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Posts posted by Fithvael

  1. Noticed the same problem with the exact same symptoms (can't get on K-Drive near the Pearl, can't grind) soon after the update. The Pearl was still working just a day before. All other grindable surfaces I've tried  (e.g. railing by the roads, Fortuna pipes) seem to be unaffected by the bug - it's just the Pearl. Also, it's not an issue with the default K-Drive specifically - I'm using a custom-built one and the problem still persists.

  2. 24-godzinne alerty z katalizatorami/reaktorami/formami to sztuczne, dodatkowe nagrody po devstreamach. Oprócz tego, te przedmioty mogą się też wylosować jako zwykła nagroda losowego alertu - w tym przypadku, o ile kojarzę, ich czas jest dwukrotnie wydłużany względem alertów o mniej wartościowej nagrodzie (czyli chyba max do 2 godzin zamiast max 1 godzina trwania). Mimo wszystko, 24-godzinny czas trwania dotyczy tylko i wyłącznie owych alertów tworzonych manualnie.

  3. Same reason Fonders gave money to DE and supported the game. Potential.

    And when that potential is threatened, by DE themselves or white knights on the forums, we speak.

    I'm not criticizing you, I'm criticizing Ignaesia. Posting constructive negative feedback is a great thing. Hating another user to the point that you have to actually add them to their ignore list just because they posted a positive comment - is not.

  4. Yet threads doing the same thing, endlessly praising DE and Warframe are untouched. Despite contributing nothing at all.


    Forums are usually negative as forums are for feedback. It's to be expected. If people are enjoying the game they tend to be playing it.

    Sure, because posting an appreciation thread once in a while is such a huge crime, that it definitely deserves blocking and ignoring the author. If you hate this game so much, that you can't stand somebody else posting positive feedback - why do you actually play it?

  5. 1. Nic mi nie wiadomo o jakichś specjalnych bonusach pod tym względem stricte na broniach Stalkera - co najwyżej chyba może to wynikać ze zwykłych przeliczników typów obrażeń i typów pancerza... Więcej o tym jest tutaj: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0 (zwłaszcza warto zerknąć na tabelki).

    2. To nie mob, tylko właśnie jedna z Warframe - konkretnie, Ember Prime.

    3. Zniżki są dostępne jedynie z codziennych nagród. Generalnie, od czasu do czasu można też wygrać platynę w różnych konkursach tudzież za oglądanie devstreamów/primetime'u, Niezłą opcją są też prime accessy, z reguły bardziej się opłacają, niż kupowanie "czystej" platyny - przy czym na nie z kolei nie działają zniżki.

  6. Hello,

    I'd like to purchase a handful of parts.


    So, 43 platinum in total, if my calculations are correct. Please send me a message ingame when you will be available. x)
  7. So, if was a hotfix to a hotfix, judging by it's numbering... I guess, that we need a hotfix for a hotfix that was hotfixing a hotfix...


    EDIT: Everything's working fine again. Thanks for the amazing livestream and the great changes and fixes today. ^^

  8. Proof? If they wanted us to lose, they could force it easily.


    It's not like they WANTED us to lose, more like... Expected it happening on some scale at least. One of the devs (Steve, I believe?) said in the livestream after that event, that they even had the script ready, that was supposed to reduce the resource drops on the planets, that weren't successfully defended against the Grineer Fomorian ship attack.

  9.  Where did you get this "Tethra Project" from?


     Patch notes of some kind?



    Darvo's father (the one, who helped us get revenge on Alad V) mentioned it during the mission. According to wiki, here's the quote:


    "Darvo, we are backed into a corner. Project Tethra will be the death blow! You are needed here. What have these Betrayers ever done for you?!"


    I suppose, that the "corner" he mentions is the current Grineer dominance during the recent events - and on the solar map. So, project Tethra may be either some way devised by the Grineer to finish the Corpus once and for all - or the Corpus' last hope for regaining control over the war they're currently losing.

  10. He's still a spawn camper regardless. That's just a play style that's not approved of by anyone who actually has any common sense. If he's that butthurt over sarcastic remarks that he resorts to using profanity, he's no better than the OP. Bashing the OP doesn't change how bad spawn camping is, lmfao. Doesn't seem like other people care much for the Trinity either.


    Well, I absolutely agree that spawn camping is a nasty habit (though the OP didn't say that the other players were doing that - he just said that they didn't stay in the same room as he did). It's obvious that the ones who proceeded to use the profane language were simple ragers - though I'm pretty irritated with the OP acting all superior and posting a thread like this while he's no better than those ragers - as he was actually the one who provoked them... And continued to do so, by making sarcastic, critical comments towards Trinity despite she has proven him wrong. And no, his sensible comment about staying in the room was not the provocation - but everything else he said, was clearly unnecessary - and meant only to unload his anger on the other team members.


    I'm not saying that the rest of team members did not behave badly - I'm just saying that the OP is as bad as the rest of them and has nothing to brag or be proud about.

  11. The OP didn't suggest that he was "pro" at all. Like the OP, I'm tired of spawn campers myself. All that Trinity is doing is delaying the spawn, not defending the pod, making his or her teammates lose out on xp if he or she is too far, and making the drops fall elsewhere. Plus, the Trinity is the one instigating S#&$.


    Judging someone's overall ability to play basing on a single game shows that OP is quite arrogant. And no, Trinity wasn't the one starting the argument. If the OP really wanted to simply give advice, he'd refrain from all these generalising, sarcastic comments about who knows how to play and how it's a "coop for a reason" (meaning, that in OP's opinion coop = the way he likes to play) - and would just stick with what he said about oxium. Everything else he said lacked merit and was only meant to upset the other players.


    To be honest, if I'd be forced to choose my poison, I'd still prefer a newbie, or a weak player, than an arrogant, conflict-enticing dude.

  12. "Only the Volt knows how to play" just because they didn't play exactly your way, being sarcastic towards Trinity, who has just proven to you that she was actually helping you, creating a forum thread just to whine some more... Dear OP, no matter how "pro" you are (or how "pro" you think you are) - I truly hope that matchmaking will never throw us in the same group.

  13. You mean, it's okay to induce nerf after nerf on excusive event guns, driving them lower and lower, until they can't compete with fresh releases?


    No. But that's exactly why there are public forums, that are being regularly monitored by DE's staff. If you think that a weapon has been unreasonably nerfed, post a thread about it, back your thesis with some arguments - and if your opinion gets supported by a large group of players, DE will definitely reconsider their moves. They have numerously changed various parts of the game due to players' feedback. As for the shotguns, I remember when they have overnerfed their spread a few months ago - but after various feedback threads, large part of that "nerf" has been removed.


    The OP, however, wants DE to promise, that they will NEVER-EVER nerf his favourite weapon, no matter what happens. There is no professional gaming company, that could honestly make such a promise.

  14. I could not say it better.

    Little nerf is still a nerf. The problem is the "fear" of get a new nerf in my strun wraith.


    Yes, your strun wraith CAN be nerfed in the future. The same goes for any other weapon, ability, mod, or warframe. You are not supposed to be able to find one single piece of equipment, that miraculously solves every single problem that you encounter ingame. Situation changes, new items are introduced, the other are being balanced. We're constantly getting new mods, a whole new faction is supposed to be introduced somewhere during this year... Finding optimal strategy is not a one-time thing, but an iterative process.

  15. It's a reward he aquired for his efforts, and it's a douchey move to suddenly start biting pieces from it. You say it as if developers have no obligations to players whatsoever.

    Their obligation is to provide us with as good gaming experience, as possible. And that requires balance changes - like the damage 2.0, introduced just recently. Before that, the weapons could be divided into a narrow set of god-tier items, that were dealing either armor piercing, or armor ignoring damage... And a much wider set of everything else, which was basically crap at endgame. Sure, introducing damage 2.0 back then was a HUGE nerf to weapons like Acrid (which I personally used all the time), Despair, etc. But was it a bad thing?


    Learn to adapt. If you get so attached to a particular weapon, that you feel paranoid while even thinking about the possibility of nerfs - you're doing something wrong.

  16. I always suggested giving Braton (or Aklato), Serration (or Hornet strike) and an elemental mod as reward for finishing Mercury.


    That's actually a really good idea - many games feature some sort of a reward for sticking along for the first few hours - which is also supposed to make the gameplay easier.

    If I were to suggest something, I think that implementing some "newbie packages", that are being unlocked by game time/planet completion/number of missions completed should ease the early experience... With the right contents, of course.

    I know that all of this sounds a bit carebear'ish... But it's also a good way to make the game appeal to the casual players, without any serious effect on the ingame economy. Let's face it, the most enjoyable part of the grind is the feeling of progressing towards "something" - and if the new player stays in the game for a few hours and does not feel that he actually accomplishes something, that makes him stronger/more effective, then the repetitive gameplay alone won't be enough to keep them entertained.


    Just a basic example - for the first 50 missions completed, every 10th mission could be yielding a package containing an incrementing amount of credits (e.g. 5 k/6 k/7 k etc.) and a predefined mod, that's pretty common in the game, but also really important when you start (e.g. serration/hornet strike/redirection/vitality).


    Also, the time between retries of the mastery test could be incremental instead of being static (e.g. 1 hour for mastery 1->2, 3 hours for mastery 2->3, 6 hours for mastery 3->4 and so on, up to 24 hours, where it rests).

  17. It's not whether or not we win.


    It's the fact they want to withhold content when we are the beta testers and they are the game in beta.




    If I am your best friend and I say "If you ever check out my girl I'll knock the S#&$ outa you" that changes your friendship.

    It doesn't matter if it never happens, he still said it, and that will always be there.


    It's kind of like that, in a sense. Vague and useless threats to prevent content from being released are the reason this event has been boycotted for many.



    Seriously, this community can never be appeased.


    Even not so long ago, I've been constantly seeing countless threads about meaninglessness of events, the fact, that there are no consequences of whether we succeed, or fail. The community actually wanted the event fail conditions to be introduced. We wanted to feel that we are actually achieving something viable by completing an event, aside from a few new mods in our mod books.


    And DE has given us exactly that! The influence! The events are getting more complex and original - just compare the current one with the first two events, which consisted merely of a single new model of the enemy which we were supposed to kill, with almost no lore whatsoever. And what's more important - we are getting the feel of actually ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING IMPORTANT in the universe of Warframe. Our actions have a chance of creating a permanent influence on the game world - by unlocking new content. And how does the community react to that? "Waah, waah, we don't want to influence the game world anymore, no more consequences, no more success/failure conditions, give us the content regardless of our actions!"


    Tl;dr: your perspective is totally wrong. Instead of embracing new content, you DEMAND it. Instead of seeing the event as the first baby steps of the players' influence on the shape of the Warframe universe, you are asking DE to take a step backward - and go back to meaningless events, that can simply be ignored with no consequences.

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