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Posts posted by (PSN)Ember_Shade_Rose

  1. 37 minutes ago, Myscho said:

    Since DE add them and they dont bother fixing. Used SAM to fix few

    DE can't fix things that they have no control over. Steam only checks if you earned the achievement once and that is when it detects that you got it in-game when the Steam application is properly running. After that it doesn't care and DE Support can't do anything about it other than tell you to go to Steam support which in it's Habitual Defensive crouch will direct you back to DE Support.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Drevux said:

    There is no reason that the subreddit which is a public forum of discussion is required to use third party APIs.  The moderators could just not use them; problem solved.  See previous post to yours, they are using tools and/or systems that are hammering their subreddit API for data; most likely to generate revenue.  They want to keep on doing that at the expense of the community.

    None of the apps and subreddit's that are protesting the API pricing change use the API to scrape for Data further you don't need API access to scrape a website for Data. Also most moderators use 3rd-Party apps because they supply better moderation tools then the actual reddit app does.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Drevux said:

    Since the original Warframe Reddit mods care more about their own money than the community, I've setup a new subreddit.


    Please feel free to start using it.

    Umm The Moderation team is a volunteer based position none of them get paid for moderating the subreddit. Don't know how you came to the conclusion that they make money doing it.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    If you haven't noticed, between Void Dash nerfs and everything since The New War, the Drifter is being heavily marketed and actively phasing out the Operator from their scope and focus. It's the same reason Wisp Prime Access is selling a Drifter Prime suit, the 10 year anniversary item is a Drifter Dex suit, and the current Nightwave offers, you guessed it, another Drifter suit. DE is trying really hard to encourage new players to dip their toes into the game (not sure if the portions of sunk cost fallacy, FOMO/time-gates, Teshin's Cave offerings, alternative Warframe grind that undermines years of different modes and quests, etc. are intentional, but definitely part of it).

    Except to my knowledge they stated that the wisp prime access is gonna have both a drifter outfit and a operator outfit. They only showed the drifter one because both are supposedly the same and rebb would have to leave the captura switch from drifter to operator go back to captura then enter several commands to switch to the operator version like she did for the drifter. And they were already getting to the end of the stream.

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  5. According to what I've read in articles of the PlayStation 5 it will be backwards compatible for most PS4 games and the next gen Xbox will apparently have three Generations worth of backwards compatibility. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Cloverskull said:

    Aite, so a restart of Steam did nothing, but a full reinstall of the game fixed the issue. Very weird.

    A recent steam update borked the workshop that most likely was your problem. 

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