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Posts posted by Marmokia

  1. Hi! I've been really enjoying the recent updates. Wanted to make a suggestion regarding Zephyr's new tailwind- this was a thing before but now that tailwind has so much more duration and range, its becoming more of an issue.

    Basically, when indoors the tailwind can be used to dash through hallways and get to the ceiling to rain fire from above. However, the issue is that the duration of tailwind continues even after you hit a wall or ceiling. this leads to a few seconds of kinda humping the wall and glitching  for a second, unable to move until the dash ends. it's not really a big deal but it'd be nice to be able to dash and have the tailwind stop when you hit a wall. 

    I don't know how hard this would be to implement, as it would require detecting that something is stopping Zephyr? but it would be really great in terms of polish. I wouldn't want Zephyr's duration or the length of the dash to get nerf'd because it's super fun and amazing right now, I just think hitting a wall should stop the effect so you can hard brake. here's a couple alternative ideas-

    • Hitting a wall or ceiling has the same effect as a divebomb, damaging any nearby enemies. You could even make it so dashing directly into an enemy does a bunch of damage, like turning into a missile.
    • Hitting a wall or ceiling stops advancement from tailwind, and transfers any remaining dash duration into the time you hover in the air. this would mean after dashing to the ceiling we would have more time to sit up there shooting with the Kulstar or Lenz or Tonkor or whatever.

    I LOVE using zephyr in the plains now. it's way more fun than Titania or even archwing (because of the lack of brakes on archwing). I'm happy with everything about Zephyr but I wanted to throw this out there to maybe make her a little less clunky in enclosed spaces. Thank you for listening and if there's anything I misunderstood or any additions to this idea please let me know!


    tl;dr make tailwind stop when you hit a wall or ceiling, so that zephyr isn't dashing into it for 2 or 3 seconds like a derp.

  2. The major problem with Gara's abilities compared to Frost's or Limbo's is that enemies physically can't enter the area- In a game like warframe where fast-paced combat is one of the selling points, Gara's abilities literally put a stop to that by making missions a waiting game. It was overpowered, sure, but the main reason it was nerfed was because DE didn't want that kind of game-stopping power in warframe, and I can advocate that point.

    That being said, a lot of people agree that Gara's nerf was a little too far. I would agree with a small bit of tweaking, but try not to be a doomsayer like and say "she's dead, nobody will ever use her again, DE ruined everything" or stuff like that :P

  3. Er, guys? just wanted to point this out since nobody else has- you can use a scanner for the cache missions. it literally highlights them- just take an archwing, use a scanner from above, and find the highlighted caches. DE added that specifically to make them easier, and it really does help. If you guys already knew about this, my bad, but ^^'

  4. Seeing as how they already reverted it once, they wouldn't nerf it again unless there was a good reason. its likely that the actual cause of space program was tied to deeper issues with impact damage- as in, in order to work on other aspects of the damage system, they had to fix that. it was likely an unfortunate bystander, but if everyone yells loudly enough I betcha they'll find a way to implement it as a feature instead of some weird bug.

  5. I was talking to a friend about the lens system currently in place- I thought it would be a viable suggestion to throw on here.

    Currently we are able to get lenses, in my opinion, much easier through the bounty system than before. Basically if we just play PoE normally, without even focusing on them we can get a pretty good amount. They can be traded on the market for plat or for other lenses, which is cool, but wouldn't it also be nice to be able to convert them into the focus of the school they're in? it'd be just like the eidolon shards, and players who have all the lenses they could possibly want would have a relatively good use for them other than trying to sell them for plat. The exact amount of focus you could gain from this would be totally up to devs (obviously) but even if it was a mundane amount it would be nice to be able to do.

    Thanks for listening!

  6. Noticed that the status chance increase for shattering justice is unusually high. I'm too lazy to do the math, but its what, like 130% more status? either way it's not the 20% its supposed to be. Confirmed this issue with other friends, so its not just my game. Haven't tested if this is an actual ingame increase or if the info in the mod screen is just incorrect. I also checked the justice status to see if that increases status at all. Doesn't seem to from what I can tell.



  7. Having shield disruption work on terralysts was a great way to add to strategizing and planning for the hunt. It also made the mod much more useful. It'd be great if it were at least less effective but still worked on terralysts. Appreciate the patch otherwise, great work guys!

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