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Posts posted by (PSN)dragon1561

  1. 1 hour ago, (XB1)M Corvid said:

    I wanted to, but Mag insisted on keeping the silver. Said something about refusing to be silenced. (AKA, I can't change the silver bits.)

    Lol, you should get mag prime lol

    BTW I'm zekrosage

  2. 16 hours ago, (PS4)Cell_Purple said:

    There is no possible way that DE would be able to release these without it being a nightmare, it also wouldn’t be lore friendly at all. Determining the stats would also be a complete nightmare, as Rebseiryuu said.

    I’m sorry but this is one of those concepts that just wouldn’t work in a game like warframe.

    I actually thought that we could put an average of both frame stats, plus if they are going to do it, the fusion would have its own blueprint as experiments in the vacant spot in the relays and will have their own part in lore as a new way to fight against sentiments in the tau system and these will set themselves apart from the frames made in the old war. 

    It would be the Cephalon's idea since they could use data collected to make something out of it like ordis. 

    It's not a fusion of the physical form, but rather a fusion of data acquired. 

    The red veil would provide the infestation we need to fit in the transference bolt. 

    Simaris will drop the parts we need in rotations A, B, and C,since ordis offers him the data.

    So I made sure there was no plot holes in the concept. 

  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Cell_Purple said:

    I agree with Renseiryuu, it would be an absolut nightmare fir DE to code, model, and implement. There are also too many issues that arise with your suggestions:

    -”they can’t be used in easy missions”, define easy missions, what one person may consider easy another may consider difficult.

    -“synergy between ability animations” the majority of the warframes have relatively unique animations, very few will have the appropriate ‘synergy’

    -How would augments work?

    -“combining their fashion”, this is just impossible, you can’t merge the aesthetics of two warframes without it looking completely ridiculous, especially given the options we have for fashion frame (i.e. merging tennogen & deluxe skins).

    -Some ‘fusions’ would just be broken, for example Inaros & Volt Prime. Scarab swarm that releases electricity? Not a chance.

    Sorry but the concept is just too implausible, I can assure you that this wouldn’t work well in the game. 

    OK first off volt and inaros are elementals so they can't merge, second what I meant are missions below level 30,third augments will work depending on the combination (the reason chromalibur fits is chromatic blade and chroma's passive), fourth only certain fashions may work depending on a scale DE should put, fourth its why I putten synergy of animations so that not all warframes could fuse, sixth I think DE should release one at a time so it doesn't turn to a nightmare. 

    Hope I answered your doubts of the concept

  4. So I will give you my idea to give you all an idea of how to give....... well your plans for this mechanic. 

    Chromalibur, the fusion of chroma and excalibur umbra, the dragon knight frame. 

    1.almighty roar(spectral scream and radial howl) :chroma send a blinding elemental roar that changes the elemental proc through chroma's passive.

    2.dashing aura (vex armor and slash dash) : chromalibur surrounds himself with an elemental dependant aura that gives him armor if shield is damaged and damage increase when health is damaged and when bullet jumping he sends out a slash of his swords. 

    3.elemental javelin (elemental ward and radial javelin) : chromalibur surrounds the area around him with an elemental dependant force with different effects depending on the element and knocks down all enemies within range. 

    4.dragoon (effigy and exalted blade) :chromalibur's pelt is released for chromalibur to ride while holding 2 exalted great swords with twice the damage. 

    Passive:all chroma and excalibur umbra passives plus increased speed when using his signature style of weapon the dual great swords. 

  5. On 2018-06-25 at 6:41 AM, Alexandre110 said:


    For some reason he's eyes look like this now: (Only at night time on Cetus)


    Looks cool as hell! so i made a new image using photoshop and that's the result:


    Can someone explain it?

    Yes, you have been possessed by the man in the wall

  6. OK so I got inspired along time ago to make a fusion of 2 warframes to form what I call a fusion frame. 

    It will be a fusion not only combining the two warframes, but also they're fashion and cosmetics and builds, that means it will not be modded separately, rather using the 2 builds on the warframes. 

    There are a few things that are made for restricting the fusion frame method:

    1.it must be male and male or female and female (meaning no fusion between frost and ember for example). 

    2.it must be a fusion between a prime and a normal variant to balance it up (however umbra acts as a catalyst meaning it can fuse with a normal or prime warframe). 

    3.synergy between ability animations for example excalibur umbra's radial howl and chroma's spectral scream. 

    4.finishing all the cinematic quests so that not all players have the leisure to use it,as well as a quest to introduce the mechanic. 

    5.they can't be used in easy missions because it will be way too op. 

    6.the names should be a good mixture of 2 warframe names like for example zephora (zephyr and khora). 

    7.special melee mix but having 4 ranged options except if the secondary is like a one handed pistol. 

    8.only 1 warframe has to be elemental (excluding mag nova nyx and limbo)(chroma counts) . 

    I hope to hear your ideas for this project and I will give one myself. 

    So enjoy thinking about it here


  7. Hi, I am zekrosage and I had a ps4 account username dragon1561. 

    My account password got hacked by spam and till now am trying to fix it. 

    Please help me to get back my account DE and worn others that there is someone who will spam them

  8. 4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    One of the mods moved it. If you look at the earlier posts it was put (incorrectly) in general. It was shifted to fan zone because general was the wrong place.

    OH, lol, I forgot😅😅😅

  9. On 9/24/2017 at 10:36 AM, xXDeadsinxX said:

    First of all, don’t advertise your channel, it’s against the Terms of Service. 

    Second of all, no one’s going to gift you things if you asking them to gift you weapons.

    Wait, I HAVE putten it in the fan zone 


  10. On 11/4/2017 at 8:45 PM, (PS4)dragon1561 said:

    i actually wanted to do it ,cause people may want me to do something i cant really get them unless i start getting enough subscribers to get paid

    plus its my first time using the forums lol

    AND really, my parents are very cruel when it comes to...... That. 

  11. QUALITY STANDARDS – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in a constructive and respectful way that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, be constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t rage/rant post, name and shame, have misleading topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text, image, or video form. We will delete/edit it, and there will be consequences as per our warnings.


    That would count as advertising your channel. 



    Should be okay if you post it in fan zone though. Fan Zone is the place for fan fiction, fan-sponsored contests, screenshots to share your achievements and Warframe-related video streams/Youtube channels



    Edited September 24 by krc473
    • Thanks. 
    • Honestly, I am new to the forums, so I didn't know
  12. i actually wanted to do it ,cause people may want me to do something i cant really get them unless i start getting enough subscribers to get paid

    On 9/24/2017 at 4:16 PM, (Xbox One)IAmNotAScrub420 said:

    Lmao your  advertising number 1 streamers get gifted cause they have people that are nice enough to do so.

    plus its my first time using the forums lol

  13. Hey guys, I'm starting a new channel on you tube that I want support on that will start next Saturday ,I call it zekro tube, but I need help to do so,that's why you could gift me anything that you want me to review about,I am also thinking of doing an idea similar to dk diamates (if I spelled it wrong plz tell me)of doing this sort of my own versions of the frames,but to do so ,I will need jungle's gift ,I will also give a shout out to the one's who gift me the stream items,(btw,I don't have classic colours😅😅)so I hope you sub for me and hopefully I get a partnership with de

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