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Posts posted by Asura_Echo

  1. Has anyone else had an issue where the game stops registering key presses on a keyboard setup? It's normally my directional keys, and it happens maybe once every game or so, just a simple letting off the keys tends to fix it, but it can get somewhat annoying at times.

  2. Let me just start by saying, I never believed in that theory, but some people did, and today it occurred to me why it's not possible. Some of you may have put two and two together already, but I'll explain anyway.


    Alright, so I was helping a friend with the last part of the Chroma quest, he underestimated the enemy, and the objective wasn't doing too good, long story short, we decided to fight to the death for the hell of it. At one point, not sure why I remembered it then, but I said "we'll die smiling like Mirage" that's when I realized the final nail was set in the coffin of that theory.


    In Mirage's quest, at one point, Lotus says "She is smiling because she knows I am lying..." Energy, can't smile! Only flesh can! She also says something about the Mirage comforting her [Lotus] which means Tenno can talk.


    So, any of you still think we're energy? No? Good.

    One thought crossed my mind, what if the Tenno we play as are Sentients that were reprogrammed? That would explain the whole shape shifting things.

  3. i miss those days myself. If you wanted to find a specific resoruce, you had to go to a level and farm it. Getting rare resources was a chore.

    Back then, Control Module  was extremely rare and i needed 1 for one of the parts for Ember (was using Volt and i was broke in RL so i couldnt buy a new frame at the time.).


    Now, everything seems to be handed on a silver plate. The feeling for working your soul out to get something was an amazing feeling, but it seems its gone.

    I remember when you were lucky to get 10 Rubedo while farming for Rubedo. Rhino was such a pain to grind for back then, 600 Rubedo.

  4. Specs

    Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    Memory  8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB

    Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)


    And the macs practically empty too so space isnt an issue :)

    Well, you could look up ways to play on a mac, or you could download a virtual machine and get a windows file from microsofts official site and install it, which would allow you to run windows programs on your computer. You could also search up how to transfer your PC account to your PS4 account. But your best option would be to put your Macbook back in the box and return it. Then you can get a real laptop and still have money left over to upgrade it for gaming. Yes I hate on Macs, that's because all of my programming professors make fun of Apple stuff, so it's a habit. I know you can get a really good Lenova laptop that has great specs for gaming for about $1200.

  5. Server nearly went.


    Lost one 2min before 20min mark, starting moving towards exit and framerate drops hard, freezing begins to happen and at this point i have 54 neural sensors, then it hard freezes for 1min and i don't do anything, then it comes back and i start to move again when host migration hits, i lose the other 2 players and i eventually make it to extract.


    Servers still dodgy i think.

    The servers are only in the Relays. You don't need a host to play on a server (I really hope you understand what I mean there), hence the reason there was a host migration in your game, because it wasn't on a server. 

  6. Aside from fanboys spouting regurgitated rhetoric, there really isn't that much difference in the console harware.  Since PS4 went back to the same architecture as the XB1 they are pretty even with no real draw back to either one.  PS4 I believe is still more 'user' customizeable mainly in that we don't need a proprietary hdd to upgrade.  We also have the bluray drive that allows us to have more information on the disk but since the games all install onto the hdd that point is moot.  All in all though with all things considered they are basically the same hardware with different operating systems.  


    PS XB1 sucks....lol..j/k....or am I...?

    You do realize the Xbone has a blu-ray drive right? It's exactly the same pretty much, and you can just by an external harddrive (or you can replace the stock one if you have a computer with Linux on it).

  7. Dunno if that rude because Founder paid for game developpement mainly on PC , got ripped off when they announce that money went on PS4 warframe that is enought , or maybe they also help when the game need'ed money , If I don't mistake  price where like 20-40-90-300 € I might be mistaking on price , They give there support on unfinished game that is quite risky so they deserve it


    Dunno how this system will work in U17 with 20 node...

    That means my name should be highlighted too, because I've paid close to $150 for plat, and the game is still in development?? See how you're statement is going? The game is (and probably always will be) a beta, so it's still a risk to spend any money on it.

  8. i play warframe a lot i mean a lot i have been doing a lot of void missions time after time i go into void missions tower 1 2 3 and  4 and all i get is formas for rotation c rewards does anyone elsa have this problem like i wish the devs would just move formas from being a reward for rotation C nothing hurts more than going 40 minutes in a tower  4 survival and getting a forma yeah formas are cool if your a noob but im sure any player who has been playing more than a month has more foma blueprints than they know what to do with come on devs fix this problem and give us better rewards this would make this game 10 times better

     your freind shiryo 18

    I've been playing for 2 years and have aquired roughly 20 Formas in that entire time, most of them went into my Clan Dojo. I run voids all the time.

  9. is just normal lag, just roll and will fix it

    btw i really like warframe in Third person, i like to look the detail and the moves of the character im using

    I don't think he was wanting it to be fixed.


    There has been many videos about this, and most of the community is on behalf of the Warframe staying as Third person shooter. 

    Warframe would be neither fun nor Warframe if it was FPS. 

    Submit a bug report if you wish to see it fixed.

    As I stated above, I don't think he wants to get it fixed.


    To OP, this used to happen all the time awhile back. After you hacked a console it would sometimes glitch out.

  10. I love playing Warframe and have always used Excalibur since I've ever started about 6 weeks ago, but I've been told (so far) that the best way to level master rank is to hit rank 30 with other warframes. If this is so, it frustrates me how we are forced to use other warframes to level mastery quickly. I love Excal and have never wanted to use another warframe, but with this method (again; what I've heard so far to level mastery quickly), I hate how it forces me to use other warframes. Is this true or is there another method to level mastery just as quick or in general.

    Every time you level a weapon or sentinel, you get 100 points to your mastery rank. Every time you level a Warframe, you get 200 points to your mastery rank. Yes it's about twice as fast but you don't have to keep them. If you had joined around U10, you could level a weapon to 30 sell it, buy the blueprint, rinse, and repeat and get mastery points every time because of a glitch that allowed you to regain mastery from the same weapons over again. I know this because there are some rank 20+ players hanging around other sites that have talked about how they have only leveled like 30% of the items in Warframe to 30, even though they're like MR25.

  11. It's not the fact that they're there, it's the fact people actually fall for that stuff and these people aren't punished for it. Begging in any game is usually a punishable offense, as it's most commonly related to scamming.

    But scamming isn't punishable in this game, soooo

  12. This past week, I've seen so many camps. I would be HOSTING the match, with MY key, and people would try to turn it into a camp game. To hell with that.


    If I wanted to press one button all day, I'd be watching a youtube playlist.


    Whats worse, I was the Nekros of a party, with a Vauban, Trinity, and Chroma... The camp spot was "no where to be found". They wanted to leave and redo, with MY key. I said hell no. I can go to 40 mins in T4S with an UNRANKED CHROMA. The sad part?  I got the best stats on everything at the end by 40 minutes.


    What is wrong with you people? Why are you all so afraid to run around, kill things, and have fun?


    You sit in a corner to get easy stuff, to never use it? Then call the game boring and easy once you cheese it out of everything.


    I don't get you people. But I guess that's why I can go into late game with melee only, and other people struggle with their fancy boltor primes.

    I'm not saying camping is cool, I don't do it because it's boring. But Warframe has gotten pretty boring, I don't even have everything in the game and it's boring because I know what to expect, you do this, collect this, wait for this, rinse and repeat. Also not everyone is a challenge @#&*( that loves to have enemies pound them till they beg.

  13. Leaving you to die and fail the mission..


    Have you ever encountered this?


    DE... Please implement something to prevent this from happening.

    When Limbo first came out, I was in a lot of games where we all did this to the Limbo guy because he would always use his abilities and make it impossible for us to collect items. Got cussed out by one guy once because we did this to him after he had collected something important and lost it from failing the mission.

  14. In reality, too much work for too little enjoyment :/

    Actually it wouldn't be much work at all. All you would have to do is convert the Windows model to Android. And the HTC One(M8) can also be a Windows phone, meaning you won't need any conversion besides supporting mobile graphics.

  15. To start it off, for those of you who don't know, you can buy a little cord for the HTC One(M8) that allows you to plug a USB controller(or anything really) into your phone and use it. With that in mind, how cool would it be if you were able to play Warframe on your phone on the go? I think it would be a pretty good idea. Tiny iPhone screens wouldn't be welcome either.

  16. The same can be considered for Tenno.

    We are the enemy faction's Stalkers. We appear out of nowhere, and murder them usually before they can do much of anything about it.

    But... why can't they find us? They can't see our large, complex dojos sitting on the edge of the Solar System, or our numerous Lisets flying about?

    They do not notice our Solar Rails and our infighting? We are weakened there, why not strike us down then?

    It's a complex contradiction. Assassins(Tenno) take out Tenno(leaders) because they are a threat. The Tenno(leaders) are incapable of finding these Assassins(Tenno).

    So what? We can always find eachother as long as one of us wants to kill that other one right then and now? If this is true, why aren't we always doing this so that we cannot be found ourselves, and wipe out the enemy completely? However, wouldn't we then be searching for eachother where we are no longer? So should we just wait in the off chance the person that finds us can't kill us? And if we want to be just left alone, would we search for them, since they are likely searching for us, so we never find eachother, or would we cease searching because they expect us to come to them?

    So many questions man.

    If you sit around in the Liset long enough, you'll see a Grineer ship come up on the Liset. I think at one point I saw explosions around my Liset too, but that could have just been on tv, since I watch tv while I play.
  17. 6. Be a good role model to other Limbo players - Some Limbo users are new. They're getting used to how his abilities work both on players and on enemies. They may use some abilities wrong, but its best to assume they're new and not trying to grief. If you find a new Limbo user, be nice to them. Explain how Limbo's abilities work, show them how its done the right way. Welcoming new Limbo users just might prevent a couple from wanting to abuse him.

    I did this the other day, although I wasn't in Limbo. Someone with a new Limbo asked what was the best way to use Limbo, I said, "Go to your arsenal and re-equip your previous Warframe, and don't use Limbo cause he was created to make other players mad." The rest of the squad agreed and the guy with the Limbo left.

  18. My thoughts. May be a spoiler, so proceed with caution.

    I actually thought that the creature was Phorid, due to the mention of it glowing red, though now that I think of it that could be attributed to the alarm lights or something else because all the glowy bits on Phorid are blue in color.

    Remember Rhino's Roar makes you glow red.

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