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Posts posted by Zwillan

  1. Since they're making some changes to mag soon, I thought now would be a good time to throw out and idea I've had for mag's crush ability.

    To add some scaling/synergy to crush, it would be cool if mag's pull ability could throw enemies affected by crush towards where ever the player is aiming and do damage based on a percentage of each affected enemies health if they collide with something/someone.

    This would also synergize well with her magnetize ability because you would be able to throw more enemies into the bubble therefore giving mag better CC.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    It doesn't need to scale. The current CC/debuff and side damage that it does is already perfect enough.

    I don't see whats so bad about having it scale a little bit to keep the damage relevant in higher levels, plus this would encourage the player to CC and heal more often to take advantage of the burst heal from irradiated enemies. 

    This wouldn't be press 4 to win or anything since you can't spam it because the damage would have to build up over time. It would be more of something you would use when the squad is being overwhelmed and taking a lot of damage.

  3. Basically the idea is to have Reckoning gain extra damage based on how much Renewal heals yourself and your allies. I feel like this fits Oberon's theme very well since the word Reckoning means a judgement/punishment of someones past deeds.

    As for the numbers, I was thinking it could be something like: Damage Healed * 10(affected by power strength).

    So at base power strength 100 health healed = 1000 reckoning damage
    Or with 200% power strength it would be 100 health healed = 2000 reckoning damage 

    The damage would continue to scale up the more damage Renewal heals similar to Equinox's Maim ability.

    Then I was thinking that instead of irradiated targets taking extra damage from Reckoning since it would now scale, they would instead emit a wave/pulse that heals a small amount of health(50 health?) which would add up to a decent burst heal depending on how many irradiated targets are hit with Reckoning. 

    I'm not sure if something like this has been suggested before but I figured I'd post it while there's still a chance for Oberon changes.


  4.  I play Oberon a lot and I recently noticed that the little patches left behind by hallowed reckoning will actually proc radiation on any enemies that touch them. I looked around and I didn't see anything about this mentioned anywhere so I thought I'd share to maybe help anyone trying to figure out a build for Oberon. Also I think this would be a great idea to add to hallowed ground so its more useful in more situations. 

    Here's a short video showing the radiation proc: 


  5. Working as intended.


    The aura does exactly what you would expect it to do to Tentacle Swarm.

    I've never experienced Ancient Disrupters lowering the damage of anything, their aura is only suppose to add an energy draining effect. The only infested enemies that will lower your damage are Ancient Healers and as you can see in the video, there are none nearby the infested being damaged by Tentacle Swarm. Also notice that the damage shoots up immediately after I kill the Disrupter.  

  6. BUG: Ancient Disrupter aura drastically lowering Tentacle Swarm damage.


    Repro Steps: Use Tentacle Swarm on enemies affected by ancient disrupter aura.




    As you can see in the video, Tentacle Swarm dealt about 50 damage while the ancient disrupter was around and then the damage jumps up to 500-2000 after I kill it. 

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