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Posts posted by Takhaos

  1. I could answer this all day

    Nova is a dps frame

    Nova is a dps frame

    Nova is a dps frame

    Isn't it obvious her dps should be above other frames, while dps being the top, it doesn't mean she good at def, tanking, or survival either. 

    What make her into a massive dps frame is because her power scale. 

    Power that doesn't scale such as overload, WoF, crush etc are all useless at some points against mobs. Which is why Nova's power is not the one that need to go, It's other frames need a buff. 


    Why is loki master race? (read it from someone's comment)

    Apparently all of his abilities scale: decoy, invisibility, switch teleport, radial disarm are all useful and effective no matter what lvl the mobs at. Likewise, Nova's m-prime, Rhino's stomp/ roar, shield polarize, smoke screen work in that same way. 

    They are all useful, for different purposes.


    Can you imagine a Rhino having the same dps as Nova, while able to tank, nuke mobs, gave dps buff? 

    Or a trinity having the same dps as Nova while giving invulnerability, and heal others? 

    There is a reason why Nova had her offensive power. She is a pure dps frame. 

    I know she's a DPS frame, but her ultimate isn't limited to just increasing DPS, its also a massive ranged crowd control. I'm not suggesting she have her damage potential removed, I'm just saying she should have to deal with the same quirks as other frames do, maybe get her hands out of the CC cookie jar. She would be just fine with losing the absurd range or ignore LoS(note the or, losing both would be crippling) and not getting the slowdown goodies that would be more appropriate on another frame.

  2. What about all the other 'press 4 to win' frames? (not defending nova, just more than just her echo that action)

    The others have some form of limitation, in a time limit, cast time, small radius, etc. Nova's never wears off, casts fast, does massive damage, ignores obstacles/barriers, and debuffs the enemy by doubling the damage they take and slowing them to a crawl. The biggest complaint against MP is that it does everything that all ults do at the same time with no drawbacks. She has every plausible tool at her disposal in one spammable, map-nuking ability.

  3. Reading all this hate I'm wondering if I'm the only player who is seriously happy when a Nova in my team MP's all the map and helps a lot. 

    If you are just looking for SCORE, then you didn't understand the game. It's about teaming up together to reach a goal, not about a competition between players to be the best killer ever. 


    I'm pretty sure all these people asking for a Nova nerf are the same who are always asking for PVP improvement. 


    If you nerf Nova, you loose one of the only effective keys to be effective in high level content. You selfish are always asking for the nerf of a warframe you don't use, in an attempt to ruin the best fun of many players. YES Nova is really good. YES lots of people love this warframe. NO, you can't ask for the death of this warframe just because you've seen some spammy players and you are not avised enough to click "private match". Play with friends, speak with them, and you will see Nova is a great present in any team.  


    All these Nova spamming their ult' are not "stealing" your kills. They are doing their job. 

    Simple as that.

    The reason people are so annoyed at Novas are because they make the game so boring, and also making it hard to rank up your weapons. She is, by a titanic margin, the biggest "no fun allowed" frame. Maybe it's fine to mash 4 while people are watching a movie or something, but it just trivializes the game even more than any other ult in the game. If Novas want to go around nuking maps for 30+min, maybe THEY should go solo or something.

  4. Nova;s MP is broken because it targets everything on the planet, deals huge damage, can chain itself off of enemies, hits things out of sight, and works as the best form of crowd control in the game. It's like combing everybody's 4 into one skill, then giving it nigh-unlimited range and the ability to ignore walls.


    "Oh, but so-and-so frame has a strong 4 too, they must be OP!"


    They either kill well OR crowd control in a limited area. Rhino Stomp is really powerful, but it doesn't eat the whole area for itself, and leaves enemies alive for others to kill, and doesn't expand when it kills an enemy. You can shoot enemies stuck in Vauban's Vortex. Mag can do something to one faction, whoopee. None of them have the versatility, power, range, or control that MP has.


    Now, I'm not saying it should be nerfed into the ground, but it shouldn't do everything in a massive area while targeting unlimited amounts regardless of whether or not you would see them. Reduced range, a cap on enemies it can hit, not able to go through walls, losing the speed debuff on enemies. That, or just let all warframes have ludicrous ultimates.

  5. I cannot give this the amount of +1s it deserves. Automatic combat rolls and some weird lunging are both massively annoying AND cause glitches to happen, such as falling in a pit, landing, and lunging back in the pit for eternity.

  6. My decoy feels woefully underused lately. With enemies prioritizing objectives above anything else that they aren't smashing in to, it just sits there firing its little pop gun. My Loki in defense missions feels useless now, since I have no way of dealing with the pod getting swarmed anymore. I say Loki's decoy should get a health buff and enemies focus on it like they used to so I can play something besides Vauban, or even Frost when playing defense missions.

  7. The problem isn't that Vauban parts don't drop, it's the length of time and what time they drop. I work weekdays, so I can't just hop on when ever and it seems that Vauban drops during those times, or in the late night when I need my sleep. That would not be a problem if the alert lasted as long as, say, the forma alerts do the average(?) time a Vauban alert lasts is 30 minutes to an hour, compared to the Forma witch last 10 to 12 hours.

    Holy crap, if you're going to post somewhere where lots of people can read it, at least have the decency to make it legible.


    As for that 24hr Forma, that was because they do 24hr alerts for stuff like that every time they do a livestream, or so it seems. The Forma alert was a -MASSIVE- dissapointment, though, considering how easy it is to get a BP for it, compared to a Catalyst or Reactor.

  8. I just want them to remove credits, and the blueprints we can purchase with credits from the rewards. Getting those is like when you were a kid on Halloween, went to a house and got an apple, or worse, a pamphlet of some kind.

  9. There is no Snipetron Prime. There's the Vandal, which was given directly to players with its own slot and catalyst. They gave everybody who participated normal Snipetron BPs, so you didn't get bugged, you just didn't have room to collect your normal Snipetron.

  10. Loki could use a spear, of soem sort. Either named after Sleipnir or Odin's spear Gungnir. Gungnir could home on on groups of enemies, and Slepnir could give Loki a big speed boost.

  11. Why would I want Radial Disarm replaced? It synergizes so well with Decoy and Invis. 241 is essentially an instant win against 2/3 of the game's enemies, and instagibs Elite Grineer and Chargers. Switch Tele should be replaced, though. I only ever use it if I feel like moving somewhere marginally quicker. Maybe a more expensive Decoy that can do damage or something. Another change I would like would be for Invis to affect my sentinel, just so it stops acting as ground punch bait from heavies and shockwave MOAs. It has gotten so annoying for me that I have stopped using it at all when I use Loki.

  12. I'm not a fan of the auras either. What I think should be done is it should have it's own equip points based on frame level. You would only get one point at every tenth level, and all auras would cost 1 to equip initially, but could be leveled up to cost 6. The total points required to equip would be affected by a reactor if you have it installed in your frame, not requiring its own. This way artifacts would be similar to how they are now, except not being hugely annoying by taking up precious mod points.

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