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Posts posted by arkennes

  1. Using excalibur I was already feeling LEX to be too little in the hand of the character. Now that i play on rhino this feeling grew. LEX is totally little, should be at least two times bigger then it is now.

    I dont know if this apply to some other weaps too, for now i noticed it on LEX.

  2. It would be nice. I think they wont impement any of those, but still, they would be nice. Maps are random generated, and so this cuts completely the range of variety you can have. Maybe a common ship, or something like that instead of the menus for forge and contacts. A common lobby would be great, to contact other players, build alliance and so.

  3. Larger rooms isnt enough to give the game the right variety. If we want the players to play for years we need way more gameplay, modes, pvp, kind of pve raids and so on. And the tactics for bosses should be way more then "shot the legs then the core".

    If this game has to be just pve on the other side, it should include some story, some more visual improvement of the soldier.

    We are in beta, but from my POV we are in alpha.

  4. I think this game without pvp will get boring really fast, because in 30 days of playing the content are explored with all the weapons and the warframes. There isnt just enough variety in the game. I'm playing it much and translating it for my country language too.

    In terms of MMO gaming, the game lacks Endgame. There is no clear difference between easy and hard levels and anyway, the lack of a story (someone compared to diablo or torchlight this game) makes it impossible to feel the game like any other dungeon crawler. So, if they dont put pvp in the game, i dont get (maybe coz i'm short minded) how can they fiz this.

    I got all the gear, all the best drops, all the frames. What now?

  5. What the game needs is a "shadow" system where you can hide in the dark without attracting nearby enemies.

    i mean the loki warframe's stealth skill is still needed for areas that are well lit. its just for the loki to turn on stealth and run through all the enemies

    meanwhile other warframes have to use the darkness and the shadows

    but thats just my idea and i think it would add alot extra fun to the elements of spy missions/stealth missions

    I was just thinking yesterday about it, a "skyrim-like" system would be really fun to be added to the game.

    It would be nice to choose to stealth and not only kill kill kill everything always everywhere. It would add some depth.

  6. I have spent 6 hours in the game and completed missions in different sectors and it has been nothing but spaceships that looks the same over and over. Are this the only type of maps in the game? I look at all these planets and keep expecting to land on them for ground missions with different type of enviroments like ice caves, deserts but nothing so far.

    Ye, same feeling, only repetitive ships. Many other settings its a must.

  7. Melee centric frames like Excalibur, Rhino, and Ash should have a skill tree with passive abilities which reflect their function.

    Example : Skill involve faster movement speed, stronger charge melee attack with stylish animation, passive melee damage boost, better shield/health than other frames.

    Animation is a plus, don't have - fine, have them - AWESOME.

    AND there should be the chance to equip in main the melee, and secondary the ranged weapons.

  8. First sorry for the terribad engrish this morning .

    So one thing I feel disapointed is the melee combat why? Well it can be so much more .Dev can you go play jedi academy or even jedi knight series and when you are done let us fight our blades like in does games .It will make melee comba so much more dynamic and brutal than just smashing E

    I feel the same.

    From videos melee combat felt totally better.

    I suggest the developer the same games u suggested plus another.

    Rune from Humanhead studios.

    Hell of a melee combat, best ever.

    If the dev can implement more rune/jedi academy style melee combat it woul give SO much more to the game.

  9. 1) I feel like some animation blending is missing, for example the blend between all the walk/run movement and the dodging animation.

    2) Some of the melee animation, included the power one, seems to lock a little the character, they dont look totally like the upper torso is indipendent from the hips. I think, for being totally amazing, animation should blend better, feeling like arms are indipendent from legs.

  10. Here is what i've noticed.

    If you are moving, both slow or fast, and suddengly u charge your melee attack, the character doesnt deliver the attack in the direction you are facing instead it attacks in front direction, changing suddenly the direction you are facing. It looks like a bug to me, or else a bad tuning. Surely it doesnt help especially in chaotic situation, it removes precision from character control.

  11. I feel totally the same about dodging. Its not responsive, it should work at the same moment u press the key involved. Plus this happens with melee weapons too, which kinda delay before attacking. I feel that a bit annoying, like being not in control of my character.

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