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Posts posted by AzrageBlaze

  1. Scourge primary fire seems to have the status messed up, as even though I have it modded for 100% status chance, there are long stretches of no procs and occasional brief periods of 100% status chance (which should always apply). As far as I can tell, the secondary fire (throwing the spear) works as it should.

  2. The energy conversion buff is consumed without effect at the start of the animation, so unless i pick up an orb mid cast the buff does not affect the deployed reservoir. I don't really understand how to take video of this, so I would appreciate if someone else could find and post video evidence.

  3. I tried to make a plague bokwin when I had 130 coprite alloy, an unknown error occurred and now when I check the cost of anything that costs coprite alloy it tells me I have -80 coprite alloy, and when I try to make more it gives me an unknown error.  I also noticed I have -15 esher devar, and everything about the coprite applies. Relogging twice fixed this and showed that several of these were in the foundry or ready to claim.

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