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Posts posted by eragon1581

  1. DE is there anyway to either further increase the rate at which mutagen samples drop again or to overall just reduce the cost of the hema research I find that the fact that the hema is so close to the beginning of the infested research lab queue rather discouraging to players who are trying their best to attempt to farm up the 5000 sample cost as even with a booster I roughly got 300mutagen samples and that is with a drop chance booster, resource doubler, and even a nekros and hydroid with pilfering swarm over 1 solid hour of farming. meaning in order to get the hema it would take 17hours of straight farming logically in order to get one weapon...and that's just at the rank of ghost....I can only imagine the tens of hundreds of hours that larger clans have to pour in to get that weapon completely payed off. while yes I understand that some clans have already payed the research off and have achieved this goal it is an unrealistic expectation for smaller clans to try and afford when people have lives outside of gaming and are only online for 1 or even 2 hours a day maximum. please take this into consideration as you review your next couple of builds and hotfix the game. 


    Hey DE staff my friend and I came up with an idea for a rework to banshee...now before scott gets the ugly stick out and beat banshee to death with it ( lol just kidding scott you are an awesome developer) please hear out our unique new spin to banshee in the form of a rework:


    Banshee rework ( eragon1581 & setha007 (founder) )


    First lets start off by saying banshees silence needs to be a passive rather than an ACTUAL ability that takes up a precious slot for abilities.


    We thought of revamping her skills to make her more of a support/caster than she currently is.


    Below are the listed ability ideas and names:


    1. Amplify or Acousitcs (take your pick in name) : banshee emits sound waves ( casting radius affected by range mods) that buff nearby teammates and herself based on what you choose (like ivara’s quivver but based on different tones due to her being a sound frame, example: soprano, alto, that kind of thing) these buffs include: increasing power strength, Increasing power range, increase power duration, and finally increased power efficiency ( capped out at 20% but cannot stack with max efficiency on frames with max efficiency already)

    2. Sonar: stays the same as being one of her more useful abilities

    3. Dampening Aegis: banshee holds her arms out forming a barrier of pure sound energy that absorbs damage for a set amount of time (3 seconds or maybe more) and converts the amount of damage into an increase of armor (adding a max of 100 more armor). Banshee is not completely immune to damage while absorbing damage but takes reduced damage while it is storing up. Once the absorption is maxed out or if the player toggles it off early ( in order to avoid dying and to get the armor buff early for survivability purposes) the energy can be released as an attack similar to Inaros’ scarab shield but instead with a quick conal knockdown.

    4. Feedback: (a combination of sonic boom and sound quake) you tap the 4 key in order to use sonic boom and hold 4 in order to toggle on sound quake. While having sound quake toggled you can then hold down on the left mouse button to stand up and let out a deafening roar in a cone causing knockdowns and moderate damage with with the pro of being able to move around and stunlock enemies or even ragdoll them if they stay in contact with the cone for long enough. Another perk of this ability would be that the energy drain per second would increase based on your duration ( higher duration means less drain whereas lower duration would give you higher drain). The biggest drawback is that you will not be able to stunlock enemies outside of the cones radius while you are walking around with this howl.


    Thanks for all your hard work DE we love the game! We just think banshee needs a little love <3!


    P.S. DE staff please send eragon1581 a message on the forums showing you at least saw our Idea :)

  3. any chance of a banshee rework to go with her beautiful premium skin coming out? 

    any chance of an oberon rework as well?

    possible countdown till kavats? 

    please tell us more about the growing flappy flappy in the back of our ships! :( 


  4. How are the kuvats coming? can we get a little sneak peak at how they are progressing? also final question, will a rework for banshee come with her new skin? I pray to the lotus that it does >.< and hopefully on the terms of reworking her kind of like excal, take out silence give it to her as a passive keep her sonar, move sound quake as her third and give her a new ult. just a thought :D I can't wait to see what you guys have been thinking up for the new year :)

  5. when I try to go back to the quest in the codex it gives me the option to replay cinematic but when i click the button nothing happens. I believe we has a bug, you guys did really good though. The Second Dream makes me want thirds and fourths at this point lol


    Easy there man, take a chill pill jesus! DE is busting their butts to help us so try and be patient for god's sake. I get your excited for the update but calm the heck down. shouting and getting upset isn't going to help things move faster, if anything it will just get you banned. Not trying to be a jerk just think people need to get off DE's back in all honesty.  

  7. DE just to let you guys know that the entire storm clan (TheVoidSpeakers) that I help manage would like to let you know that we appreciate all your hard work and we ask that you please continue to work. You guys are amazing and we would like to thank you so so much and we hope you get some sleep after working your butts off.

    Also it is 8:50pm on the east coast so there is still time :). So everyone please give DE some space and continue to be patient

  8. Hello developers I thought of this idea when i was playing warframe during update 14 and I believe that I have come up with a wickedly cool idea. I thought of the idea of switching frames and weapons in battle by the use of a gear idea that we would have to build but it would be reusable, I call it "The Orbital Drop Pod" what you would do is you could use the item once per mission and then it would have to recharge until the next mission but you could change your frame and weapons and then the pod would evaporate into thin air allowing you to go from rhino with a shotgun to a mirage with a penta the main restriction would be that wouldnt be able to use it while your facing a boss so as soon as the cutscene would end it would cut off capabilities of being able to switch from one frame to another quickly and efficiently. DE I really think this would be amazing to add to the game but I know that you have alot of bugs to fix and your doing a great job so please just consider this idea and who knows maybe this can get added to the next update or a hotfix? I don't know Thank you for your time 


    ~sincerly Eragon1581 


    p.s thanks for being so devoted to the game you guys have really done well hope your coffee will keep you going :3

  9. umm the loyality isnt fixed on my dog ....i have been trying to raise his loyality for the past day and nothing has happened i have been petting him through the incubator when he is an adult and his loyality doesnt flinch at all he was at 60% and then stalker popped up and insta killed him lowering his loyality even further i understand the devs are working on this update but plz fix this i cant bring my dogs loyality back up even if i pet himn then take him to low level missions just in hopes that it would work but it didnt so plz DE rectify this 

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