so finicky. One idea that I thought of is that it could home in a little bit so you don't miss so often at long ranges. Ash IS a ninja, so adding some curve too his throw would make sense. I miss the old damage, 500 with 1k headshots. Now I only hit like 700 or so in the head and I think that's a crit too.

    Smoke screen is fine. Restricting it would ruin it.

    Telport I have removed from my warframe entirly. It's not that great, and the flip at the end is annoying since it doesn't follow up into anything other than getting shot.

    As for Bladestorm yeah it's a bit odd sometimes, I have used it in a massive group of enemies, killed two then stopped. it wasn't even the weird elevation thing it just stopped.

  10. I am Shadow.

    I enjoy stabbing backs and long walks on the beach. I own Loki(30) and Ash(30) and hope too get Saryn soon. My tools of the trade are my new Paris(20), Akbolto(24), and Fang(19). I am a menace too the Grineer. I also have the Hek(15) and Gorgon(30) for when stealth is not the goal. I also have the Afuris(30) for when I my enemies need to be put through the shredder. When my Fangs won't cut it I have the mighty Gram(28) too split my foes in two. My Shade defends me with it's life, restoring my shields and hiding me so my enemy draws their attention elsewhere. Every one of these are supercharged but my Afuris.

    Though this latest update has weakened my fellow Tenno and I, we will rise again too peirce the Grineer's armor, shut down the Corpus' machines, and Neutralize the Infestation. While my allies shine bright I am what they cast behind your back. I am the who when you ask who's there. I am the darkness. I. Am. Shadow.

  11. One thing really think they need too change is how quickly an enemy can alert the whole ship as well as lock down, as it is as soon as they get too that panel you're screwed. And even then if they shoot you and you kill them before they get too a panel it seems like the rest of the ship knows anyway cause when you go into the next room they are all in cover.

    I love the stealth in this game, but as it is right now you just can't use it much because it's really really hard not too be spotted once through out a whole mission.

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