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Posts posted by veloSylraptor

  1. 2 hours ago, Gweredith said:

    How is Parazon all of a sudden able to reconfigure the Grineer loyalty gene strain just by USB plugging it into the Lich?

    You said it yourself: its a Universal Serial Blade. I imagine its universality comes from being able to interface not only with technological machines (like Grineer and Corpus computer systems) but also biological machines.

  2. My bet is on something more dramatic happening. Or at least a much more dramatic way of implementing your two predicted outcome.

    Given how much the writers are drawing attention to the helmet in:

    1. During The Apostasy Prologue when the Lotus takes off the helmet. The camera avoids showing her face and instead does a close up follow of the helmet.

    • You could argue the writers just don't want to show us her face yet, but that doesn't contradict the above statement.
    • Also consider the reasoning behind the decision to do the above. This one is more speculative and has less evidential basis on the text, but one possibility is the suggestion that her face doesn't matter and that it is her helmet that we should pay attention to.

    2. The helmet is then placed inside our personal quarters.

    • The Chimera Prologue shows us that there is significance in her helmet. It was able to give us a vision of Ballas and knowledge of the Paracesis. (At least I think its a vision atm, could be something else).
    • It remains in the above stated position ever since The Apostasy Prologue. Constantly reminding us of it by making it the first thing we see every time we enter our personal quarters.

    Now, the reason I have some doubts about your predicted outcomes is because:

    The attention drawing they did as described above. A lot of media literate people would quickly recognize the placing of Chekov's Gun and the suggestion that this is foreshadowing something. Given DE's history of (at least attempting) to subvert our narrative expectations or at least surprise us in Natah, The Second Dream, The War Within, and the development of the character Natah in the Sacrifice. It seems reasonable to suggest that the way the helmet will play into the future narrative will likely be something a bit less obvious.

    There's also the suggestion from Tennocon where The New War will be about family, the family you chose or the family you're born with. Now, I don't personally want to speculate on this part, but here's some facts and questions that you may want to consider in your hypothesis:

    • The Lotus rejected Hunhow, if only because of the helmet (if we assume the significance of the helmet, which is not unreasonable given her immediate chance in attitude the moment the helmet is taken off).
    • Hunhow is in the cephalon weave the last time we saw him.
    • What is the familial structure of the sentients? What does it mean when Natah calls the sentient mothership "mother"?
    • The reason I bring up that last question is that this mother daughter relationship seems socially constructed and not "biological" which has interesting implications if we want to understand Sentient culture and society.

    The last point above is because sentients reproduce by fission(something stated in the wiki, which I can't find citation for so I'm not particularly sure on this one), which makes it impossible for Natah to have two "biological" parent. Given how:

    • 1. In the Second Dream the Lotus indicates that he can invade her mind because Hunhow can influence any part of himself
    • 2. Hunhow refers to her as "the last of my womb"

    It seems very likely that Hunhow is her "biological" parent.

  3. 11 hours ago, Jax_Cavalera said:

    https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Primary  Hmm I guess my arguments found legs to stand on.. called facts.. love to see a MR0 player whip out their Tiberon Prime for a spin.

    Your argument is also irrelevant. Even if we assume your position is correct for the sake of argument, that "MR already gives advantage to players." That is not an argument to increase the advantages granted by MR. You would have to come up with arguments actually related to increasing the advantages tied to MR.

    Just because something is already a certain way is not in itself an argument to make it that way more.

    "Well, the kitchen is already on fire. Why not let the house burn down?"

    "Well, crime already happens anyway. Why not let it happen more by relaxing laws and enforcement?"

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, nslay said:

    EDIT: As in, Lotus pretended to be Margulis to lure Ballas in to set off this series of events whereby we end up killing Natah and somehow repairing Natah or making a new sentient body for her to parasitize through the helmet.

    If we're going to speculate, I would agree that the helmet would be a good point to focus on. Considering how its been sitting in our personal quarters all this time, right in front of the door, the first thing you see when you enter your room, constantly reminding you its there. Feels like a Chekov's Gun to me.

    • Like 1
  5. There are some flaws in the implementation, but overall seems excellent:

    - Melee and gunplay really do flow really well in the new system, effortlessly switching between shooting and slashing makes the combat feel a lot more dynamic. Now, some of this was already there with quick melee, but having access to the full potential of the melee weapon is a really nice addition. 

    - I really appreciate the removal of the weapon switch delay and the need to press a key to switch to melee:

    - The weapon switch delay was way to burdensome which causes many people to simply use quick melee because it is instant.

    - Also greatly appreciate the removal of the switch to melee key, which significantly improves the flow in 2 ways. It decreases the delay in response time from when I want an action to happen to the action happening, as not pressing a button is inherently faster than pressing a button. It is also less restrictive on other controls, as needing to press the melee switch key means that finger cannot be somewhere else pressing another key which practically disables the key that finger was used for during the duration of that keypress.

    - Auto blocking is also appreciated. Going into melee is inherently risky, so having damage reduction at least in the direction you're attacking is a good mitigation of some of that risk.

    Now for some flaws to point out and suggestions:

    - The new melee system fails to consider if you're carrying an item (Datamass, Power Cells, etc). Picking them up causes you to switch to secondary as usual. The problem happens when sometimes the game remembers your primary weapon and returns you to primary when you shoot causing you to drop the item.

    - Aim glide could be contextual. If you have a melee weapon out, the game could let you glide in melee mode without pulling out your ranged weapons to allow for continued blocking. Shooting to bring out your ranged weapon is explicit enough I would think, whereas trying to aim glide might not mean someone wants to pull out their ranged weapon.

    I greatly appreciate this addition and look forward to the complete implementation of the new system. When I started playing the game I did experiment with melee weapon stances and combos, they were fun. As I got further into the game however, I figured out that switching between them was way too slow and ended up just using quick melee where the melee attacks are instant and reliable; it hits immediately when I want to hit. This new implementation of the melee system allows me to enjoy the full breadth and depth of melee weapons again, as it conforms to the typical pacing of Warframe, fast and fluid.

  6. Well, in case the above descriptions still leave you desiring to learn more:


    The short of it is that you're buying their debt from the Corpus which entitles you to collect on the principal, interest, collateral, and/or other stuff included in the terms of the contract. Of course, the system is set up as an alternative way to gain reputation with the Solaris, so you're basically buying their debts and forgiving them.

    Emphasis on buying, you're not paying back their debt, you're buying the rights to it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Double standards much? Nobody forces you or anyone to do anything. If it is such a torture, then why did you even put yourself through it? Are you a masochist? 

    I find it really hilarious anyone would get so mad at something so stupid, even more so because you can easily get to decently high MR passively leveling stuff. 

    MR grind isn't a problem unless you make it one. If you do everything in your power to hate it and make every choice you can to make it a pain in the ass, shockingly, you will hate it and it will be a pain in the ass. 

    This kind of idiotic stuff only has as much weight as you give it. If you have the habit to give unimportant stuff a bloated out of proportion weight, it's on you, not on the game.


    Double standards what? if I the weapon looks interesting then I'll try it, if it doesn't then I don't care. Cause guess what, if I want to do it then I'm not forced to do it, I'm only forced to do it if I'm made to do it against my desires. As I have stated in my previous post, I went through it because the rest of the game is enjoyable. Everything but the MR grind.

    And again,

    "This kind of idiotic stuff only has as much weight as you give it. If you have the habit to give unimportant stuff a bloated out of proportion weight, it's on you, not on the game."

    You don't get to decide what other people consider (un)important. You don't get to decide what other people consider proportional weight.

    There is no choice to be made here, they either level up their MR or they don't get the weapons they want to enjoy the game. A choice would be to choose between grinding MR or not grinding MR. Holding the desired enjoyable gameplay hostage behind the MR grind is not a choice, its a mandate at best, and coercion at worst.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Citation needed, looters tend to attract a LOT of collectors 😄

    This MR cavalcade has been blown hugely out of proportion. MR has only some value up to 16 or so where you unlock every possible piece of gear in the game. And even then if you're not into endurance most weapons in the MR 6-10 range can easily do everything in the game, and those ranks you can achieve so fast you don't have to even try. 

    If anything the only reason i grinded almost everything is that every even MR level gives you a loadout slot, which is something i use a lot (one for each frame basically). Everything else is completely pointless. It's sort of like a passive account level with basically no implications. I don't know why people get so incredibly worked up on something so inconsequential. 

    How does looters having a tendency to attract collectors dispute the fact that it also has a tendency to force other people to do stuff they don't want to do?

    The reason people get so worked up is because of the torturous experience they were put through to get to the parts of the game they want, be it weapons, quests, etc.

    Most weapons in MR 6-10 range being able to easily do anything in the game is relevant, how? I had to get to MR 14 to get the weapons I want, because aesthetic, style, and feel is the most important characteristic of weapons, performance has nothing to do with it.

    If your argument is that people don't need weapons at higher MR, well, people don't really need to do anything. People don't need to play the game, or eat, or even survive. They do it because they want to. And they are getting worked up because that what happens when you force people to do stuff they hate just to get to the parts they want, it only builds bitterness and resentment.

    Luckily I have passed that phase, I got all the stuff I want, and I will likely never have to go through that again.

    I'm speaking out more in sympathy to the people who have yet/are still going through that torturous slog, if nothing else to let them know they're not alone. That there are people like them playing the game. So yeah, I would agree with your last point that its a passive account level with basically no implication if you already have all the stuff you want unlocked. And people still going through this can at least take comfort in the fact that just like everything else, MR grind is finite, just like everything else in existence it will eventually end. Then they can finally play the game they enjoy.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

    Dont expect you wear it longer than one or two games. There is hydron for that kind of people. Also you dont HAVE to increase your MR. You can do all kind of things with MR 6 or so. If you want to unlock new weapons  then yes. It's a lot better than other level systems.

    I don't have to anymore, you're right about that. I did have to do it before I managed to unlock the weapons I want, and I sincerely hope I won't have to do it for future quest content.

    And I'm not disputing the benefits it has over other level systems, I'm pointing out that parts of the implementation is bad because it has a good chance of forcing people to play the game in a way they find most unenjoyable.

  10. 4 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Man, the negativity! Lol. 

    How quick does a "this is why I love X" turn into "this is why I hate X and it should never exist"

    I know it sounds like a lot of negativity, but it really comes from a place of love, not of hatred. Take my main statement for example:

    "MR grinding is the single most torturous grinds I've ever experienced."

    Implicit in that statement, is a glowing praise for the rest of the game. Why else would I suffer through it if I didn't enjoy the game enough that I consider it worth suffering through? I love everything else about the game, everything but the MR grind.


    And for people saying, "just have one of your weapon slots with an MR fodder."


    It deprives me the option of using what is supposed to be in that slot; most importantly, all the weapons I equip are part of the style, being forced to use other weapon breaks the style, and that is unacceptable.

    You don't get to decide what other people find acceptable, you don't get to decide that not being able to use the same dozen weapons and frames for the entirety of my playtime is not a travesty.

    And you certainly don't get to decide that people should be open minded about trying new weapons and frames. This game doesn't exist in a vacuum, we've had prior knowledge and experiences from other games. We know what we like, we know what we expect, and we know the experience we're after. So do us a favor, don't assume we can't possibly know if we would like a weapon before try it, cause we certainly can. I'm sure you don't have to try sticking your hand into the mouth of an alligator to figure out its a bad idea.

    • Like 1
  11. 59 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

    The real brilliance of MR is that it conditions folks to grind for/buy complete junk like the 3 identical k-drives to get the MR out of them.

    The starting capacity change is one of the best things DE has ever done, but that's only because we're stuck with this tedious level, forma, repeat grind.

    * Honorable mention goes to gilding as a further incentive to buy a prefab Moa, Kitgun, or Zaw to skip a leveling pass while completely defeating any possible "fun" of a modular system.

    In Monster Hunter World I can build whatever I have the materials for, slot the skills I want from my available decorations, and immediately enjoy using it to full effect...there's a reason I played MHW 4 times more than WF last year.

    So basically I reject your premise...MR might be good for DE in order to keep people playing in the absence of meaningful/engaging new content...but it's not good for players as the only way to increase your MR contributes to folks spending a lot of their "play" time psuedo-leeching at the Draco du jour because of the nonsense way affinity works.

    I agree with the above, I'd also add that MR grinding is the single most torturous grinds I've ever experienced. Its not the grind I have a problem with, mind you. Its being forced to grind with stuff(frames/weapons) other than the ones I like and want to use.

    Cause if I could do all the grinding with the stuff I actually enjoy, then its play, an enjoyable experience I actually play video games for. As opposed to work, where I do it just to unlock the weapons I want and that's it, never again. I only hope they don't start locking the cinematic quests behind some stupidly high MR, as that is one of the content I care most about.

    I would agree with the OP's point that being able to freely change your setup in terms of frames and weapons is a good thing. However, being forced to spend time with frames and weapons you don't like and will never use beyond the needed affinity to unlock the stuff you actually want is bad.

  12. 48 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

    Opt-in is what would prevent newbie stompage.  That would mean you have to go into the settings and turn on the ability to get invaded.  "Opt out" is the opposite, you have to choose to remove yourself as a target because invasions are turned on by default.

    I think they just said the exact same thing in different words.

    58 minutes ago, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    But lets just make it default to opt-out to avoid new players getting stomped.

    the opt-out by default part, so yeah, you have to turn it on to opt in.

  13. 31 minutes ago, AzureScion said:

    Here it costs $500 at the very least. You know, taxes and stuff. Indonesia btw.

    $300 would net me a used scarred PS4 

    Do you happen to live in Jakarta btw? I don't know about prices in the provinces, but I did a quick look up, and in Jakarta you can probably get a PC that would handle more or less medium settings at 1080p (being conservative with my estimates here). Unfortunately it does cost about Rp 5.000.000 just for the PC(no monitor, keyboard, mouse, speaker), so a bit more expensive than some used PS4, but appreciably cheaper than a new one. If you're really trying to press the budget down, a secondhand PS4 is probably what you'd want (an Xbox One costs about the same, so...). 

    Edit for clarity: its an AMD A8-9600 based with 8GB of Ram, so not the best, but it should handle Warframe just fine

  14. Hi, I'm selling a Smeeta Kavat.

    Fennec Fox head, Peacock Tail, White eye color, Executioner Grey fur color


    I'm looking for around 150p for both imprints, but we can negotiate the price.


    Message me on the forums, or add me in game with a note.


    NOTE: The Genetic Imprint preview has a bit of a misleading lighting, look below to see how it actually looks in the game







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