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Posts posted by -GV--Mandrako

  1. For some reason UI isn't showing up me the hangar axis on minimap. Just built hangar in the wrong direction because it wasnt showing me the exactly direction. 

    How Iam supposed to rotate the right way if they don't show the directions.


  2. 10 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    we kind of have this already, Ventkids can be seen in the Bash lab that offers Yareli and Kompressa Parts. we also had Fibonacci speaking through the Gargoyle, and not everyone liked it.

    typical: all the factions, all the different NPCs and the one that gets in are my least favourite group.

    But still a lab you know? The rest of dojo is completly "just decorations". Sometimes I feel the dojo is an abandoned place. But I get your point.

  3. 1 hour ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    I dont see much use for NPCs on the Dojo that just stand still, maybe we could have Syndicate NPCs in our Dojos selling their respective items and exchanging medallions for rep it would be more interesting.

    Also, the only current update to Dojos i really look forward to is the building process. DE needs to make a UI where players can plan and build their entire Dojos at once instead of having to constantly reload to add rooms or wait 2 hours to delete rooms.

    Super agree! 

    In addition to having NPCs, we would also have something useful that could add to our gameplay, such as sindicate NPCs as you said.

    It would also be interesting to reduce the time of things, because the resource alone to set up a dojo alone is already huge, now having to wait 1 day or 2 to finish each diagram is annoying.

    • Like 1
  4. When the Railjack was launched, there were almost no functions for it, now it's really cool to play with the railjack, especially with the crew you can hire. Which led me to think, why not have NPCs in our dojo, to give more life to the environment?

    It would be cool to have some NPCs with idle animations to leave in some places and stop having to use the statues. lol

    What do you think of this idea? Everyone can comment, as long as they are constructive, positive or not.


    • Like 3
  5. 9 hours ago, Bhao said:

    I don't know, if this is intentional, but I was on the k-drive the first day (might have been after 24.0.1 or .2, but not later). For me it has always been like it is now: trick point max is 3000, 25% of trick points go to ventkids standing and all of trick points go to k-drive affinity.

    Affinity xp should go to K-Drive only if you have a custom one, otherwise you will not receive XP since you are using the default given by the game. 
    And that is not yours exactly
  6. 15 hours ago, -_Highlander_- said:

    Hmm maby your point did go to the xp instead of standings :satisfied:

    at least i saw xp on the hover board when i got multiplyers ., those 3000 can be as an max counting .. on score but give you balanced score between standings and your hover board that receives also xp when you buy an new board or build one

    --- its an weard system but maby this gives some light on the trouble -- 

    who knows ..

    Note: I don't have a custom K-Drive yet. I'm using the default one.

  7. 7 hours ago, Bhao said:

    You get exactly 25% of your score. Every 3000 point trick is worth 750 vent kids standing.


    And this is intentional? Is there any official announcement about this? Because when Fortuna was first launched it was operating normally and I got the 3000 points on the Ventkids standing that I was able to acquire with the K-Drive Grind.

    Everyone in my clan is complaining about this problem and all I would like to know is if the DE is aware or if there is any official post clarifying the situation.


    I just did a mission in Fortuna to take the test again! I managed to score 3000 points in less than 15 seconds, so I went back to Fortuna to see if those points would count. I had 14000 in Ventikids Standing (LvL 2 going to 3) and if I received 3000 I should have a total of 17000, but actually when I went to look I received only 1000 and my score rose to 15000.


    Please, I don't know what to do and I don't want to reinstall my game again. Why this is going on just with me? My friend is fine, but I have a few other players with the same issue.

  9. I know there is a daily reputation limit, but I've been trying this a few days and realized that this bug is persisting and taking away my pleasure from accumulating points for the Ventikids K-Drive. In the past, I was able to score several Grind points with the K-Drive in Fortuna, I was happy to be able to do several thousand times the amount of 3000 until I collected 50,000 or something, but recently the points stopped accumulating and even if I do 70 thousand points, when I leave Vallis and return to Fortuna I do not receive any points. I hate having to spend hours accumulating points for the Ventkids K-Drive  and in the end getting nothing. Please correct this as soon as possible!

    Summary: If I am accumulating points from K-Drive to the Ventkids Standing and then back to Fortuna, I get no point. The daily limit is not the reason, because I tested this bug for 4 days.

    Note²: I tested this for 4 days before posting this bug, ie the problem is not my daily limit.

  10. ---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês
    ---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês
    EDITED: Please, delete this post. I will post this issue in the correct place (Fortuna Bugs).



    Here is my art for this contest. I hope you enjoy it and enjoy my creativity to get new ideas. I used Photoshop and drew all of the items by hand.

    Summary: Due to an eternal curse, Umbra is destined to hunt down all his enemies during Halloween, so protect yourself, because if he managed to kill the shadow stalker he can also mutilate you.

    • Platform: PC
    • Category: Artwork


    Made by -GV--Mandrako (Filipe Raizer).

    • Like 3
  12. Bom,

    Meu caso anterior foi resolvido pelo DE Matt, porém, eu não posso entrar na conta e ver as modificações que foram feitas para dizer se está tudo certo ou não porque simplesmente não consigo passar a identificação.

    O jogo diz que está me enviando um código de verificação no meu email, contudo, estou logado no meu email e não recebo nada. 

    O tempo limite é 30 minutos que o identificador me disponibiliza, pois os emaisl não chegam nunca, sendo que já é a 100000º vez.

    https://imgur.com/a/bSwp6 < Imagem da identificação


    https://imgur.com/a/JWkBi < nenhum novo email ou lixo eletrônico


    Por favor, não venham com o papo de "Olha a caixa de spam bro, deve tá la brodi" que não rola.


    TAG: -GV--Mandrako 

  13. Dear Moderators and Managers,


    I am already more than tired of waiting for an answer in my support, I would like it to be streamlined immediately.

    I would appreciate it if my problem was corrected as soon as possible, although I know that other things may be more important, this was a total gambling error in relation to my account, so I wish my will be resolved and resolved. Otherwise I would like to be compensated for the items that have disappeared (practically all).

    ID Ticket: # 946942

    Gamertag: -GV--Mandrako

  14. Caros moderadores e responsáveis, 


    Já estou mais do que cansado de esperar por uma resposta em meu suporte, gostaria que fosse agilizado imediatamente. 

    Agradeceria se meu problema fosse corrigido o mais rápido possível, apesar de saber que outras coisas podem ser mais importantes, esse foi um erro total do jogo em relação a minha conta, então desejo que seja feita minha vontade e resolvam. Caso contrário gostaria de ser ressarcido pelos itens que sumiram (praticamente todos).

    ID Ticket: #946942

    Gamertag: -GV--Mandrako

  15. Olá,


     Gostaria de dizer que essa foi uma ótima atualização, pois nos beneficiou melhorias em vários aspectos, sem dizer que o nosso Conclave ganhou um upgrade favorecendo a todos.

     Agora eu estou ansioso pela atualização dos movimentos de Parkour ( Parkour 2.0 ).


    Continuem nessa auto-estima e obrigado. :)

  16. Olá caros jogadores,


      Eu sou um grande e antigo jogador do game Warframe e tenho orgulho em dizer que participo clã Guardiões do Void, um dos únicos que se destacam para mim pela grande oportunidade de ajudarem, ensinarem coisas novas e sempre estarem crescendo moralmente e intelectualmente com os membros.

     Depois de tempos de conhecer, ajudar e sempre colaborar com o clã, acabei me tornando um dos Administradores do clã, o que me abre portas para ajudar mais ainda os nossos membros em colaborações, ensinamentos, eventos e muito mais. 

     Pretendo também continuar sempre neste clã que sempre me traz orgulho, mas não pela estética e sim pelo bom convívio dos membros, uma das coisas que sempre me atrai.


    Obs: Se você é um jogador novato e procura um BOM Clã que ajude mesmo os jogadores e dê ATENÇÃO ao mesmo, este é o local certo para você afiliar-se.


     Minhas mais sinceras gratidão pelo bom convívio do clã, pela hospitalidade e intelectualidade com os membros e responsáveis. :)

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