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Posts posted by Ice_Peck

  1. On 2019-12-27 at 7:03 AM, Vyra said:


    And thus the map fills with emptiness because no one ever needs to go back there....

    like almost everything in the game...

    Welcome to Endgame...

    none of the Drops are needed in any way...
    you don't miss anything out not having them except for some extra damage...

    i have none of these shiny things, void hole etc.. but i never needed them anyway...
    we go as 2 people into the Veil. 1-5 shot enemies ( mostly 1-3 ) in space, ground combat is a bit more difficult but for that we have melee i guess...

    So what are you complaining about?
    Just avoid the stuff you don't like and focus on the things that appeal to you...
    DE has reasons to add it the way it is...

    Tl;dr -- "I'm defending bad game design because I don't respect myself or my time! :D"

  2. This one's gonna be pretty short and sweet. The mod Tactical Reload doesn't work if you are not the host of the mission with whatever gun you have it equipped onto.




    So my Quellor, for example here? If I'm not Player Uno (Number 1) / the Host of the mission, the affect of the mod will simply not work. If I do Quick-Melee attacks my Quellor reloads 0 ammunition. If I manually swap to my Side-Arm or my Melee weapon, then swap back to Quellor it will have reloaded 0 ammunition. If my Quellor is stolen by a Grineer Halikar using unit and I pick it back up it will have reloaded 0 ammunition. If I step into Archwing in Railjack missions then step onto the Railjack or a Grineer station the Quellor will have reloaded 0 ammunition. If I manually pull out my Archgun and holster it the Quellor will have reloaded 0 ammunition.


    If video proof is required of any of this I will demonstrate it in a heartbeat. Point of the matter is: if you're not the Host of the mission the Tactical Reload mod will simply not function at all.

  3. The glaive expands to what would be its "normal" size when unsheathed however the blades do not extend outwards as they should. It does this with every attempt to sheath and unsheath it again. Throwing it makes it invisible when it returns as does reequipping it frequently. Using standard melee attacks brings it out of invisibility but still doesn't fix it not extending outwards as it should when equipped. See screenshot for more details.unknown.png

  4. No point sugar coating anything. Just as much (if not more tbh...) bad kinda happens with the game as good things happen to it as well. One of the big issues at heart has always been a seriously bad lack of direction.


    The negativity is usually fair concerns from jaded players. Negative feedback doesn't necessarily mean people hate it. Just wanna see it do better, because we know it can do so. That's completely in DE's hands to fix however so...

  5. On 2018-11-23 at 9:23 PM, Caelward said:

    Frost is not for everything, but you can just about take him anywhere anyways.


    If I'm wrong I apologize in advance, but I have to assume you have a small selection of mods. There a plenty of different themed sets squirreled around the game. For ability modification, corrupted mods are very important.

    It's a bit of a weakness of the game in general that the true power of most warframes and weapons comes after a handful of forma and with a wide array of upgraded mods. Frost is much like this too. Frost with max efficiency is absolutely redonculous, and it's not terribly hard to get there at all. Doing that also doesn't cost a great deal in terms of trade offs. But that's also the case for his range and power. Depending on his build you barely need duration either. For Frost, it is really easy to adjust his stats to absurd levels, he's extremely modifiable. If you don't have a selection of corrupted mods, they are a very important goal to pursue for every frame you use. I don't take my own Frost into low level missions unless I'm specifically helping someone because he's terribly overbearing.

    Let me put this here by itself, if you don't have fleeting expertise, Frost loves this mod and it's a great starting point. Common core mods like this generally don't cost a great deal of plat if you are able to trade, but they are worth the trouble to obtain.

    Most of his stats are fine at base levels, but I can't stress how much high efficiency makes a difference for him. He starts with a reasonably high energy pool, but more energy please can be said for many frames who don't seem to be getting it.


    Also... he's not a tank, he's about prevention, not absorption. He prevents enemies from reaching objectives. He prevents enemy weapons from hitting you entirely. He has multiple ways to pursue this goal. I rarely actually run shield and health boosting mods, I barely need them. I don't absorb damage after all, I prevent it.

    The first build is generally for snowglobe. Average range, max efficiency, power and duration variable. Stack those bubbles, stack them, the hp just goes up. There's a limit, that limit isn't worth worrying about for a long time. You can also move a misplaced bubble by casing another from within. With max efficiency you can spread bubbles over every point. (ability 1 to remove bubble and ragdoll enemies within). You don't want a small or a large bubble, but you can instantly make new and very hard defensive points, the augment also stops enemies in their tracks. This is fantastic. Don't do excavation without a Frost and a decent snowglobe build.

    The second build is the ice wave build, using his ice wave impedance augment. Do you like to snipe? Have I got a build for you. With max range and duration you can lock down huge swaths of the map for what feels like nearly forever. I'm not kidding, this augment is easy to overlook but absolutely fantastic. Mobs just (slowly) line up and eat headshots for days.

    Less necessary is a build around his avalanche and augment icy avalanche. It's actually pretty easy to slot this in with the other builds too. Avalanche is really strong, just like any ability that strips armor. Being able to lock down a huge area of enemies, tear down the few tough ones with actual armor and gain some debuff blocking health just makes it better. If you've built with high efficiency it can be chain cast to great effect.

    Frost loses one of his 2 great strengths with use of Fleeting Expertise. He can do fine with Transient but anything under that in Duration drain will harm him. Severely.


    I mean unless you're not too concerned with the Armor Stripping from Avalanche or CC duration on Freeze. Hurts Ice Wave Impedance of course to. Frost doesn't really need duration. But my point is negative duration hurts him. If efficiency is genuinely a problem let me be the first to point you towards the direction of pizzas, Zenurik, and Arcane Energize.

  6. I typically run crit myself so the issue of enemies not being status procced during Frozen status is seldom seen as a problem for myself. But yeah, it does actually hinder combat effectiveness ironically. They just need to be able to be inflicted by status and the same should apply to Atlas when he Petrifies enemies as it's the same exact mechanic with different textures. (But we're talking about Frost, not Atlas)

  7. Frost is the only tank frame that can't boost his own ability to sustain damage outside of augmentation. Yes, he's a tank. Soaking up damage? The thing tanks do? Gara isn't considered a tank and she's vastly more tanky. Mesa is DEFINITELY not a tank and sustains vastly more damage than Frost. Et-cetera, et-cetera. It's silly. Yeah there's Snowglobe but movement is so critical to the game (ironic I mention that with Mesa mentioned a sentence prior) you just shot yourself in the foot. Now every enemy aggro'd onto you doesn't even have to adjust their aim. That's pretty bad. The extra armor would simply improve quality of life in general. For his bread and butter and his own survivability. That's with the augment included. He doesn't cast anything frequently enough to really be a caster frame, but does cast enough to need a slightly larger energy pool. Don't defend Shield though. It's so widely considered an awful stat for a reason.

    Speaking of the augment, have to keep in mind it's also buffing allies in Avalanches range. And it's affected by Frosts power strength and the buffed individuals armor to boot. It'd be outrageously overpowered if it was just as powerful as Iron Skin (but for everybody!). Need drawbacks to keep it in check albeit my ideas aren't the best to begin with.

    Didn't say the snowglobe augment would keep the same radius. 10m radius capped and maybe removing the 50% freeze effect to keep it from being just an OP Coolant Leak. Idea though is to basically make Frost a walking debilitation. Probably make it a channeled ability if augmented in this case. Must've missed the part where I made it pretty obvious some of these are being "pretty generous" about it. It's an aura, not an actual globe. Like I mentioned... think what the Exploiter Orb does when you make it angry in Orb Vallis.

    Avalanche freeze duration doesn't refresh. Impossible to "perma CC" with it. Though spamming it does severely hinder mobs. But spamming 100 energy cost ability? Nice. Now you absolutely need a bigger energy pool. Also your point can apply to literally every other frame that nukes a large area. Banshee, Oberon, Rhino, et-cetera. The suggestion was to keep Frost from being a walking low level nuke on legs. The constant here is all these nukes require you to stop moving for a moment. You're a sitting duck. Albeit Avalanche makes enemies flinch on cast to be fair... bit weird in hindsight...

    Ice Wave slow and ice patch slow do not stack. Least as far as I'm aware. Ice Wave forces a Cold proc on struck enemies. Ice patch applies a "permanent" cold proc on enemies standing in it until they either walk out or the patch disappears.

    Some things like "Frost is a big boy" in context is clearly a joke. I can use that exact same context to argue Vauban should be one of the tankiest frames in the game, if I felt like it, but this is about Frost.

  8. Like a "Link Armor to Shields" thing? It would only work well when paired with Adaptation realistically speaking.


    As for Freeze... well.. applying Avalanche's armor strip to it as well would be handy. But it's a CC ability. Avalanche is multi-purpose.

  9. Now I'm no expert on the inner workings of DE, so I can't say they already have the title in mind to begin with or not. But with the games current direction it's worth consideration. Frost needs another revamp to his toolkit, stats, and he needs PBR treatment to his design as well. Specifically Frost Prime.... really ugly old textures compared to what we get now. But he especially needs tweaks to his numbers at least.


    Firstly, his stats, just to get the big one out of the way. I'll just list off his problem stats and why they need to be tweaked (or buffed if I'm being honest).


    Frost requires infrequent re-casting on his abilities. This means he requires a larger energy pool to work with than the current base amount he has. At base he only has 100, including his Prime. Bump it up to 150 base for both. He doesn't need a huge amount but his pool still requires a small increase to work with his need to cast as often as he does. Especially considering the fact that Snow Globe, a 75 base energy cost ability can be stacked 4 times and casted elsewhere with up to 4 globes max each capable of being stacked. That's a LOT of frikkin' energy being used there.


    Frost is first, and foremost, a tank. Heavy crowd control and protective abilities with a minor capability of doing damage. His abilities base damage is all good across the board, his damage numbers are really pretty huge. Problem is his personal stats. Shield is largely viewed as a completely worthless stat by majority of the player base and for the warframe whose damage type already destroys shields to begin with it doesn't make much sense for him to have a larger than average shield stat. Move the 50 and 75 extra shield Frost and Frost Prime have to their health, respectively. Frost's a very big man. Broad shoulders, tall, all that. Gotta beef up his health to match, y'know?


    While I'm at it, his armor in hindsight is pathetic. A warframe needs roughly 6,000+ armor (not specifically) to reach 95% Damage Reduction. Nothing can even get close to that currently besides Atlas, Chroma, Chroma Prime and Valkyr Prime (specifically, her prime). He's a tank. His 3 gains more Effective Hit Points (EHP) based on his armor, as does the Icy Avalanche augments affect. 300 Base armor just isn't good for a tank. At all. At base both Frost and Frost Prime only have 300. Beef it up to 400 for Frost and spice Frost Prime a bit more with 425 base armor. 450 just to be very generous. It might not sound like much but after a lot of time looking at it... he does need that buff but not a huge increase either. Just enough to solidify him more into the tank role he's in. We have DPS frames that have just as much if not more armor than a tank. That's just... not good. Really not good.


    Now going over his abilities numbers (and affects to an extent). I doubt DE will want to give him a complete overhaul with a brand new kit, so let's just look at what he already has and how we can tweak them.

    His passive is so forgettable I actually forgot to make mention of it, before editing. Seriously... Give him more for his passive. Like no friction when sliding. He's THE Ice frame. Why does he have friction? If we wanna be generous, add in immunity to cold procs. Like people have been asking for, for years now. He's a very warm boy in that trench coat. Why does he have to feel the cold when he is the cold? It's ironically one of Frosts biggest weaknesses, cold damage and the status affect itself. That's just silly.

    Freeze as is, is mostly fine. It has its role in locking an enemy out of the fight, but it can stand to use some changes. Allowing the Range stat to affect the size of the ice-patch Freeze leaves on the terrain would give it the breath of fresh air it needs to being used a bit more often. Keep the ice patch's current radius for its base across all levels and simply allow Frosts Range stat to increase or decrease it. As an added bonus, make it a patch of yellow snow for Frost Prime. Can't leave out that "gold" affect, y'know?


    Ice wave is perfectly fine as is. Although personally I would make the Ice Wave Impedance augment a basic function for the ability itself, and change the augment to instead freeze enemies solid for half the current duration on the mod.


    Snow Globe, the good old bread and butter. Yeah... this thing needs some changes. For the love of all that is holy please remove the 1 million health hard-cap on Snow Globes maximum potential health. Or at least raise the cap to a much higher number. 1 million health is not a lot. At all. Even if you get it to reach that high to begin with during its invulnerability phase. By that point enemies will already shred it just as fast as the invulnerable phase ends. Secondly, make Chilling Snowglobe augments current function baseline for the ability and change the mod. Changed affect can make the snow globe become an snowstorm aura, similar to the Exploiter Orb in Orb Vallis, centered around and travels with Frost that slows (with a 50% to freeze) enemies in range and also allows it to deal minor damage every second. Maybe 5 or 10 damage per second, tops. We don't want Frost becoming the next Ember with low level missions in this case, but we would like it to keep enemies from regenerating shields.


    Avalanche is mostly fine as is currently, honestly. Just raise the base cast radius around him by 5 yards if we wanna be generous. However, buff the Icy Avalanche augments armors health from 60 to 80. Capping at 1,000 for Frost and for his allies in range, but it only lasts 10 seconds (not affected by duration). Not refreshable while active. We don't want everybody becoming Rhino now. Even then I'm being very generous with this here. I have other ideas personally but this isn't a complete overhaul. Just chopping block stuff.


    Now for his appearance.... honestly... just ask anybody.  Frost is ugly. Frost Prime even more ugly. People would likely complain if his model got changed, naturally. But he does need some updated textures. He just reeks of old pixels.

  10. After putting more thought into it, Battacor doesn't necessarily need to become hit-scan. It's not a terrible weapon in damage, statistically. I mean it's pretty good for the damage it does. But the flight-speed stat on its projectiles is criminally slow. At the very least can we see those magnetic pellets going WAY faster...? Come on... it's a frikkin' railgun for crying out loud. It feels terrible using this thing because of how slow those projectiles are. At the very least make the projectile flight speed as fast as Lanka's. It doesn't need to move at 10.64 MJ like the US Navy's fastest railgun (which is 8,270 feet per second to be more specific, or 2,520 m/s), but it seriously feels awful to use because of how agonizingly slow those projectiles are. The Alt-fire beam range doesn't even go past 300m either, which is fine to despite the fact that may as well be as far reaching as the Opticor. It doesn't need more damage in any way whatsoever. It's a great assault rifle for damage. But oh my gosh PLEASE tweak its projectile velocity up a bit.

  11. Can you guys please make the Battacors primary fire Hit-Scan? Seriously. It's the fourth Rail-Gun in the game and it's not hit-scan. Please for the love of all that is holy make it hit-scan. PLEASE. Why three "rail guns" of the game are not hit-scan is just asinine weapon design considering how insanely fast an actual rail-gun launches projectiles.


    Tl;dr = Rail Guns are basically hit-scan IRL due to their sheer velocity. Why aren't they hit-scan in-game....?

    • Like 1
  12. While moving whatsoever on the K-Drive it causes the screen to jitter uncontrollably. People have suggested turning off Screen-Shake which doesn't fix the issue at all. What appears to be causing it is the K-Drive hitting literally any bump on the path causing the screen to "bump" with the K-Drive. Simultaneously this causes my hoverboard to start twitching as if I was flicking my camera left and right and over-all slowing me down and causing me to be bounced off rails during grinding, prematurely throwing me off the rail. Can provide a video recording for an example if necessary, but the FPS will be utter garbage due to my own PC's poor specs.


    Been told by many other players this jitter I'm experiencing is non-existent as they are not bumping around like I am. While on the water my K-Drive and screen smooth out until the board hits a dip in the pools of liquid coolant or I activate the booster, which leads me further to believe it's an issue with the K-Drive on Orb Vallis' geometrics.

  13. Equipped a Hobbled Dragon Key. Game doesn't allow you to equip another item because there's literally no button to do it. Had to hotkey "enter" to force-Equip something. Every single slot suffers this issue. There's no fix for it outside of just using the default Enter key to force the game to do it. As soon as you put ANY item into a slot in the gear wheel, it's stuck there with no visible Equip button. See crappy video for more information.



  14. Was in the middle of an Elite Sanctuary Onslaught run (by association I'm going to presume this bug also applies to the normal Onslaught well since the only difference between the two modes is enemy numbers) and the Host player aborted the mission right as the portal to the next zone opened. After the squad rejoined the mission the portal was gone and everybody present was unable to warp to the next tile loaded in as required for the mission. Effectively rendering the mission objective not doable as the previous zones stop spawning enemies into them after the new one loads in.


    As an example to clarify what I mean a bit; this screencap was taken in Zone 1's tile.Zone 1 enemies were Kuva Grineer (for anyone curious). No portal to zone 2 post host migration, no enemy spawns. Just had to sit there and bite the bullet until Efficiency ran out. I would imagine the bug is very easy to reproduce, as all it requires is a host migration before anybody can finish warping to the next zone. I would suggest a fix for this being once the portal spawns it will not despawn (or fail to respawn in this case), similar to enemies being reloaded after a host migration. I can't personally remember if a visible portal appears on the other side post warp but I doubt anybody would really care if the portal just dropped you into the new zone without a visible 1-way exit you came out from.unknown.png

  15. Just now, Casardis said:


    Miasma seems to lack a bit of punch when Saryn "spreads" it. It makes a nice "babump" sound that reminds me of a heartbeat, but I think an added/stronger reverb and distortion to the "babump" could really give a better feel of power from that, especially to give a more visceral feel.

    They need to give us an option to turn down or mute the new voice files to.

  16. 3 hours ago, SultryArgonianBard said:

    Saryns new voice is kinda hard to listen to because of how off-putting it sounds. I personally just don't like it -- I won't speak for others -- and it makes it difficult to play Saryn without completely muting the game altogether. Like, voices for Rhino and Valkyr make sense  due to them roaring / screaming. Atlas' "voice" doesn't even sound remotely human. So it's easier to put up with theirs, even though they still kinda grate the ears a fair bit. Those I can deal with. But Saryn? Again it's just... really off-putting. It'd be great if we could have an option to disable her voice in the Sound options menu, similarly to how we have the option to disable Octavia's Mandachord.

    So... anyone at DE notice this or...? Can't speak for others really... but I know I'm not the only person with some mild discomfort when hearing the voice. Saryn sounds like an Infested trying to heave up a bad Grineer.

  17. Saryns new voice is kinda hard to listen to because of how off-putting it sounds. I personally just don't like it -- I won't speak for others -- and it makes it difficult to play Saryn without completely muting the game altogether. Like, voices for Rhino and Valkyr make sense  due to them roaring / screaming. Atlas' "voice" doesn't even sound remotely human. So it's easier to put up with theirs, even though they still kinda grate the ears a fair bit. Those I can deal with. But Saryn? Again it's just... really off-putting. It'd be great if we could have an option to disable her voice in the Sound options menu, similarly to how we have the option to disable Octavia's Mandachord.

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