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Posts posted by Gritzan

  1. It's one thing I talked about before(not here, though). I don't understand why DE is such a fan of announcing their deadlines when they rarely, if ever, follow them.


    They're also not bound by publishers forcing them to release stuff earlier, it's really puzzling.

  2. 1 minute ago, DeFragMe said:

    sure. but what i mean is.

    Does that user has to search for the loot 15-50 min to get everything together (depending on how he does the mission=, or should the user just take 5min to get the loot while rushing through a singel mission.

    i mean iam no game designer, but i would take option one. It  increases the playtime of my players, even if some drop of.

    You killed 554330 enemies by pressing 4.

    They dropped loot.

    That loot, by all rights considering how the game works, is yours.

    Now depending on whether you have 5m vacuum or 12m vacuum, that takes x amount of time to collect or 8x amount of time to collect. The collecting is busywork that shouldn`t affect a game designer's opinion on how long a mission took to complete.

    Also, taking longer to complete a mission doesn't mean the mission, or the game, is better.

  3. 1 minute ago, DeFragMe said:

    not if you want to create something like progress or something to do.

    for example, if i instantly have all the ressources i need to build something, i only need to wait the ~12h mostly to finish the weapon ,use it for 10 min (if you like speed grinding) and throw it away for the next weapon.

    If you know dont instantly have all the ressources and you actually have to look a TINY bit more... it takes you maybe 30 min to a few hours (depending if you search or only rush through) and then the 12h to finish to throw the weapon away. wich actually causes someone to play longer.

    Sure if a person doesnt like grinding , he will stop playing, but the game always was a grind and will never change... even if it already got laughable easy to get stuff compared to years ago.

    There's a tiny, minuscule difference between being able to collect the loot you've rewarded yourself with by playing the game normally faster and having infinite resources.


    It's microscopic, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

  4. 8 hours ago, KAHO16 said:

    maybe DE got mad with a lot of Tenno farming ayatan sculpture TOO EASY with vacuum. (and with telos boltace, etc.)

    So, DE makes it harder to farm ayatan treasure so that users realize that ayatan treasure is more valuable than before the TVW.



    Vacuum doesn't suck sculptures or stars. Not sure what you're talking about.



  5. Just now, YUNoJump said:

     and people may learn the purpose of the decreased range.

    So we have two options.

    1)This is an intricate puzzle designed by DE to challenge the meaning of game design and lead their player base into a quest for self discovery and refinement of spirit, understanding the purpose and meaning behind changing a globally used tool.

    2)This is a nerf.




  6. Just now, YUNoJump said:

    I can't say that I am DE but it seems pretty obvious that "work out alternative to issue" and "don't just revert change completely and without personal thought after barely any time in action" are decent practices to uphold.

    I remember when the Vaykor Hek was released, there was a lot of rage there as well because it didn't appear to have as much damage as the normal Hek. The devs could have buffed the Vaykor right there based solely on community rage, but after a while people got used to the weapon and even discovered ways to make it better than the original. DE believes that its changes are viable for reasons that could be perfectly valid, and it doesn't have to bend to the community just because they got a lot of shallow yelling about it.

    A weapon being trash(or not) cannot be compared to a convenience mechanic used by 89% of players being gutted in the guise of a buff.

  7. Just now, YUNoJump said:

    It's been less than half a day since the update launched, they haven't even had the time to implement any sort of actual change. They probably reduced the range for a specific reason other than "nerfs lol" so they're probably brainstorming better alternatives to the flat decrease at the moment.

    Even if there is a massive amount of outcry, DE can't just revert the change after half a day of complaining, a lot of people wouldn't even bother to put their opinion forward after only that much time. They're no doubt waiting to see if people calm down, or if less vocal people speak up to approve of the changes. 

    What I'm saying is, give them time. They're working on it.

    You seem to know an awful lot about DE's course of action based on absolutely nothing. "Waiting to see if people calm down", really? In other words, that means "waiting to see if people give up on complaining and continue to suck it up".

    This half a day of the forums being almost solely a maelstrom of complaints about how mind numbingly stupid this change is led to



    Which shows how much they're willing to budge on their original, god given vision of how this is supposed to work.

    There's another point, though.  There's no need to brainstorm anything. The correct answer is obvious to anyone that cares and isn't being contrarian to get some quotations. That correct answer was obvious before Steve said anything yesterday, and it's pretty clear they ignored that completely in favor of doing some smoke and mirrors with the final objective of nerfing vacuum.

    Until they get their heads out of their posteriors, the only thing to do is voice our complaints here. I have very little hope of this, but maybe, just maybe, they will stop being so god damn stubborn and just do the logical thing that would make 89% of the player base happy.

    Probably won't happen, because the only time they have any humility to show is when they have to delay an update another month.


  8. 1 minute ago, YUNoJump said:

    Yes it's ok to complain, but if we found a way to weaponise vacuum complaint threads then we'd have the power to take down a Fomorian in seconds. It's time to stop making these threads. At this point anything anyone would want to say has already been said many times over.

    oddly enough, despite our arms race to shove a point into DE's thick skull, nothing has come out of it.

    All we have was a knee slapper buff from 5m to 6m and the ever dismissive "believe us, we care about your feedback, we just won't do anything about it".

    Pretty good evidence that what we have isn't enough.


    2 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    I have my first amendment, and I will not hold back on using it!

    Your constitution has no power here.


  9. Just now, Meentlegen said:

    And that's what we're doing, but threatening them and making this out as if it's the downfall of Warframe isn't a way to make progress. They made it perfectly in the update notes that these changes aren't adamant, and that they're going to keeping a close eye on this and change it accordingly. So I doubt we're going to be stuck with this update for the rest of the foreseeable future. 

    Who's threatening them? Can you quote that?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Meentlegen said:

    Can't we just be happy that this is what we got instead of the 3-part precept idea they originally introduced? I mean, it at least proves that they're listening to our feedback. 

    This compromise is toxic to the future of the game. The player base needs to show DE when they screwed up and when they didn't, and this definitely is a time to show them they did.

  11. 36 minutes ago, That1Cactus said:

    "No body is crying here" Except for the huge amount of people crying about the """bad""" vacuum range that post new threads about it non-stop.

    And while yes feedback is nice, so is my feedback, which is that it's NOT a nerf it's a change, the literal distance between then and now is merely one damn step while sprinting (because wowie, infinite sprinting is in the game *shock*) and if anything the fact that we ARE getting a universal vacuum in any way means that other sentinels will finally be used as often as stinking Carrier (which literally the only gimmick was the vacuum).

    Of course I'm gonna put on the assumption that you haven't been with the game as long as me and many others, I have been through many changes with the game and instead of shouting every little change and fix as a """NERF""" I still tread on because the """""NERFS""""" are nothing more than damn pebbles.

    The game changes and that's that, DE will do as they with to do with the game BECAUSE IT IS THERE GAME AFTER ALL and they'll do whatever they please, and if there are LEGITIMATE problems then they do go out of their way to revert and fix them. Universal vacuum range is NOT one of them.

    And there's always the door to leave if you aren't satisfied with change.

    you're confusing "crying" with "opinions that aren't yours".


    the vacuum range is bad, that's not up for discussion, it's a mathematical fact. For a superficial look, it's half of what it was before. With a slightly more in depth look, it's actually 0.125 of what it was before. It's a straight nerf, and whether or not all sentinels have a nerfed vacuum is not relevant to the fact that vacuum itself was nerfed.

    Also, good job on your meaningless, vapid patronizing. You realize you could just click my profile to see what I started playing the game over a full year before you did, right? Of course, whether I started playing a couple weeks after closed beta or just a second ago is irrelevant. This is obviously a nerf to anyone that has ever used Carrier and played with its original range, and the fact things were nerfed in the past doesn't make this any less of an unjustifiable nerf, disguised as a buff when their original intention was obviously to just change Carrier's precept.

    We shouldn't accept a nerf because there was other nerfs and just say "well, eventually my balls will get used to being kicked". You're talking like a battered housewife.

    Of course Warframe it's DE's game. Nobody here has implied, even for a second, that they're not in their full right to do whatever mess they feel like. However, this game is still a product they are offering to us in hopes we'll give them money, and as a consumer I have to complain when there's a mosquito carrying malaria on my soup. That's barely an argument. If you're in here to just tell everyone that DE will do what DE will do, then there's no reason for you to post at all, because DE has already told us that.

    And nice finishing with the classic "if u dun lik it u shuld leav". I'm sure DE appreciates your blind and braindead commitment to them.

  12. 7 minutes ago, That1Cactus said:

    I'm a cactus that's saying that people who are crying over something that barely changes anything are overreacting and should adapt to changes.

    nobody is crying here, you damn tool.


    We're giving our feedback over a straight nerf to a functionality we had and that a vast majority of the player base made use of.

    There's no need or reason to just eat up whatever garbage DE throws at us and just "adapt" to changes.

  13. 1 minute ago, Vox_Preliator said:

    That sounds like arguing semantics.  But sure, let's separate convenience and utility.  Is there a reason we should not have to trade off something for convenience?

    It's not arguing semantics because they are very much distinct, with very different impacts on the game.

    Convenience makes gameplay more fun and fluid. Utility makes it easier.

    There's no reason to trade off something for convenience for the same reason we shouldn't have to have a tradeoff for the ability to use a gear item through a hotkey. Convenience is not something that affects the difficulty of gameplay, so we shouldn't lose anything for it.

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