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Posts posted by SoulDust

  1. YaHelllooo. I tried looking for something fitting, but I gave up pretty quickly. I've been playing this game on and off for, quite some time. I've been in pretty big clans, but something about the huge clans never worked for me. I'm looking for a smaller group of people that get equally entranced in rom coms to an extent that it's borderline pathetic :v. While at the same time being dependable players of the game. I also appreciate gender balance. Is that weird? maybe it's a side effect of too many romance comedy animes, I'm not a pervert I swear! 


    But anyways, I don't even know if laid back clans like this exist anymore, seems like everything is so try hardish these days :<


    Going to post this in the /-shadow-/ Ghost clan section too..in the rare case that it existed there :3 bai

  2. YaHelllooo. I tried looking for something fitting, but I gave up pretty quickly. I've been playing this game on and off for, quite some time. I've been in pretty big clans, but something about the huge clans never worked for me. I'm looking for a smaller group of people that get equally entranced in rom coms to an extent that it's borderline pathetic :v. While at the same time being dependable players of the game. I also appreciate gender balance. Is that weird? maybe it's a side effect of too many romance comedy animes, I'm not a pervert I swear! 


    But anyways, I don't even know if laid back clans like this exist anymore, seems like everything is so try hardish these days :<


    Going to post this in the shadow clan section too..in the rare case that it existed there :3 bai

  3. Warframe's dark tone was just another victim of power creep and farming scumbags. You can't feel weak and threatened if you're endlessly standing in one spot and holding down a button as you watch everything around you die, or if you instakill everything that looks at you with your 6 forma Boltor Prime.

    Failing to see the relevancy of this post


    I think when they started making advances towards console'ing it, It's been toned down a bit. However not to a serious extent


    What does a dark theme have to do with weapons or mob damage, I'm confused

  4. Lol who are you people to dictate what ruins THEIR game experience? These complaints are literally hilarious


    People act as people playing draco activates a server wide damage nerf or something


    get the hell over it, if you don't like draco don't play draco. No one forces you to play draco

  5. I never understood it. Some people speak as if this isn't a free world and others playing draco forces them to. You can go about warframe at any pace and route you want to. Every game like this has some spot, mob, or mission players farm over and over again because it's known to be the most effect/fast of grinding, or farming for something. Draco is nothing different

  6. "We want to remove filler missions, and leave only the most valuable ones." Quality over quantity.



    Although I think filler missions are only annoying to existing players. New players probably don't feel the same way

  7. If balance is what they want, the variants can and simply should be basically cool factors. Weapon progression can stay for pve. But regardless of what they do they pvp is still clunky to me. I find most people just running around with rhino's trying to melee everything. Or people trying to one shot people in close quarters with a pp, grab the ceph, directional melee, and it's basically that over and over again. Still a long way to go before it's a valid game mode imo.

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