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Posts posted by (XBOX)RockStarAJ

  1. I have just started my own clan with a few of my friends.  Some of the things that my old clan did that I liked were clan contests and dojo scavenger hunts and would like to do activities like these in my clan. While they had some good ideas of how to do 'Easter egg' hunts by hiding particular statues around the dojo, they had to use out of game tools (screen shots and xbox clubs) to verify that people had actually found them.  

    What I am suggesting is a decoration that can be placed in the dojo by one player, and then later on another player can interact with it and remove it from the dojo and put into their inventory, without using the dojo decoration UI.  That object can then be traded to other players (for a prize in an actual clan easter egg hunt contest) or kept by the player and put into their landing craft as a decoration. The eggs would need to have some way for Clan leaders to mark them with the clan emblem or some other icon so that unscrupulous tenno can't just acquire them through trade chat, farming or the market and use them for clan contests.  

    These objects don't have to be eggs, they could be some futuristic sci-fi gadget.  I'm just using Easter eggs as they most closely describe what I am talking about.  I would also suggest that they come in several different colors so if a clan chooses they can give out different prizes depending on the color of the eggs.  

    Player driven gameplay like clan contests are a fun way to keep players interested in the game, (organizers and participants alike) even during content droughts.  With just a small bit of support from the devs by including items that make these activities easier to organize and execute, clan contests could be an additional kind of end game.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, Salt_Chroma said:

    Chroma needs a noggle too!  I've probably said this before, but I would love to fill my liset with Chroma noggles.  Maybe even my entire orbiter.  Pls DE.  Let me achieve my dreams!

    😮 i didn't even look for Chroma.  I will update the original post asap! 


  3. So I was going through the Market looking for stuff to fill the empty shelves in my ship when I noticed that several Warframes do not have noggles.  Specifically Khora, Gara, Harrow, Titania, (edit) Chroma, and Nidus.  This wouldn't be that big of an oversight if there wasn't noggles for Konzu, Hok and Hai-Luk available.  Did someone forget about the warframes or something?  Someone sleeping on the job?  Please correct this injustice asap.

    A Tenno


    (edit)  Also just noticed that Atlas also doesn't have a Noggle.  But then how can someone without a head have a noggle.  Still he is missing and this only adds to the Injustice.

    (edit 2)  So the injustice has been partially addressed as I have just seen the news that Limbo, Atlas, and Chroma have finally had their noggles added to PC.  We just need the others listed in my original post to be added and the injustice will have been resolved!!! 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    the dyes are now like bait where you throw them in the water and that is the only place they will have effect. you will need to use more in order to span a larger area sadly. Personally I'm not fond of the change because I really do not care about them also working for allies as I fish solo.

    What a horrible idea!  Why take something that was working and made fishing functional and make it less fun/functional?  Please DE don't bring this change over to consoles.


  5. 1 hour ago, Zanchak said:

    I dont see whats fun about having multiple streams open and watching none of them but maybe Im just too old to understand.

    What's fun about Christmas?  Opening the presents.  What's fun about having several streams running and only watching one of them?  All the mail that Teshin was flooding our inboxes with when we logged back into the game after watching.  

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