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  1. I've been grappling with the challenge of constructing our clan dojo, "Forest of the Dead," though I'm not the clan leader, I often take the lead in building. The idea of turning our dojo into a lush forest has been my goal for a while, but it's proving to be quite a complex endeavor. The primary issue I've encountered is the limited selection of trees available for construction. Even the trees we do have can be quite tricky to work with, not to mention the frustrating collision issues between various objects within the dojo. What I'm essentially seeking are suggestions or creative insights on how to bring this forest concept to life. Are there any reference materials or examples I can draw inspiration from? I've scoured the internet for ideas and methods, but it seems that creating a forest theme in the dojo isn't a very common endeavor. I have a vivid image in my mind of how I'd like it to appear, but I'm hindered by the limited choices at my disposal. I find myself wishing for more options, such as placeable water features or the inclusion of willow trees, and in general, a broader array of tree varieties. It's become apparent that I either need to push my creativity to its limits or navigate a challenge that many who have ventured down the forest-themed path in their dojos have also faced. If anyone has insights or ideas to share, I'd greatly appreciate the guidance in bringing our "Forest of the Dead" to life.
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