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Posts posted by WinterSaber

  1. Il y a 6 heures, (XB1)R3d P01nt a dit :

    Thank you.  I'm now wondering if we've updated (can't check until this afternoon) or if we're stuck with this set of maps and enemies for 2 more days...or worse until PC updates again.

    Zone 8 is especially bad with the spawns.  It's probably better on PC, but for us we need to really search for the enemies.

    When it startet on PC, there were missions were only one type of enemies spawned, and just a few of them. Now it's fixed.  I'm sure soon this will be fixed on consoles too.

  2. il y a 2 minutes, TALISMAN_XVII a dit :

    So you're essentially bottle necking her to Grineer armour stripping? She'll be pointless verses Corpus and Infested (Ironic considering she was intended to be the Warframe designed to purge the infested LOL). I'm lost on why you're decoupling Spores and Molt to be perfectly honest. I assumed you guys where all for synergy but who knows  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  anyway keep it up with the reworks! Soon I'll have no reason to play Warframe.

    She still has viral in her 4 ability - so she wont be useless. Just will need another build. Having endless ability with 50% viral proc that hits every second is total OP.

  3. Previous Saryn revork was not good, srsly. All thar "synergy" dances between 1 and 4 - noone needed them when we could only use 4 to kill everything around.
    This rework sounds interesting on paper. I hope it will be that good in game too. 
    Thanks for paying attention to old frames (but not for Ember rework - its awful).
    Want to try Saryn in Onslaught for a long time - these changes will allow me to do it)

  4. Not so long ago we got an opporunity to decorate our ship's interior with different materials. And that was rly nice!
    But recently I realizedthat we could get more - plants from different planets! We can scan them and why cant we plant some at our ship after codex is complete?

    Don't know if someone wrote about it before, but I think it's a good idea!

  5. 47 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:


    • We’re running a script to fix accounts who received no change to their alignment after The Glast Gambit. 
    • We also have a repair script for the missing drawings from The Glast Gambit

    EDIT: Both of these scripts are complete. All affected accounts should be updated. 


    Why have I been moved to the wrong side? O_o
    I chose neutral answer, so now I must be closer to neutral but now I'm even more close to the moon. Why?

  6. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Bowjangelz said:

    A few prime accesses ago they quietly took out the line on the official drop tables that said guaranteed prime part on rotation c. 

    I remember this promise. Also, as I remember, it was said that playes won't get duplicates at one mission. But that doesn't work(

  7. Farming T4 Def with friends for several evenings. Drop is...

    Remember that DE promised that this thing will never happen ad at C rotations we'll always get prime parts. So?
    But anyway  formas and cores at T4 and especially at C rotation...

    By the way, Derelict droptables are almost empty.

  8. Abomo (infested)
    Story: SOS signal is received from derelict. Frame container is broken. Urgent evacuation is needed. Tenno come too late, frame is infested. So they have to fight it and capture. Alad V helps to deal with infestation of frame (he was infested some time ago) – he needs DNA of Phorid and Lephantis. Togeret we cleanse frame so we can use it, but it’s still infested.
    Gathers parts of fallen enemies (as Necros gathers souls, or add a special drop from enemies for her), and gets additional armor and max HP for every piece collected, but becomes a bit slower. Fast and thin at the beginning. Number of pieces is endless, but only limited number of them has such effect. Has no shields. Has no energy (Or uses it only for the first ability). Uses special recourse – enemy pieces. Has HP regeneration.

    1.    Infest. Fills enemy with infested DNA that starts to tear him apart from the inside. DoT, damage increases over time until enemy dies (endless). When infected enemy dies, he spawns 1-4 (depends on ability lvl) maggots (as Brood mother). These creatures attack enemies and infest them, until they (maggots) die. Enemies, infested by maggots spawn them too. Max number of maggots depends on ability lvl, as their damage. At lvl 4 of ability they explode when die.
    Strength and distance can be increased by mods. 
    Each use costs 1 enemy piece or 25 energy (don’t know is it good to create a frame that needs no energy at all)

    2.    Fast mutation. Covers self or an ally with cocoon of infested flesh, making target invincible and regenerating some health. Costs one of stored enemy pieces.
    Strength, continuity, range can be increased by mods.

    3.    Spread infestation. Drops a piece of his flesh to create a tumor (1-4 max tumors at  the same time depends on ability lvl) that becomes invisible after several seconds and starts to spread infestation around. If ability is used when max number is placed, the oldest tumor is replaced. Enemies, that contact it, become infested (by 1st ability) and slowed down. If they die in infested zone, they restore some of Aboma’s health. Also, Abomo gets increased number of pieces from enemies, killed in infested zone. 
    Range of this ability can be increased by mods.

    4.    Spawn infested. Each enemy piece contains DNA information of it’s owner. Using it with infested flesh Abomo can spawn infested. Their type and strength depends on enemies consumed. The higher ability lvl – the more infested are spawn, and the higher is chance to spawn an Eximus. The fight until killed.
    Strength can be increased by mods.

  9. 2 hours ago, Jasia said:

    Я не об этом :D

    Нет трупа моба = нет возможности каста скилла из за того, что скилл уничтожает труп моба. Хм...надо бы подредактировать коммент.

    Не понял о чём ты. Трупы как объекты вокруг будут не нужны.
    надо будет использовать либо систему накопления некроса - при убийстве, либо ввести систему остающихся от врагов кусков специальных на земле, которые будут автоматически подбираться когда по ним пробегаешь.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jasia said:

    Минус подобных решений в том, что нет трупа = нет скилла (привет, Нова, огненные скиллы и оружие и т.д и т.п).

    Ну в этом то и суть - нельзя полагаться чисто на абилки. Чтоб их использовать нужен разгон за счёт оружия

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