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Posts posted by Maian_

  1. It's a f2p game, that's why 3 packs are sold for 35pl, the only thing that could be improved is to lower the price a little, maybe 20 or 15pl to make them more attractive, buy it 

    In my case I am not complaining, I have 370 forms,

    And remember that you can use the foundry from the cell

  2. Inaros went from being the immortal king to being the paper king, since the rework before he died once in a while, now he dies 2 or more times per mission when it is the same mission the same build, I think he needs more armour base or the passive gives him extra damage reduction to compensate for the shield gating and overguard, Or as I said in another post, have a death lock at 500hp as similar shield gating



  3. I think the only thing that would improve in my case is the circle of 4 is reduced but to at least 50% of the screen and it is not so small
    and be able to use the other skills while using the 4

  4. Create a ship or helminth upgrade that gives us an argon refrigerator that gives us 10 argon slots, and every 5 RM of another 2 slots for RM 30 are 22 argon slots always to be used,
    or give us 5 slots plus 1 slot for each RM to have 35 slots at RM 30
    and even so, I don't know slots for platinum 100PL 10 slots and each extra slot 10PL the truth is I would pay them, up to 1000PL I would pay for this improvement

  5. suena bien pero creo en mi caso, seria mejor un encadenamiento de misiones, al estilo mazmorra, tener que abrir puertas o activar objetos en cierto orden de ir y venir por el mapa encadenando, y o un pool de misiones y cada habilidad que quieras cambiar de un warframe sea una cadena de 5 misiones entre encadenadas al estilo de riven (podrian ser las 5 misiones en el mismo "mapa como si fuera un reto") para al final poder desbloquear esa habilidad en ese warframe (y tiene que hacer la misiones el mismo warframe que vas a querer usar) (modo hardcore limitar los mods o sin mods ni arcanos y solitario), y asi para poder cambiar todas las habilidades de todos los warframe en uno que te guste.

    aun que creo seria semi imposible hacerlo asi, del lado del jugador, por que si te toca hacer 15 remates y despues elimimar 10 enemigos sin alertarlos, sin poder tener sigilo, o tal vez spots de sigilo burbujas estilo ivara por el mapa y los enemigos tengan como pauta de movimiento y vision para poder lograr este tipo de misiones, otra que doleria, 3 tiros a la cabeza en el aire o alguinas mas que son dificiles.

    para mi seria un inaros, que espero le metan rework y sus habilidades usen vida, le meteria la nube de wukong (la duracion escale con fuerza >.< o minimo dure base 5s),  el aura de sevagoth y el despojar de nekros jajajajaja,
    ya de ahi tendria 3 configuraciones de helmito normal con disecar, otra con xata y otra con hackeo de helmito

  6. casi nadie usa el chat en español, pero los tier suelen ser que en una mision de defensa Earth/Lith enemigos griner nivel inicial 1-3 y una mision de defensa de Venus/Tessera con enemigos corpus inician en nivel 3-8, tienen la misma rotacion AABC, pero tienen diferente loot por ser diferente planeta y diferentes enemigos

    pero suele ser mas importante las rotaciones de drop, depende el tipo de mision, o rotacion es el drop que puede dar, esta la pagina de drops que te dice rotacion ABC lo que puede caer y depende el tipo de mision cada oleada es la rotacion.
    el drop de rotacion es AABC

    en survival cada 5min es una rotacion
    en excavacion cada excavadora es 1 rotacion
    en interrupcion es cada que completas 4 o con fallas es una rotacion
    en defensa cada 5 oleadas es 1 rotacion
    en interceptacion creo es cada 1 carga es una rotacion (nunca hago interceptaciones)

    ah y en esta wiki podrias ver los tier 

  7. I like the new passive, having a health control of at least 2500 should exist or less than 500, this is a problem of inaros being 100% life several times I have been oneshoted.

    Inaros' abilities should cost life 100% agree maybe not % if not direct life

    Making the 4th ability part of the passive sounds interesting. Maybe it is not overhealt as such, but rather mechanics based, new scarab armor is 750 armor, when you gain 2500 life, and every 500 extras gain 250 armor up to 2-4 times, but as I say without real overhealt only as a mechanic without having the benefit in life. To know what level we are at, a scarab could appear, with 1 charge it is the 1st phase and each phase already gets 1 extra charge, just to know if we are with the mechanics or not. when activating heal gating, lose the charges and start over, and the passive is invulnerable to magnetic and nuller domes

    1ST ability I see it well as it is, increase the base duration by about 3s and raise the range, it does not usually reach the sentient ones that fly when being below them, cost 100 Life.
    -Eliminate an enemy with finishing, affects the surrounding enemies with the same ability. augment

    2ND Convert the enemy a maximum of 3 in sand soldier, heal inaros and companions 1% of maximum health for each second they are alive, they are invulnerable and last 5/7/11/15 seems correct to me, cost 175 life.
    -sand soldiers are elite, and have increased damage, augment

    3RD I really don't see any use for it and I don't like the change, I would look for a more beneficial change for inaros, perhaps one of mobility in the wukong style, which would make perfect sense being the king of the sands, become a cloud of arena, 2/4/5/6 (I know maybe it would become the most used warframe), but I like inaros. I only use wukong for the cloud, cost 125 life.
    -costs 250 life, lasts twice as long, (if it lasts as base 2.5/3/3.25/3.5), augment

    4TH I think that the dome of sand would be interesting, in my case I think that from the outside they can't hurt you because they can't see you and inside the enemies have a limited range, so they attack melee. 16 meter radius and 20/22/25/30, seem correct to me, cost 325 life,
    -heal 2% of max health, augment
    -deals damage to enemies inside the dome and they are open to finishing moves, augment

  8. En 29/4/2022 a las 10:10, xMarvin732 dijo:

    Thats a terrible idea if you use a PC with other people..

    It can be optional for those who want to activate it, that is, you have to select if you want to activate autologin, so if you share the PC as you say, you would not have to activate it.


    En 29/4/2022 a las 18:52, sam686 dijo:

    I would like to see an option to allow option to auto log in when using a Warframe's linked steam account. Not required but just an option to save time.

    PS4, Xbox and switch have this automatic log-in with just 1 or 2 button press, no password needed. Their console's PSN / Xbox / Switch account can save log in information to avoid having to frequently put in password should they chose to do so.

    Repeatedly typing passwords very frequently have higher chance of putting password to wrong location such as a public chat in multi monitor setups. Some live streamers have mistakenly typed password to wrong location, showing the password to the whole world.

    That's exactly what I mean, in my case I don't know what happens but when I enter, some days I put the password wrong about 4 times I think it's my shft button that doesn't work well, and if I believe on 2 occasions I have put my password on twich stream, without being a streamer

    • Like 4
  9. please add auto-login without using a password, and if you use trade or purchase that requires platinum then ask for a password or pin and keep it like maybe 1-3hrs before asking again, or if you exit and enter the game , and use trade again.
    or also put auto-login for 24 hours, only use the password the first time of the day that one enters the game, the others are automatic, but I think it would be better to use a pin if you have auto-login activated.

    • Like 14
  10. last week try hidrolist 2 times all spells bloqued 

    one on tenno no spells no ctrl no space no mouse clicks no T for say team, down and warframe work press 5 and again not work more and same on warframe not work and tenno work

    today morning try again, and no can play spell buged only use scooter for try re work other times worked, and drop map to down 

    this night again try to kill and same bug spells again and try up arch wing down spells bug, up scooter down and drop map just on kill 3/3 again
    plis fix or add optin to respawn in cetus plis

    try to dead no work

    plis fixed 

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