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Posts posted by Trouble2NA

  1. Heyo,

    I got into Warframe about 2 weeks ago (fully and completely addicted) with a bunch of friends who quickly put me into a clan that had a total member count of us, lol.

    I'm just looking for a Clan who is chill, has all the Dojo Magical things I may need and is not full of rugrats. 

    As a noob I like that you guys seem active so I can have tons of people to learn from.

    Anyways: Age 28, Army Vet, and generally referred to as a Jackass.

    My play hours are 4:00PM PST - 8:00PM PST

    I would also ask that my buddy Mako82 could come with if accepted. We are both still in that empty clan so I dunno it there is some sort of cooldown or something.

    Thank you,


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