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Posts posted by Harrock86

  1. Thank you for the fixes, but please...

    please do something about the rewards in Disruption, currently it's totally not worth it 😕 15 minutes of soloing lvl 60+ and this is what I get



    Eight. Freakin. Hexenon. EIGHT HEXENON WITH RESOURCE BOOSTER ! at this pace it will take 46 hours (92 without the booster) of playing Disruption non stop to grind enough for building new stuff, nice one


    I need a break from this game, this reward screen feels like a slap in the face. Fck it, I'm out.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Himodor said:

    It does. It drops "amalgam" Mods. There's one in particular I would like as a Shotgun User (the Ripkas one) so I'll probably redo the Boss fight to get it.

    Still no point of playing multiple times in terms of rewards after you get all 5 or 6 mods. Look at other Eidolons or Orb fights, most people replay these fights for the rewards. With this new boss there is nothing to make you wanna come back. Make it drop like 100+ Hexenon and I'd farm the sheit out of it.

  3. I think this game mode will slowly die away, unless you're planning to lock more content behind it. Currently the new resource farm is more efficient when done in survival than in this mode. 2 hexenon as a reward, are you serious ? I got 16 as random drop in survival.

    It could be fun though. Some complains:

    • demolysts should be less tanky and show up earlier on the radar. If you got the "demolyst damage resistance" random effect you're pretty much screwed, Tigris Prime with a +dmg +multishot +crit riven couldn't put this thing down.
    • NULLIFIER EFFECTS EVERYWHERE, annoying, unfun and forces you to play Inaros or other tank
    • Hexenon rewards... please increase


    • Like 2
  4. I kinda wish the boss would drop something other than Wisp components. After acquiring the new warframe, there is no point in fighting the boss again. The fight is great, probably my favorite boss fight in WF though. I just wish there was some reward behind it after you get wisp, like for example new Toroid (even with just +500 rep) or a guaranteed amount of the new resource.

  5. 2 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    I would be incredibly surprised if there was just one issue for what is supposedly a large update. Don't send it out now. Wait until next week. I remember the last time we had a large release on a Friday. It was so utterly defective that sanctuary onslaught is and will be forever burned into my mind as not actually possible to complete and not worth even attempting.


    Don't do Friday updates. How many working weekends will it take before you realise that rushing something out to meet an arbitrary goal in time is a bad BAD idea?

    I agree, DE please postpone until next week and let us play peacefully during the weekend. No update is better than rushed update.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

    That's not to say Warframe's gameplay is boring, just that if I played for pure fun, there are better games out there.

    I'm really curious, why do you play in this case ? It's purely "for fun" for me. How could I play otherwise ? 

    Is playing Warframe your job, do you get paid for it ? Otherwise I don't really understand.

  7. 10 hours ago, CaptIISilveR said:

    I don't know about OP but If I'll fail it one more time I will throw that game as far as I can. It's unbelievable ridiculous to wait 24 hours till next try. Seriously, that's a most stupid game design decision I've ever seen. I just don't want to play anymore.

    This is a patience test. And you have failed, Tenno :lotus:

  8. 4 hours ago, vomder said:

    Forced PVP, just what this game needs.

    Oh gods, please no. I'd rather farm Mesa 10 times again than do any form of PVP in warframe.


    ... but on the other hand, PVP in Archwing could be interesting 😄

  9. Witam,

    szukam klanu ze wzglednie rozbudowanymi badaniami. Ze wzgledu na sytuacje w domu nie uzywam komunikatorow glosowych (cyt. "znowu grasz w te glupie skaczace ludziki"). Mam calkiem spory zapas zasobow, wiec chetnie zasile klanowy skarbiec i wspomoge badania. Gram zwykle codziennie, czasem robie sobie dluzsza przerwe (max 1-2 tyg.) zeby sie nie znudzic. 

    Nick w grze: Harrock86

    Wiek: 32

    MR: 20




  10. Sounds like you've been unlucky. I've never received a negative comment about my frame and I have like 800 hours on the clock (in game, not steam).

    I think most people don't care what you have, unless you are Limbo.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Harulem said:

    Your suggestion concerning a 'balanced' rng has a lot of merits, no doubt.  If I wanted to be a smart ass I would just say that you should then drop the r in rng because it won't be random any more 😉

    As soon as you introduce memory in your generator, and past results influence future ones, you are throwing randomness out the window.  A random distribution is not smooth, that's the very nature of being random.

    But again, who cares about semantics really, I don't see a disadvantage to a mechanism to smooth things out a bit.  From the player side that is, because from the technical side there is a cost.  You have to store every single roll of every player.  We are talking hundreds of millions of results here, that's some pretty nasty stuff to manage. 

    So don't expect it anytime soon I am afraid.


    That's true, such solution would be complex. I'm not really expecting anything in this direction implemented anytime soon.

    But on the other hand, the source code is closed, so you'll never know what lurks inside the Warframe rng algorithm... Maybe it's an advanced AI generating the loot based on your gender, age and analyzing your recent facebook activity.

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