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Posts posted by Rhoshan

  1. I can see the determination to move forward and implement this entire upgrade in it's totality.  I hope your mission is a success and you achieve what you're seeking.

    I'm trying to come up with constructive feedback for the melee changes.  For myself, I honestly don't feel any of this was needed, desired, or beneficial.  I think instant swapping of weapons in any form is a move in the wrong direction for combat.  In it's own way, it signifies that planning, strategy, and tactics aren't as important to fighting as button mashing.  You might as well add in instant reloading and remove the need to have ammo.  It's a dummy down of an enjoyably complex battle system.  The cost of running dry in the open and needing to swap to another weapon while surrounded by opposition added depth, realism, and challenge.  Now it's insta-swap. 

    Melee combat feels dull and lifeless.  My former style would involve well timed channeling bursts to increase the damage right as I was about to impact on a target.  Channelled bursts during combos were a signature for me.  It defined not only my playstyle, but was key to my success and ability to remove targets quickly, silently, efficiently.  It made me feel like a master of stealth and assassination.  Now to be even close to my previous level I need to change keybinds to allow myself to snipe my opponents and still be effective when things go upfront and personal.  There really isn't a smooth way to achieve this.

    Here's my 2 cents on the upgrade: 
    It stopped me from having fun when I play. 
    I log in each day to read the patch notes. 
    I'll see it through, I'll witness the end result.  But I know how this ends. 

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