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Posts posted by Hederrain

  1. id agree her 1 is lackluster, only thing ive used it for is mobility 3 or 4 times in all my playtime. tbh got no idea what to rework this to since the rest of her kit takes care of everything melee related (maybe make it grp speedbuff/slidebuff instead and drop the "getoverhere" meme) 

    u saying her 2 is weak is beyond me. im sitting at 3k armor with this buff active and with a fast melee wep u are gonna outright shred anything in front of you while they wont be able to do anything to u since the beforementioned 3k armor might aswell count as sudo invulnerbility. in short, offense and defense en mass in 1 skill (eternal war for max lolz)

    3 could use more range but thats about it

    4 is godmode with hp refill after 1 slide attack. no changes needed there


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  2. srsly wtf is wrong here .. 

    been playing this game on/off for quite a few years now and the download speed for updates in launcher is hands down the worst ive ever come across. 

    hitting max 300kb/s and my connection is 50/50mb fiber connection. every other game is on my rig downloads at 4-6mb/s but for some reason warframe cant even hit 500kb/s ..

    checked aggresive download speed / optimize cache and all that stuff but this has been consistent problem that screws over a otherwise awesome game. cant believe this S#&$ hasnt been fixed yet honestly. its not even my pc's fault cuz this one is brand new and had the same problem on my old pc.. even my friends have this problem ..

    if anyone can bring some insight to what ive might have missed i would be more than happy because this is srsly pissing me off tbh

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