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Posts posted by Halser

  1. Still better than Primed Slip Magazine.

    not really.


    Both are insane credit and core sinks that offer no real benefit whatsoever.


    The difference is that until you've sank enough credits and cores for rank 7, Primed Pistol Gambit is even worse than its regular counterpart. That doesn't apply to Primed Slip Magazine.

  2. Agree with both. If slash dash acted more like super jump in its spammability it would make excal a lot better in general. The ability to change directions while it's working its thing would make it very useful as a mobility tool.


    Depends which definition you look at.


    verb: exploit; 3rd person present: exploits; past tense: exploited; past participle:exploited; gerund or present participle: exploiting
    1. 1.
      make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
      "500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology"
      synonyms: utilizeharnessuse, make use of, turn/put to good use, make the most of, capitalize on, benefit from; 
      informalcash in on
      "we should exploit this new technology"
      • use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.
        "the company was exploiting a legal loophole"


    the definition OP is using is definitely "use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way."

  4. Funny to see all the people raging about "veteran exclusives" and "trading worth" being gone. I swear, Warframe is the only game where people defend content being taken away/being time-locked just so they can sell it. Seriously, these dual-stat mods are pretty much essential for any status build, locking them behind events that occur for a week once every six months or longer is not good for gameplay in any way.

    status builds are 100% worthless, but I still think those mods should just be available for everyone. There are other ways to make veteran players feel exclusive, and most of the (good) ones involve cosmetic items and not items that really affect gameplay.

  5. Cores need to have higher drop chances on hard survivals, simply because, as the game progressed and more rank 10 mods were released, the demand for them increased dramatically. It's just how the game shaped up to be. We aren't grinding Vor for cronus BPs for 2.5k credits every 5 minutes anymore, things have just 'inflated' because of the way the game grew.


    As of now, many players just don't have the time to gather enough cores to even come close to matching their particular needs for fusing. A high rank player sees all those new R10 legendary and rare mods and, well, he wants to level them up. Not to max, necessarily, but even without maxing the demand is rather high. And with the current drop rates it just takes too long, especially considering it also costs credits to level them up. A lot of players don't have that time, especially when rates are so low it feels frustrating and slow to try.


    A rate of about 50% instead of 25% would help a lot. Also, more alerts like these, mastery rank locked with fusion core(or similar) rewards. Reward players who grinded for incredibly high mastery ranks with a cookie and a message saying 'we appreciate the time you spent on our game, here's some cores for your convenience'. Perhaps make it a sort of 'weekly' mission set a player can undertake, similar to the sindicate dailies. The higher your MR, the better your rewards.


    Even something as small as giving veteran players cores does wonders to make them feel like they should stick around, and that the time they spent wasn't just wasted. If a player is MR10+ then it's fair to say they are ok with grinding in general, but having very low drop chances and such high demands makes it feel frustrating, and that's what kills motivation.

  6. Seems to be quite unnecessary, but I would suppose it would add to the players attempting the forums. 

    Double-edged blade, surely.

    One R5 core pack for every post in the forums.


    That would make this place lively.

  7. I don't know.  Puncture is my personal favorite damage type (not proc) for Grineer.  It provides bonus damage to both armor types, with the bigger bonus against Ferrite (which is good, cause gunners are the toughest to take down).  I really only use the 120% Puncture mod on one-shot weapons, though (ex: Paris Prime and Opticor).

    that's the thing, though. Puncture only has a 25% bonus against alloy, 50% against ferrite.


    Rad has 75% against alloy, corrosive has 75% against ferrite. it's a pretty substantial difference.

  8. Doubtful. I'm willing to bet the only one that reads the forums is Rebecca. She passes whatever info she thinks is important to the devs, and they decide what to not do with it.


    I believe the reason for the silence from the developers comes from the fact that words from them have a lot of weight. If they accidentally say something they regret later, the result is quite damaging to the 'relations' between player and company. With community managers, they have the ability to say something that is not exactly true, because they can then say that they aren't developers and, as such, don't get the full info. It is also better to entrust player relations to a small group of people(and only that group of people) so it can be coordinated better in the case of some problem popping up.


    Keeping most stuff in the dark allows them to cancel, delay, and change focus in projects without the community getting mad about it (or something like that). It gives them freedom they would not have if they were 100% clear about what they have in store. This is why we only get developer workshops from Scott and other developers when the changes they plan to introduce are pretty much already done and planned to be released in a few days; the chance of a change or delay is so small there's no reason to keep it hidden.


    Developer livestreams have more planning in them than you may think. Those two weeks between each one are spent hand picking assets, questions and info so that all(or most of) the news released in them are, in fact, part of their plan, to reduce 'fallout' as much as possible in case something that shouldn't be said is, by accident. This doesn't work all the time, but it works well enough for them.

  9. I've never been one much to complain about changes to the game, and quite frankly, I think having rare 5 cores made a bit more difficult to get is a good thing. It actually makes you play the game and enjoy grinding (to a degree), although these 50 cores and 50000 credits will be a nice boost for players who don't have much. 

    I'll end up having 108, maybe soon I'll be able to max out a Transient Fortitude! 

    making grind less rewarding shouldn't make people enjoy it more unless you're a masochist.



    The lack of content drove us to it, maxing those primed mods shouldnt be the ultimate goal for anyone...


    As Rebecca stated, of course it will always take more time to create content than to play it, but one may question the type of content that has been added and its potential longevity, you shouldnt wait a whole update for something like kubrows, or lisets, new weapons, new warframes... vain content, only grind/RNG walls can hold people from burning through this type of content in a couple of days, the quests are amazing, but they're not long term content, we are light years away from having any significative endgame content,  catchy and funny enough to get you playing endlessly in despite of "getting something" or accomplishing a finite goal.

    In its current state the game is a lot more about collecting/maxing stuff than actually playing it for fun, thus all discussions circle around making things easier or harder to get...


    I don't see how making 'vain content' incredibly frustrating and time consuming to complete does anything to prevent people from getting burned out from the game. It doesn't motivate them to continue, it motivates them to stop playing completely, not until another update comes out. If they know they'll eventually have to come back to the unbearable core grind, they will stop caring.

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