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Posts posted by PrimedLaundrySauce

  1. 14 minutes ago, Karyst said:

    But it opens more options to deal damage instead of only armor strip or bypass with bleed viral

    Ngl this doesnt open more options, this will just make raw damage options the most easy and best to use. Enemies base HP is going to be increased to compensate these armor changes, slash is about to become worse. Why take the time to strip armor through subsumed abilities when now if you deal enough raw damage or status effects you can potentially deal more damage than full stripping due to how corrosive vs armor works. This will allow for different build styles yes, but it is leaning way more towards just a raw damage meta where now something like slash is becoming less valuable depending on how much enemies health gets increased by. Innately now without archon shards, you can reduce enemy armor by 90% with 10 corrosive and 1 heat proc, 90% less armor on an enemy with 2700 armor is 47% DR instead of 90%, corpus shields have 50% DR rn so with enough status procs which is very easy now a days through weapons, sentinel weapons like verglas, and some abilities, the value of full armor stripping is about to become wayyyyyy less now unless a full strip is extremely easy and fast to do, which compared to just pumping enemies full of more damage and status armor stripping will just take more time.

    • Like 4
  2. 15 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    To be honest i don't fancy the idea of having to constantly having to swap builds just to enter a mission, which is why selecting a few elements for the overall gameplay feels faster and more effective.

    I'm all up for blast, cold and armor changes, but if corpus feel tankier right from the start to the point i have to change builds then the game might get annoying and the change rather unecessary.

    I get it, you need to give employees something to do and as usual you don't like when players pick something more often, so you combine the 2 and we have unecessary changes on top of necessary ones so it doesn't feel to bad on release. It's not my 1st rodeo.

    Dont also forget that for some ungodly reason operator arcanes still arent even tied to loadouts, so every time you want to use new ones you have to go into the back of the ship and swap em. This is the thing i want by far the most to come since i use different arcanes a lot based on which frame im playing.

    • Like 2
  3. As much as these armor changes to enemies are interesting, you know this will only further shove a raw damage output meta right? 90% capped dr that is reduced so easily means next to nothing with what we can already do and a lot of people are just going to forego armor stripping subsumes cause of this when armor reduction through corrosive and heat is gonna be so strong, this also now makes people who run 2 emerald shards to strip through corrosive just go with 1 tau emerald to fit even more raw damage and the build ideas that people had to try and reduce enemies to 1% armor with 13 corrosive procs and a heat proc actually super good now since enemies will only have at most 8% DR at that point. I cant really say im opposed to the idea of the armor change but this is only further pushing an unga bunga build mentality which many people I know would prefer, death to viral hunter munitions lol.

    Also the magnetic changes are still worthless, and with cold now becoming significantly better theres no way to even work magnetic into being a good CC status type now when cold literally locks enemies in place and gives a really big damage vulnerability, and magnetic is still worthless to go for instead of just using raw toxin or gas which can just bypass shields entirely, magnetic can really only ever be useful if we had enemies that were purely shield based. 

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, Aerikx said:

    Dante changes were exactly what I expected. Well done.

    Literal team wide immortality was beyond ridiculous. Why folks are so upset over this? I don't know. If you couldn't see why full squads of night infinite Overguard was beyond reason.

    Line of Sight. Yeah makes sense.

    That all said...

    Get to work on neutering Deep Archimedia. Those modifiers and that level challenge doesn't belong in the game. 

    You literally JUST nerfed The Circuit into the ground because it was "Too Hard". 

    More than half of those modifiers are brutal. Especially since they'll be stacking on top of random Loadout preventing meta builds and compositions. 

    I look forward to seeing Deep Archimedia's upcoming nerfs.

    If team wide immortality is an issue how come revenant's mesmer shield hasn't been touched? S#&$ makes it so you will take damage never in any level content, I have gone entire archon hunts without taking damage from just a friend in game passively playing revenant, and also makes surviving at level cap pretty trivial.


    Also the deep archimedea modifiers are fine as is, me and a few clan mates blew through normal and elite archimedea in less than an hour with pretty scuffed builds.

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  5. Kahl was way better, I did every kahl mission and got the shard in like 10min. You can really only beat kahl in time with super optimized bounties and teams which is just a royal pain in the ass to get together when a good bounty is even available. I understand that people dont like kahl much but I dont see how people can enjoy running 30min of bounties instead when the bounties arent even that fun either.

  6. So I now noticed when trying to farm stela since we need 100 of it per ascent fusion that the murmur sarcophages have had a massive increase in their hp so now stuff like Limbo's Cataclysm and Xaku's Vast Untime now cant break them reasonable now, they have thousands of HP now. I know that before this update they broke with ease with these abilities since I got lots of it passively from farming voca and not needing to cast Vast Untime so much. I can also post a video for a stela farming guide from before this update that shows they broke with ease. I am really hoping this is a bug and not a way to make stela farming a massive headache to go along with ascent fusion.

    The video showing that sarcophages broke in 1 cast


    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, HeavyFarms said:

    You'd just use roar anyway. Why not boost your warframe abilities too while you are at it. 

    My friend runs Nova and Roar. Guess no reason not to at this point.

    if you want to min max raw damage that isnt status then eclipse with a bane mod on the weapon is usually better, but that sort of thing isnt needed at all unless youre doing level cap content, but usually status builds are best for that anyways, or just use nourish instead to get viral procs for an innately strong damage multiplier. I dont understand what DE was thinking with this nerf.

  8. 5 hours ago, matt11mz said:

    From the math I've seen, Eclipse still outperforms on raw damage builds with faction mods. Basically, Eclipse for pure crit, Roar for DoT.

    builds like that are still incredibly uncommon since more people would just rather use roar and not have to worry about swapping loadouts each time they face a new faction

    • Like 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, NovaLP said:

    1) Bounties not rewarding standing as voca

    Standing from bounties is still rewarded as straight standing and not voca's, I was hoping for a fix / change to the more player friendly token system in this update... but sadly still nothing. It's especially painfull now with the archon shards available for standing weekly. On the Zariman I was at least able to prefarm the Kuva bundle for a busy week were I am not able to play Warframe at all really, sad to see i'll be missing out on Archon Shards.

    2) SP Labs having no incentivising reward loop

    Still no reason to play SP in Albrechts Labs, on the Zariman you got Thrax that have an increased chance of granting arcanes if you played SP, which made a satisfying reward loop. But the Labs are missing that completely, there is no equivalent of Thrax and no way of farming melee arcanes from endless game modes in the Labs and the mirror defense is even missing whispers completely. If you are farming for arcanes (and vosfor) in the Labs you are better off getting them from normal assasination or exterminate spam.

    Suggestion: Let Rogue Necramechs drop Melee arcanes aswell, they don't have to be guaranteed just give it the option at least.

    3) Add Mirror Defense, Armageddon, Disruptions to the list of Omnia Fissures

    50% of the currently available omnia fissures are Survival, so chance is if you check for what omnia fissure is up its prob a survival. Altho I like Survival I also like other game modes that are missing in this List, especially Disruption. Additionally one part that made Armageddon so boring was that it was a tower defense, without enemies... which resulted in no need for towers to begin with, omnia fissure armageddon with increased spawns might've been very interesting but sad to see that we'll prob never experience it.

    Normally i would agree with the omnia fissure for disruption, but as the murmur disruption is right now a fissure would be horrible in it since theyre already so slow rn and going long runs is really discouraged with the damage attenuation necramech demolishers


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  10. The disruption mode has a major issue currently of very low enemy spawn rates, and not sure if that is intentional or a bug. This is currently making rounds feel extremely slow since most of the time you are waiting for stuff to spawn and get keys. 

    These are issues too but seem to be fully intended is the damage attenuation of necramechs, which as is the damage attenuation seems to be the same as archons. Just like archons now this heavily discourages playing in full squads since the mechs become much healthier with the same level of attenuations so it takes much longer to kill them with 4 people as opposed to solo or even a duo.

    I think most people can live with the necramech damage as it is since there are set ups to make it fast but would like to see it be a bit better for full squads, but I really hope the enemy density issue is fixed in the first hot fix.

  11. 14 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    look forward to seeing you put your loadouts to the test next week with Deep Archimedea!

    Despite the fact we wont get to choose our loadouts. Has it even been discussed yet if the gear rolls is like duviri or do we only roll gear that we currently own?

  12. Why are both conjunction survivals getting a fissure? Why not Lua Disruption? Why not Entrati Disruption? I was super hyped when hearing about Omnia fissures since I thought this finally meant that disruption wouldnt be nearly as rare to appear as a fissure now and also have it be a way to crack my meso relics in a disruption setting, just to get neither now. Is there a reason why that neither were chosen? This could have been a great chance to open up possibilities with disruption optimization for relic cracking since what we currently have is so limited because we can go days without seeing a fissure appear due to how rare they are, but seems like they want them to be rare.

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  13. 4 hours ago, _Anise_ said:

    tbh I want to use it just for the damage reduction, they said it would be capped at 90% and didn't mention what the helminth cap would be

    just curious what number people think the DR has to be at for it to be usable ? should I half 90% and add 7% ? 52% ?

    For the most part with current tools in the game for survivability, DR just isnt that useful to subsume for. Unless you are playing a frame that already has such ludicrous damage to the point where some DR can help stay alive way better, say maybe banshee then it could be nice, but for banshee you could also use a different subsume and shield gate with it and can also provide another benefit.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

    Here's an instance in which the toggle will be useful:

    You're clearing trash enemies in Disruption where the DR will be useful like in Lua, Apollo. You don't need a damage buff on trash mobs because they are trash. You then toggle the damage buff when taking down the Demolyst. I'm not saying this will be useful for you, but I can see how it would be for others.


    If you want survivability in disruption endurance you wont be using DR ever, shield gate, be invis, play rev, have a team mate rev using mesmer shield, or have strong crowd control. Playing like that makes damage way more valuable since clearing S#&$ fast is a means of surviving since then less things to hit you. The DR for the most part will never be used unless youre doing extreme meme strats as inaros or less meme worthy hildryn shenanigans. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Halo said:

    Allow me to shorten the entire idea of wanting to change Eclipse, make it more accessible for people to swap between buffs, and also simultaneously try to change how it acts, and now with the final conclusion based off what Reb has stated in the Dev Short today:

    "We're nerfing the Helminth version of Eclipse... AGAIN, but also making it a toggle"

    Yeah, that's the short version of what's going to happen. 

    Someone at DE really hates Eidolons or people having fun. Roar is actually going to be overall better now, and there will never be any math to say otherwise if this comes to fruition after Dante Unbound comes out. There will be no place for Eclipse if they nerf it to some percentage that is ON PAR (technically worse overall) with Roar, because Roar will just be flat-out BETTER. It works on yourself, AND YOUR TEAMMATES. 

    Leave Eclipse's final percentage from the helminth alone at 150%. Bad enough you already nerfed it from it's original 200% when it first released, but if you actually go through with ruining it, and making it obsolete, then good job in killing an ability people actually liked using. 

    I might not be a die-hard Eidolon Hunter like some people are, but this just seems targeted. I only really use it for PT also, so I also feel like I'm in this group of people whom you're just trying to make life different, or in this case worse. 

    30%, you got to actually be ----ing joking. 

    Actually upsetting. 

    Edit: Figured out the little scheme going on here. The second Roar tops Eclipse, you're just going to nerf it also. Thanks, now we all know.

    not to mention how thisll also effect PT, where roars value is diminished a lot since you should be using corpus bane mods in PT. I thought the original change to eclipse was to target arbitrations, PT, and eidolons, but I guess its more so to target eidolons and pt even though eidolons already have it bad enough now with arcane dissolution and not being able to crit lures.

    • Like 6
  16. How come there hasn't been implementation for operator arcanes to be within loadouts? It is awful that any time we want to swap operator arcanes based on the warframe or gamemode we are playing we have to go into the back of the ship every time to do so instead of it just being something that can be preselected for each individual loadout. Would this sort of thing be difficult to implement?

  17. How come there has not been an addition to make it so operator arcanes can be chosen for specific loadouts? I assume many people want to use different operator arcanes for certain warframes and builds but having to change them every time by going into the back of the ship I play certain warframes or mission types is very cumbersome to do. Would this sort of thing be difficult to implement?

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  18. 16 hours ago, haseo669 said:

    Sure it's broken and like opportunistic scavengers without a lick of foresight you all jumped on it and payed the price. Like you thought being unkillable barring toxin damage is something acceptable, delusional. DE Devs aren't gods, they're humans like us they make mistakes, it's up to us the players to do our due diligence.

    You act like its ridiculously broken yet if it was actually fixed to be blast status proc it would be even more niche than it was and requires a lot of catering towards to work instead of average brief respite shenanigans, also that all methods of shield gating are obsolete compared to having a revenant with mesmer shield in party so to see blast gating be a pretty damn good option for survival when something like that exists its understandable to see that players wouldnt expect it to be nerfed into the ground while also still not fixing the actual unintended part of the shard based on its description. Also, players shouldnt be so hard punished for playing and testing out this new content then enjoying it and making builds, calling people dumb for doing so is also dumb of you. DE we all beg give us an unfuse option which could be very easily implemented since its the most fair thing to have in a game about making build where people want to experiment and test things out, making such a late game and weekly gated material be a permanent fusion when theyll always be subject to change is very harsh

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  19. 3 hours ago, Aer_Wolf said:

    1. They shouldn't, completely breaks the reason archon shards exist, they meant for nice little additions to warframe builds or to reach some break points, not to completely make any weapon so overpowered

    2. DE don't owe you anything, if that is how they want their game played, that is how they are going to make their game.

    If flat added crit breaks why shards exist for that reason then emerald shards break that too since with just 2 of em you now give any warframe extremely easy access to full armor strip for 2 non tau emerald shards, or in some cases now make frames like saryn and hydroid really powerful since now their kits just innately armor strip whole hordes with ease which I'd argue is way more broken than what the topaz were doing. Id prefer if topaz shards got reverted to being a flat added crit chance since its a bit mroe interesting to build with but it would be reasonable to tone down the bonus, maybe just make the bonus the same values as reds but just make them additive instead of multiplicative so then sure having 5 tau topaz could still give 187.5 final crit but given how expensive and time consuming it would be to get 5 of those tau shards on one frame let alone enough to have several on multiple frames I think would be fine especially if emeralds get to exist like how they currently do.


    3 hours ago, -4-lexatrop said:

    Bring back topaz 375% flat red crits

    as much as i loved this being a thing it was honestly absurd how much crit it was. I think it would be fine if they were changed back to being flat crit again but make it 25% flat crit per shard then 37.5 per tau then make it so you still have to get the kills on enemies affected by heat but make it so it only adds .5% and .75% per kill then. It's then the same numbers as red shards but then one is multiplicative and the other is final.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Nox_Terminus said:

    That's because the 'fix' was making them function like the Crimson shard crit buff. Which is simply modded crit chance, i.e. Creeping Bullseye or Primed Pistol Gambit.

    The only difference is Topaz shards get 50% Crit Chance instead of only 25%. That being said the way they were working on launch of this update was like Arcane Avenger, which is a flat crit chance buff.

    For example.

    Regulators have a crit chance of 25%. Lets say you have a mesa build with 4 Topaz Shards for Crit Chance.

    Yesterday your total crit chance with Primed Pistol Gambit and the Topaz Shards would be...

    (25 + 187%) + 200 = 271.75
    With this Hotfix and the change to the calculation it has been reduced to...

    25 +387% = 121.75

    Its a rather significant nerf, and the patch notes seem to have glazed over that fact.

    yeah seemed so, its a really sad nerf to see cause I was already making some builds around it just for it to be yoinked and glossed over it so now the stuff i was making and planning is worthless and for some reason we cant unmerge shards even though im pretty sure during the dev stream where they were first teased they said we could unfuse them

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  21. Was testing out the Topaz Shards again now and it seems the critical buff they apply is bugged still where it displays much more crit chance in the top right than you actually earn, I killed 10 enemies in sim and then it said it applied over 40% crit chance from those kills when I only have 3 tau topaz shards equipped so it is displaying incorrectly, as well as it seems the crit buff is now much weaker than it was before so it seems the final crit chance buff is also bugged. I also tested them out on the hot fix just before this one and they were working perfectly find, proper crit buff being applied and getting the appropriate crit per kill too so I dont see how this hot fix went and broke them again.

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