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Posts posted by BlazenFury

  1. 1. Vor drops Seer more often now, sometimes independently of Cronus.

    2. Raptor drops fixed! :D

    3. Elite Lancer appear on Grineer missions 30+. A sign of things to come? Enemy tiers? SOBEK WIELDING ELITE TROOPERS?!

    4. Nightmare nodes only appear on cleared planets, as in no blue nodes. Anyone else noticed this?

  2. The drop rates are perfectly normal. The problem is for those drops to appear in the arena at all, no doubt caused by Raptor flying + his explosion upon death.

    This behavior is unique to bosses - he doesn't drop resources(as boss resource drops float), and when he drops mods and bps they tend to fly away. Far away.

    Wait. DE. What if it's cuz he doesn't drop resources at all? Could it be linked to that?

  3. It flies out of bounds. No idea where it respawns though...

    27 runs in 3 hours, one mod drop obtained when it decided to not fly away too far. A bp and mod once flew way off Raptor, no doubt propelled by the explosion from its death. The rest of the time he simply drops nothing.

    It's really weird. I tried to always kill him on the roof so that mods and whatnot are noticeable... But nope, he simply didn't drop anything. Or it flew off. Fast.

    I'm getting some rest. Raptor's a b*** with Ice and Fire hazards

  4. You wanna know why it's shortsighted? Cuz in due time we'll have more expensive nightmare mods, then you'll be thanking Auras for the extra points.

    Stop acting as if you HURRMASTAHGRANDMASTAHMEISFORMAEVERYTHUNGDURR people are the only players of Warframe. New aura has absolutely no downsides for anybody, currentl or in the future.

  5. People crying at the new auras now.

    I'll laugh when DE introduces Focus + Streamline nightmare mod that costs 13 points base. Those 'useless' 14 points aren't so useless anymore eh?

    On that note, we're in beta and Warframe is EVERCHANGING. So it looks idiotic now, but in a month or so or however long U10 is, you'll all be grateful for this.

    Not to mention it makes the game friendlier to casuals. Don't like the new auras? Want a 'challenge'? Take off all your mods and use a Mk1-Braton.

  6. Oh sweet mother of mercy, DAT AURA CHANGE MANG

    also, Vor! Any news on his Seer drops? Does it still use the old algorithm? Really just the thing that i noticed is missing.

    Aside from that, next update and livestream looks promising. Don't fail on us!

  7. Well Steve Sinclair has confirmed that Raptor should always be dropping at least a mod on death, like every other boss, so that pretty much verifies that there is definitely a significant, consistent problem with the boss and its loot.

    35 runs(i have a life, boys) and i got 5 mods from Raptor. 4 of these times he was on top of the middle roofie area, and basically was touching it and the fifth he dropped a bp in the open, around the trailers. The rest of his deaths was floating up above. I do believe i've seen a mod or three get thrown the hell away, and never respawned.

    I'm now starting to guess it's less of his flying around(which was my first guess, comparing him to Ospreys and their general lack of loot) and more because mods and resources have a tendency to get the hell out of dodge when bots like Raptor explode(ie, he dies, drops stuff, THEN explodes. Happens quite oftem with Ospreys when they DO drop a mod, or when sniping a MOA. It's likely a physics thing)

  8. I had a bug happen before where the chat box came up and would not go away no matter what I did. The game while running perfectly was completely otherwise was completely unresponsive to any attempts to minimize the chat box. It caused me to have to restart the game entirely. That's probably what happened or at least something similar.

    I had a bug happen before where the chat box came up and would not go away no matter what I did. The game while running perfectly was completely otherwise was completely unresponsive to any attempts to minimize the chat box. It caused me to have to restart the game entirely. That's probably what happened or at least something similar.

    Indeed. A clanmate whispered me and lo, it stayed there. I couldn't even press enter. I could press letter but they make me type instead.

    But that's neither here nor there, i held a nova helmet bp for a precious few seconds and that's enough of a reason to make me continue grinding the s*** out of Raptor. I got Blessing x2, Rhino Stomp, World on Fire x2 and Radial Disarm as consolation, so it's not as bad as i'd like it to be.

  9. Still glitched.

    Could it be linked to the Ospreys not dropping anything(except mods iirc) when killed? I've ran him 11 times today, one bp, 3 mods(i didnt even get to keep the bp, chat box screwed up suddenly forcing me to reset). The times he dropped he was on top of the middle roof, except for one where he was in the open.

    Now i know bps dont drop like fruit from trees, but i'm certain mods and resources do. Thing is, Raptor dropped no resource at all. Which is weird. Like i've said before i don't care if Nova doesn't drop for a week, i just want a consolation prize.

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