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Posts posted by (XBOX)Xorthromauth

  1. 19 minutes ago, Daxturus said:


    All that DE has to do is convert damage from an int to an int64 value. Sure, the game might take up a little bit more RAM, but that's all. Then the max damage will cap off at 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 instead of 2,147,483,647.


    What exactly would be the point in upping the damage cap? You can already one shot the majority of content most players play. 

  2. - Invisibility abilities turn enemies invisible instead of the player

    - Spy consoles actively resist your hacking attempts

    - When playing in the void, you periodically die for no explicable reason, even if you're completely isolated

    - Revivals no longer deduct affinity, instead you are charged a fee in platinum

    - Occasionally Ordis will try to kill you in the orbiter 


    ...wait, are we giving DE ideas for those mods?

  3. I recently (fifteen minutes ago) decided to get my Valkyr Prime build in order. She's alright up to level 150 or so right now, but I'm trying to get her much further. I've already got an ideal setup for all the mod slots but the aura. The 60% melee damage from Steel Charge looks good, but the 30% off enemy armor from Corrosive Projection looks like it would be better in higher levels. Any suggestions?

    And as a side question: does Berserker work with Hysteria?

  4. Well, I'm that Mesa that kills everything and haven't had anyone complain or get mad with me. Like everyone else has said, they usually just stand around, or go clear a part I can't see, or gather loot, or even buff me. I don't even really see why you'd complain about Mesa for her killing ability, because unlike Ember, Banshee, Saryn, and some others, her ability only covers where she is looking, not all around her, and she can't kill enemies she doesn't have some visual on, meaning she doesn't take away from other's ability to play the game how they want to as much.

  5. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)EpICFreeDoMZz said:

    Anytime I get a coupon I always go to buy something? Its usually either armour, a noggle, a syndana or something cheap cool. My problems are why are there no armour sets and why does popular have things that I doubt are popular. For example currently the gunsen, quartakk and Stubba. I very much doubt these items are being bought from the market which makes me doubt why they are in popular. Surely things that are actually being bought by players should be there instead. Plus seeing other people buying certain things would definitely influence me to spend my platinum on these things. 

    As for the armour sets if you go into the subsection named "Armour sets" there are no armour sets in there. There's armour parts ie shoulder pads, chest plates and leg plates but no full sets. Im fine with them being there separately in case say you only wanted one but why is there no option of the full set. That's the entire reason I avoid buying armour. I'd be  happy to spend the full price for a set.

    Bundles can't have coupons applied to them because you're already getting a deal off buying them individually (though technically you could just buy each item with a 50-75% if you really wanted to save that much). I think the Popular section is more so based off what's new, but looking at what's there makes sense since some people (apparently enough people) don't want to farm for the weapons, and the cosmetics make sense given they're new and cool. There are armor sets though, they're found in the Bundles tab under Cosmetic Bundles.

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