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Posts posted by BadPoetry

  1. "It's not a racial issue", says the man who a page ago complained about the prevalence of pale characters and when a character who broke this model by being black was presented, proclaimed "racism is over" mockingly. I'd be with you if this was a simple issue of not enough enemy variance, which is a problem (bosses are still getting tweaked and newer models to make them more unique), but YOU made this a racial issue. There seems to be this opinion in the modern day that everything has to be politically correct, that there needs to be an abundance of character diversity. Now, if this was for the sake of appealing to your audience by including a certain gender of racial group, then that's fine. However, trying to argue that designers should alter their visions to fit your own vision of diversity when it is really not necessary is a big no-no. The Tenno are faceless character we don't identify by skin-tone but by the armor and powers they wield. The Grineer are sickly, twisted abominations and the Corpus are mostly masked and shielded individuals who are driven by profit. While the generic enemies are pretty stale, I don't think any of that comes from the fact many of them share the same skin tone.


    There needs to be diversity in enemy design, but it has nothing to do with skin tone. Back peddling from an issue you brought to the helm of the discussion doesn't make your argument look any more convincing, either.


    True I got irritated at the dismissal by using one screenshot I missed from a trailer that isn't even using in-game models because I felt like everyone was going tokenism about race and lost focus. My bad, but it hasn't been dropped since. My issue is much more on that apart from that trailer there has been no sign of any variance in this area and there isn't any adequate explanation, something that's only worsened by the fact that there is confirmation that not every human is sick looking and pale. General enemy variance as well as Warframe and boss designs and so on is a much more significant issue to me though and I'm not looking to imply DE is being racist(?).


    Once twice three times a lady white skin is not a sign of caucasianism and stop saying it is, that wasn't really the initial intention of the thread even if I contributed to it taking that direction.


    This is infinitely more useful to reply to than a stupid reaction gif.

  2. The female frames, yes of course there are some standing points like tablehead banshee,

    but the only somewhat difference you could talk about is ember with a big point-out on the hips which is the same thing just with a hat.


    It's funny because Ember reminds me of Tauban from Star Driver, which is the signature of an overly fabulous male whose title literally translates to Galactic Prettyboy. Kind of irrelevant but yeah, there really isn't much variation in female frames, they all have the same basic body shape, which is something used to great effect as they're varied in the male frames. Sexism? Maybe all the people drooling over Saryn apply but otherwise nah, its really just oversight in design to me. I don't think Ember's chun-li thighs are sexualisation, but they are pretty much all you can say about her body shape. It's majorly bugged some people though, and I can see how it might.



    Whilst i kinda agree with the OP all i keep seeing is MMO MMO MMO


    MMO= MASSIVE multiplayer online.


    4 players on one server does not = MASSIVE.


    Its a TPS co-op. not a damn MMO.


    MMO is a vague term these days. MOBAs sometimes get called MMOs. Off the subject but yeah, it's not sticking to any traditional definition of MMO, but it has RPG elements and a world populated by large amounts of players with a dynamic effect so I think "MMOTPS" or something is slightly better than just one of either term. It's not that relevant but its an interesting discussion. Use whatever fits in your mind.

  3. If I skipped your post, my bad, its a lot to read and respond to and I think I hit the majority of appropriate responses just from these.


    Whitewash of characters:

    - Tenno = unknown race

    - Infested = mutants

    - Grineer = a mush of all races of earth that have been cloned. No unique character traits.

    - Corpus = the only "human" race seen. And realistically, they are the bad guys. Look at Alad V. He is a white, high pitched voice, "frilly" aristocrat. Why wouldn't he be white (I say this as the czars, pre-revolution French, Spainish royalty, etc.) have been.

    I think that aspect is overblown, but should DE ever reveal the Tenno underneath the suits, it would be well within character to show them as "the people" and a wide mix of races.


    I don't want to fob off the other points you made because they're good, but to focus on this one I just made a post about what I mean elsewhere. "Whitewash" wasn't the intended problem but I guess it applies, right now, whether intentional or not. I'm hoping they intend to switch things up in time.


    ...But uh, are you implying that bad guys should be white? Because considering everyone's been telling me how racist I'm being for bringing this up, that's actually kind of stereotyped and terrible. I'm hoping that was really bad wording in an otherwise well put response. It's also not even entirely relevant. I'd like not to have this kind of discussion muddy the actual debate.



    I've got to tell... If you start the game by dumping $30 on it all those initial issues go away. Maybe this is DE intention, really. An argument can be made that that assumes that player already knows what kind of game it is. They should probably rework some of the first missions on Mercury to show off game to people who come in blind.

    I do agree it's hard to get people into it.


    Yeah this is actually the problem. And while I'm sorry I'm not quoting the other post on this cause my CTRL+V keys are wearing down, I don't really agree that the MK1 Braton will get you far, but the Braton will. Except the Braton isn't directly upgraded from the MK1 for some reason, its separately created and purchased, as is Boltor. I have no idea why. Lato has two Aklato, Bolto and Akbolto as genuinely decent upgrades that lead into each other as a good intro to other options. It's standard MMO fare to ease people into equipment options from starting gear, but instead its pushed that you should pick something cool blindly for cash. I'm not against premium content, but that's a bit too much.



    Not to ignore the rest of your post, but i have to agree with the OP about this specific point. While i'm a manly man that chops down trees with the forehead and hunts brontosaurus for dinner, i wouldn't mind be called a lady. I wouldn't mind anything, actually. However we cannot tell people what they can and can't be offended by. I can see why some women would mind being called "bro". Hell, even some men don't like to be called that.


    Still i believe that this is a teensy bit off-topic so i'll just leave it at that :P


    I'm not personally fond of it but I feel like that's setting myself up for "HA, HA, SEE?? LOOK YOU'RE JUST COMPLAINING BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT. GET OVER IT." I want to repeat that this is echoing what's been said by others on and off this forum. I don't have to personally agree as long as I don't disagree. That's kind of the thing about discussions as a community: accepting others have differing ideas and tastes, and as long as they don't run against your own there's not really a reason to take up the defence. But for that here's an actual quote from the thread to prove the point.



    I concur with your points, although #4 has irked me in particular.



    I wouldn't say being called 'bro' or 'dude' is at all derogatory or insulting. As others have mentioned, it's mostly a term of endearment or just for general use. That said, my experiences with Warframe have shown considerably more sexism and hostile attitudes from players than any other title I've encountered, above and beyond the usual "omg no girls on the internet" and "gb2kitchen" crap that is rather pathetically deemed standard.


    I don't think this is DE's problem, and perhaps I've just been hitting the bad spots, but this stuff quickly puts a bad taste in my mouth. It's a part of why I've finally packed away Warframe after several hundred hours.



    Gamer culture in general can be more genuinely offensive and often misogynist than it realises, even if a lot is tongue in cheek. Please be mindful that some people just aren't the same as you and have different levels of comfort. Being in the majority is just more reason to keep open to criticisms and complaints made by the minority or else nothing will change. I say this because any argument otherwise around this topic has so far reeked of "if it doesn't inconvenience me personally then it doesn't matter." At the end of the day if someone dislikes being called something, etc., then there's not really any reason if you have respect for them to deny it. I've seen denials and thats the part that worries me more than everyone throwing around "bro" assumingly. Sexism in the game itself is another kettle of fish and I'm not linking it in here.



    wait wait wait.... you didn't know... you get money... for doing missions? I... I am sorry... give me a moment I need to go in this corner and like lean on the wall... While I go through my memory trying to think of ONE GAME that doesn't pay you for doing missions.


    I had an idea but I didn't know what the point of the mission was in the larger sense beyond "someone is telling me to do something". Apparently its just money. Cool. If you're confusing lack of motivation with lack of awareness of how a game works then okay, I suppose I wrote my point out less than crystal clear.



    As to player communication... Hey, IMO Valve did it right with Portal 2. The use of quick access non-verbal colored icon markers can do wonders for getting communication going. Same with "Voice" commands in things like Hi-Rez games OR the early Unreal Tournament games. Go figure something people were doing back in the early 2000s is still a good idea, and when they were often in the same 'roomish' LAN area and could literally yell at each other.


    I would really love to see this imported. Quick select pie controls are becoming a more popular thing lately because surprise surprise it works and quick select commands in online games have been around for ages (Team Fortress Classic/2 both had them, L4D1/2 both made them really shine, but there's loads of other examples.) See this is what I'm talking about when I said improvements to communication.



    so confuzzled about the whole drummed up gender issue... doesnt DE release frames in an alternating male/female frame basis? Isnt LOTUS a female? Arent the Grineer ruled by women, and have female troops? what about DERebecca and DEMegan? The only slight that females HAD (armor rating lower than males, by 25, on that lovely Saryn) got totally removed by the whopping 300 on Valk.


    Warframe has a surprising amount of older, wiser, richer and mature gamers. So we dont have as many immatures running around from what I have seen. Dont make issues where they dont exist. This game couldnt be anymore gender balanced if they tried. As far as underagers smack talking in local, not really a DE problem.


    And for whomever brought up EVE Online... yea. Try playing THAT game and then complain of a learning curve lol... (btw 5 and 1/2 years, over 110m SP, Gallente all the way baby)


    I think you skimmed the thread and invented your own idea of what's being said.



    Maybe your friends aren't really your friends and don't want another channel for you to bother them? 


    +1 for making me laugh. Nah, while I'm using a couple of personal friends as a sample group I know for a fact all these issues are echoed in other threads. I'd rather not dig out individual threads because its a chore, but they're there.

  4. If everyone in the game was black, white or literally rainbow coloured then the observation stands that I find the lack of variation unusual when its been stated there's much more diversity than we have right now. I explicitly mentioned in the OP the Grineer don't count as they're clones with a huge problem of deterioration, homogenity and pretty much only get variation from their own engineering or unexpected mutations, which are usually not beneficial. I also mentioned that nobody is actually human as we are in this entirely different universe and time period. This isn't a racial issue its character design. There's no such thing as the races we have right here, right now. I made a sarcastic comment in regards to the fact everyone was making it a racial issue and ignoring what I'm trying to say, but it isn't. Please stop waving this off as "political correctness gone mad" with a roll of the eyes and a tutting at how clearly ignorant I must be to bring it up. I'm fully aware that thousands of years of cloning and evolutionary pressure leads to changes in what may or may not even still be called humanity. There are many more confirmed ways for factions like the corpus to be like, not to mention other unknown races stemmed from humanity. I'd like to see something new be tried. Maybe a model that looks like they didn't just come off a rollercoaster during the monthly blood donation drive too.


    Repeat: condensing a lack of variation in character design aka the issue actually in the title is not inherently a racial issue. I could talk about how most females in the game have the same body type or how male frames are all tall and broad. I could bring up that everyone in the corpus seems to use the same outfit (this could easily be an indoctrination thing so I won't open it up). I could also talk about how nobody has any variation on things like height, number of functional limbs (I don't even mean lack of, I mean if I could have six robot arms why would I ever not). I focused on one issue that bugged me most and had no genuine explanation for in my mind except the ones people brought up. Except DE confirmed that's at least not a rule in the Corpus, so now I'm left wondering what's holding them back.


    Apparently nobody wants to read a grueling 1.5 pages/title though, so I'll simplify again: this is an issue of character design and I'm not implying anything more ugly. If DE are all somehow wildly racist then I wouldn't know, nothing I have actually seen implies that. I mean if you really want to bring up the issue of representation, fine, but I did so in another thread which while its relevant isn't the same issue, or it'd be the same thread. Bring it up there, where I also added in that skin colour isn't my personal bugbear. If I was saying something like that then:


    a. Naming and shaming is prohibited, as is insulting the staff, as is flamebaiting. I would have made my concerns in non-public ways. Otherwise:

    b. The community mods would have read what was said and taken an action somewhere between just posting about how there's no evidence to support that claim (there isn't) and that posting like that is inflammatory and against the rules, and/or straight up locking/deleting the thread. Both threads have been read over by community mods who have only responded to the actual concerns being brought up, and the only actions taken have been towards inflammatory posters.


    Spoonfeed: why are all the humanoid bosses sickly white cyborgs and how soon until we see a fully implemented Space Octopus 2099 AD

  5. they wouldn't cause people are still just gonna be people. 

    Online interactions in Warframe for me have ranged from great, to downright terrible (basically the same as every other online game that I've ever bothered to get into). 


    There's things to encourage communication like revamping the chat system and making situations that encourage communication/planning. Most defence missions tend to have pre-discussion, why don't other missions need it?

  6. also corpus don't hire womens... so wrong xD


    even so, what really makes me go urrgh, is the void enemies... copy paste characters from other factions... well, this is beta, hope they improve that.


    Its kind of the point, I really like that the Void is a mashup of factions and the really empty feeling of the towers solely populated by little flying AIs that enslave intruders.


    It is kind of conspicuous there's been no mention of a single woman in the Corpus ever, but I guess its a corporate society so of course it's full of gross old men whining about profits more than anything. We're not really supposed to approve of that.

  7. Well how does our skin get darker, what causes that? Sun does, do we get much sun in Warframe universe? No we don't, hence the pale skins everyone has. They also must suffer greatly from the lack of D-vitamin. Another possible way for a human to be black is by genes but even genes causing it will disappear if the people are not being exposed to the sun for centuries due to evolution.


    I posted pretty much seconds before this about that.


    Reiterate: I know how natural selection works for this sort of thing, but since its confirmed that we're not limited to sickly pale guys as a design I'd like to see more variation.

  8. Well, to be fair, when travelling across the stars one doesn't usually get sun exposure (because out in space exposure to the sun without Earth's magnetic field tends to spell certain death and/or super space skin cancer). After many generations of living in controlled environments, the level of melanin in the skin would drop simply due to eventual adaptation. 


    Melanin and dark skin pigments are natural responses/traits that developed over thousands and thousands of years of varying conditions (humans from the north where it was cold had to bundle up to stay warm, which resulted in very little direct sunlight on their skin while people who live towards the equator and in much warmer environments tend to have darker skin as a result of increased sun exposure).


    And for the Grineer, since they're really bad clones, they could lack melanin entirely. :P

    But, I haven't paid their skin tone much attention. Too busy pewpewing everything.


    Bing bing this was the answer I was assuming for the majority. I'm definitely not saying in thousands of years we'll be the same, I'm not stupid, conditions affect this sort of thing heavily and even without engineering, selection is gonna lead to these pale faces, clearly. But since there's confirmed other skin types I'd really, really like to see them being used, even if they too are paler than normal.


    Maybe if there's a new humanoid faction we can explore the kind designs that haven't really been appropriate thus far. I'd hoped that if earth tribals is ever a thing we can see how humans end up with completely different circumstances behind them... though, there is a really unfortunate implication that the less advanced and spacefaring a culture is the darker their skin might end up being on the whole.

  9. 4) I strongly disagree. I love how WF so far has chosen to represent the female frames. Different strokes, I suppose.


    I like that there's no real difference between genders at all, and I don't personally agree they're oversexualised as most of what people are slobbering over is curves and stuff that I don't really relate to sexiness at all as much as frame function and design, e.g. Ember's thighs which I always considered to be taken from Arabic garb; yes female humans have boobs and they're gonna protude in skintight armoursuits as much as Ash and his ninja codpiece. I do dislike that their body types are near identical. Other points withstanding. Remember some of this is second hand opinion and while I might not completely agree I don't disagree.



    Have you seen Volt or Rhino? They have a straight up horn downstairs.


    Rhino isn't the name of the frame.



  10. What are you talking about?


    Monster Hunter has a tediously drawn out and patronising series of tutorials; to the point it almost puts you off getting through them to the actual game.


    I didn't really see any in whichever ones I played but if I'm wrong then apologies. I hope you get what I mean about unintuitive introductions in relation to this game though. If better examples help then randomly naming off, Megaman X and Half-Life 1 & 2 both blend gameplay and tutorials really well without feeling very forced.



    Trust me, man...if it exists. Someone out there will find it attractive in exceedingly creepy ways.


    Well that's a given.


    [sweeps away Alad/Sargas slashfic under the desk]

  11. The fact that they show multiple skins there is racist because everyone else is not the color of your liking? How? So they have a majority of white skinned, I would argue pale, colorless (in the case of the deformed grineer clones) but they also show other skin tones certainly do exist. We barely see any skin on anything to begin with.


    You just said exactly what I said, but, okay.


    I'm not genuinely saying its racist, that was sarcasm that didn't translate from meaning to words so I completely apologise that people took that as a serious thing I was saying. It was based on a meme people post when flimsy arguments are made on issues to do with race, but it was far too strong and out of place, so apologies for blurring the point I was making with bad jokes.


    What I am saying is there is a distinct lack of variation in skin tone in the game, among other things, that I found jarring. I was initially wondering whether there was a reason but it seems its just not not been a feature of anything used ingame yet. I'm not directing this so much at the race of clones, but they're not exempt either.


    What I would suggest is in general some new ideas and variation be used in character design as while I focused on the pale sickly look of most NPCs that have any showing, its a finer point in a bigger issue. Most designs in this game are really interesting and different, but there's elements which repeat themselves a lot and it'd be good to see them being changed up in the future.

  12. Yes, it is bad and needs fixing. DE has made several claims that it is one of their primary goals to amend. We shall see what they have in store (possibly in U12).


    I'm glad, its been a bother echoed by players since I joined.



    While early equipment is not designed to be top of the line fire power, yes there are some things that could be changed to make it much less of a headache. ie. I suggested providing 3 weapon bundles when you first start the game, each one specializing in a different type of play style [(1.) A shotgun, short range pistol, and hand to hand melee bundle, (2.) A sniper, a long range pistol, and a heavy melee/long range melee weapon bundle (3.) Mk-1 Braton, Lato, and Skana in the middle as a bundle]

    And perhaps to take it one step further - having a pool of weapons to chose from that you would start with to create an even more specialized play style according to the player's wants ans needs. (ie. An Mk-1, a long range pistol, and a hand to hand melee)


    This would be nice, but I feel like the Lato/Skana combo with your choice of frame is perfectly viable if they stop nerfing them. The MK1 Braton is absolutely horrible though and you don't even use it for upgrades into decent weaponry like the Lato can be.


    If I was to suggest anything it'd be stop nerfing Lato, add a direct upgrade for the Braton e.g. craft from MK1 to standard Braton, and maybe boost the stat gains as you rank them up, to give players a more definite idea of how levelling works and making the first chunk of grind more rewarding.



    Typing during a fast paced shooter where pausing for even less than 10 seconds can mean you either live or die and risk failing an important mission is both as frustrating as it is foolish. Imagine if this was a PvP game. Yeah, no. Get a game mic. It's an unfortunate issue that would also unfortunately require gameplay to be sacrificed in order to be fixed. Not ideal.


    Yeah, I don't really have a suggestion to fix this except making the UI for this less awkward (being worked on anyway) and encouraging the use of mic, which seemingly nobody does. I'd point the finger more at how communication is deemed unnecessary for the majority of public matches, which is the result of teamwork not being properly implemented. That's something fixable.



    Sure, this can be an issue, but honestly any girl who is offended by being called 'bro' is overly sensitive. It's a term of endearment most of the time, I mean really it's just silly sometimes. Moreover, this is not unique to Warframe as many others have stated. In fact, this is one of the few game where I haven't seen it appear once on any random match I've been a part of. Not one. 


    Let the female players speak for themselves on this issue. I'm not saying DE is sexist or anything, that's untrue speculation and also incredibly rude to suggest, but when multiple people have commented on this stuff then its something worth discussing. "Bro" doesn't bug me either much but, again, let the people speak for themselves.



    The thing is that I play multiple video games (console, handheld, pc) I already had an idea of what to do I'm sure this applies to most of the people here, when I begin a new game I can look back at past experiences to help me figure this stuff out I mean most of this seemed pretty similar to monster hunter.


    MonHun is pretty unintuitive to new players too though. None of the games give a very good overview of some of the necessary features, it just sort of gives you all the options and expects you to eventually work it out. It works for some people but I'm saying how it doesnt work for everyone.


    Edit: Wait did edit 2: the accepted word for people who are not heterosexual seriously get edited out of one of my posts? You know that's not an insult right.

  13. IRL isn't something you voluntarily participate in, or pay for. 


    Video Games are a service. services... service the customer. otherwise they don't make money. 


    Which is why I'm bringing it up, because I want to see this game be polished up and the best it can be. DE gets a more successful and profitable game by listening to the qualms of its playerbase. I don't see how they lose anything by people making criticisms based on their player experience and the experiences of people who didn't enjoy the game.



    Games are too hard.


    OP, you should try playing Eve Online and then come back and complain about accessibility.


    If you don't have the intuition to figure out or research things on your own, you probably shouldn't be playing such videogames.  Not everyone wants their entertainment to be easily accessible to the idiot brigade.



    I feel like you're suggesting that these specific friends, of whom a lot I mentioned have studied games design themselves even to a masters level and working on titles themselves, as well as regularly playing other MMOs, shooters and even definitively complex games like Age of Empires, EVE and whatever, are somehow casuals, idiots and need to lern 2 play.


    I should add that I'm a Dark Souls player. The difference is that game introduces you to its mechanics and shows you what to do and not to do very clearly by punishing you very distinctly for wrong moves. This game just has you perform badly and shuffle along as long as you can move and click left mouse. Please stop resorting to ad hominem.

  14. everyone wants somas and synapses and rank 10 serrations and sentinels coming out of the gate... can you take the time to figure out some things on your own? There isnt a LOTUS IRL following you around telling you what to do and where to go. Its a game. Take the time to enjoy it yourself. YOU. This isnt a race to hit Mastery Level 14. If you spent 30 min reading Region, Recruiting and Trade you would figure out a lot of what the game is about.


     Try doing it yourself.


    I think I reached gamer bingo with "nobody helps you in real life", "learn to play", "I like it so you can't criticise it", "representation doesn't matter" and the free space of "shut up". Please be civil, nobody here except you has made any slight against DE or any other member so far. Everything said has been directed as positive criticism. Chill, reread and stop making this a flamewar nobody has any interest in.


    When I started I figured out the controls pretty easy I just slapped my keyboard a few times and watched my warframe do an action. Isn't the controls menu the first thing someone new would check for in the options?


    The controls don't teach you anything about things like dodge mechanics, parkour, combos, melee, nothing to do with how the levelling systems work, etc. They say absolutely nothing about damage types, though I'm hoping this is just because the mechanisms are a work in progress so they don't want to build anything explaining them yet.


    They're a bit sparse. It's all well and good saying "just look it up" but the fact you don't even know about all these systems, the one I'm gonna pick on being polarities, means you don't know what to look up and you just end up discovering them by accident, potentially much later.

  15. It was just aimed at one of the OP's previous topics.


    Yeah I didn't mean to make it a running theme but I dunno, maybe it really should be considering the feedback here echoing what I said before.



    I know you're kidding but it gave me some serious thoughts.

    One of the Corpus CEOs is black, although in my opinion everyone should be kinda brown. That far in the future we'll probably be a roughly even mix of today's races.

    Alternatively they could make new planetary races for NPCs, like Martians have dusky red skin, Murcurians are jet black, Plutonians are bone white. That kinda thing.


    I'm so glad someone else got my point here instead of gesturing wildly at that 3 second shot of facial textures in a non-in-game trailer to dismiss it.  We've populated all of local space and there's absolutely no variation at all beyond faction level. Ignoring the lack of racial diversity anyway, literally every unit is the same and when given the chance to have a unique design in bosses, its pasty men again, and with femframes, slender builds with prominent racks (not to say the guys don't have a bit of that either... Ash has one hell of a codpiece going on.)



    The NPE needs to be addressed. Having a proper tutorial would go a long way to retaining players past two or three hours.


    Sadly, it doesn't seem to be a priority.


    Yeah I think DE has lost focus on the crucial eyecatch period of the first few hours of the game, extending the endgame for their current playerbase instead of keeping a good first taste to retain new recruits.




    you must not understand what the Video Game Industry is.


    it is a Industry of Service. 

    Video Games are like a Restaurant. you must SERVE your customers if you want them to come.


    not telling players the basics about your game is the same as not offering your customer a table, not taking their order, and telling them to clean their own dishes.


    yes, a player CAN learn a game through trial and error. but a 'tutorial', or other simple explanations of most of the games' systems, is basic customer service. just because they can trial and error their way to knowledge, does not mean they should have to. 


    if you expect a customer to return, you need to service them.


    Thank you for explaining this better than me. It's basic business to make the game inviting. Ok so we all got into it and understand how to play now. Cool. Does that mean everyone can be bothered? No. Maybe you personally don't care or don't even want new players but for those of us who have people we want to invite in or from DE's side of needing new players to sustain their game I don't see why "learn to play noob" is a valid argument. I'm speaking from an analytical standpoint backed up by multiple other people that the tutorial is confusing and provides no decent prompts, with nothing suggesting a course of action to find out due to no hint of a decent guide elsewhere from or in the game itself. I'm criticising, intending as a positive building point not as "slander", they improve on that and some other points in the same manner.

  16. I agree DE needs to do something about the first 3, but 4 is a problem with games in general and sci-fi shooters in specific. Despite 50% of gamers being women these days a lot of men still see it as a boys club. DE is doing somewhat better than the vast majority MMOs so I can't really blame them.

    It's also good that Rebecca and Megan are front and center and are the main voices of DE.

    There are some things that could be better, like a large heavily armoured femframe. It's one of the reasons I'm not a fan Valkyr, she was a chance for them to do something really different but she ended up pretty much the same as the others, even after she was bulked up a bit.


    I should mention in regards to #4 that ignoring the mess ups like randomly deciding #$$ people aren't a thing for romance options, Mass Effect has a lot of diversity in their human cast I feel like shouldn't be an unusual thing. I noticed it in the Star Trek reboot, and the subsequent game... which DE developed? Huh.


    I actually like Valkyr a lot, even if her shape is almost identical to every other femframe while the male frames have quite a lot of diversity... I hadn't even realised that until just now. Damn it DE.

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