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Posts posted by Muminidas

  1. Your Warframe is amazing, woaw man! Freakin' good job on this fanart... I like her much, so much that I'd like VERY VERY much to see her in actual game. Some freakish combination of Nekros with Nova styling - that's how I see her and that's what I like most about it. ^^ 

  2.  Great news! Warframe Devs are very generous to give away free platinum, but I guess along with other things changed in the last hotfix it's a fair compensation for many players' discomfort. 

     Personally, I love you for everything you are doing with the game. This is the first time I've experienced such a hardworking, reliable dev-team.


     Thank you DE, you are doing great work with your game, keep it up and I believe this game will have a bright future!  

  3. Here are some of my personal questions ( that seem to be very common lately) to DE staff:



     1) Implementing Conclaves brought turmoil into Warframe community. The fact is that this is something new, that seems interesting ( at least for me and hardcore PvP players) and refreshing ( this feature brings some randomness and diversity in WF gameplay). Can we expect increasing the Conclave rating limit to 1000+ for more demanding players or maybe some weapon restricions when we enter "Conclave arena" (ie. lately hated Ogris, Dual Vastos etc. nerfed only in the Conclave for more balanced 1v1 and 2v2 matches)? This is for you DE_Steve <3 I know you love PvP :D 

     2) I am very interested in the Animation Team work now. I appreciate idle animations feature implemented lately, they brought this amazing feeling of choosing your own warframe specific personality (ie. "agile", "noble"). I believe that we can expect something really cool and suprising form WF Animation Team in the future. So my question is for Geoff: What is your team focusing on after making the newest Corpus Villain trailer? 

     3) One of the most interesting features for me are our Dojos. We have Duealing Arena - we love it! We have Obstacle Course - we love it even more! We have Zen Garden - we love it! We have Drums we can play on - we ... wait, yosh we love it too! We want even more! Do you still have any suprising ideas for our Dojos? Can we expect long desired Combat Testing or Shooting Grounds? I want to compete with my clanies' in who will exterminate more holografic Grineers. That would be fun. 

     4) New Golem boss is not very demanding opponent but fighting him is so much fun and it's refreshing new content. Sci-Fi games' players love big mutant bosses, giant robots or flying monsters (either robotic like our Raptor or Organic like giant mutant infesed flies dunno). Do you plan adding new big &amp;#&#33; bosses to our beloved Warframe or maybe some very demanding (multi-staged) bosses? WE just want to hear: " yeah, next will be for Corpus/ Griners in a few months". 


     5) Alad V. What can you share about him? Some concept-arts? Video teaser?

     6) Do you have any TOP SECRET Project for future content that you are working on? Can you give us a hint to light up our imagination?

     7) Hey what about the Lore?! We need some more Lore, we are interested in Warframe story. 

     8) Do you plan any special commnity actions like decipher Corpus/Grineer Message preceding new events?

    When you implement new damage system will you focus some of you staff on this annoying Strict NAT? My firend wants to play this game with me, but we can't connect. No solutions posted on the forum seemworki for him.  

    Edit: For question #4. Do you think you can put this titanic robot as a little smaller, Corpus themed boss? Sorry, for long questions spam and needless artwork link. (Artwork from not released Exile Oline, used only for purpose of showing how awesome it'd look in Warframe)



  4.  I just wanted to note this, dunno if it was mentioned earlier ( couldn't find anything on the forum). I know that new idles are a fresh feature but I see they have some annoying kneeling/standing animations. Default idle has no problems, but other one just.... well, truly they kneel normaly but with standing, warframes stand up in an instant (no aniamtion for standing) and then they kneel back again and stand up. It's no big deal I guess but seems little bit annoying. 

  5.  Few hours ago I decided to go on for mobile defense on Kappa. I was connected with some random player, who was a host. However, he decided to leave the lobby before the mission started and I received common notice " unable to connect with host" or something like taht .... but that was not the problem. Main problem occured later when I decided to choose Kappa once again for matchmaking. I couldn't join this mission ( I just clicked "Kappa" and nothing, no mission screen, I was still in the lobby). Same was with other missions on Sedna and other planets ( I changed planets without backing to solar map).

     Seems like problem was fixed after leaving lobby and returning to menu(Solar map). It's no big deal 'coz problem haven't repeated for me yet, but it looked pretty annoying. Dunno how to call this, maybe someone had similiar problem, I just wanted to note this. 

  6.   Every mod should be available in the near future. As for specific event weapons.... I think they won't make their return to the game, maybe some alternatives will show up. However, if DE is reading feedback regurally and see ur post, they should reconsider your idea. I like it ( although I have all weps and mods from events) it'll surely make other players happy to have another chance to obtain them. 

  7. Sheldon should stay. he occasionaly lets slip a few spoilers the others wont say. :p  Besides he seems like a fun guy! Mr. Swag Hag   <--- they should rename his account to [DE]SwagHag


     I totally agree with you! Sheldon is very funny and refreshing character during every stream. Sometimes he has some humorous comments to add aaaand sometimes he says very wise and important thoughts. Moreover, community loves Sheldon! 

    # saveSheldon

  8. 1#  First ability sounds nice: "Soul Punch" DO WANT! Moreover, it's effects are pretty fine as for 1st ability. 

    2#  "Terror Totem" - I really don't mind it, seems like a decent cc skill.

    3#  My first reaction was WTF?! Loot from corpses, useless 'coz orbs and 'munition I can easily get as normal drops. DE, you should put other skill in here, I don't have any ideas what but I believe any change will be good. Maybe as NEcro got his 1# and 2# skills decent cc's why not a defensive skill here also with potential cc  (ie. Necro sacrafices some of his HP to create inpenetrable for enemies and allies wall of nanobots or something like that).

    4# OH it's gonna be sweet! :D However, I fear about number of nano-corpses(clones) that can be raised ( too many = bad, not enough= lame). Also, if raised clones attack power and armor wil depend from mod fusions(ultimate's mod fusion level, focus etc.) or raised enemies levels? 

    For now, it seems that this warframe gonna be cool ... only if it'll undergo some minor changes.  

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