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Posts posted by joeygray

  1. oh thank god i thought it was only me. yes, the placemnt of decorations is very wonky. the whole dojo system needs an over haul. god help you if you want to remodel the rooms, youll have to destroy every room you made stemming from that room.

  2. the trade channel should be for like, mega rare items. but if youre a career trader and youre packed to the rafters with unranked nightmare and corrupted mods, then yes, it would make sense logistically to have an auction house. the economy is large enough and enough items can be traded to warrant one. anti-socialites gonna anti social, nothing can be done about that. focus on the players that can contribute to the community and economy by streamlining and centralizing the process.

  3. I think that those names are just derived from a common source although when DE was first describing the dark sector conflicts they did say something about trying to bring a little EVE into warframe so its highly likely that some of them do play EVE.

    Also proud former member of the CFC here.



    Low sec pirate aligned with N3 reporting in

  4. The Hek comes from the boss Vay Hek.

    The Kestrel is a sort of predatory bird that can hover.

    In the Arthurian Legends, Galatine is the name of the sword given to Sir Gawain by the lady of the lake. It is referred to as 'shadow to excalibu`s light.


    They may be EVE fans or they are just really thinking about giving suitable names.



    I was talking about the shotgun Hek, its also the name of a popular system in EVE. I had no idea galatine was from english folk lore. thats interesting to know, thank you for that. I knew kestrel was a bird because a player race in EVE has a theme of like 99% of their ships are named after raptors.

  5. Is it just me, or do a few of the names in Warframe seem to come from EVE? Hek, Kestrel, Galatine. I know Im forgetting some. What are the names youve encountered that my list missed? Not calling them out or trying to accuse them of biting. It would be interesting to know if any of the devs play.



    If they do I just hope to god none of them are part of Goon Swarm; or have anything to do with the CFC in general.

  6. it reminds me a lot of the Armored Core series in regards to having a garage to tweek your load out and everything be sortie based. There are sand box elements like extractor drones and dojo building. the player trade economy gives elements of an MMO (play EVE to see what a fully realized player economy looks like). i wouldnt say it spans all genres but an action game has elements of all genres. 

  7. they emailed me. they said they dont like you so you get a super extended 19 hour maintenance period. and when you log in all youll have in your inventory is the Seer pistol and 14 ammo drums. sorry, i tired to tell them thats messed up but they just laughed... :(

  8. i don't mind the elevators, but teleporters would be cool none the less, the other day i was thinking of how it could be cool if there was a hanger for the new player ships or a monorail system you could build to scoot around, because lets face it, we all hover around the defense pods on Ceres for that reason

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