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Posts posted by Capitulate

  1. I don't think Warbros leaving is a herald of death for the game. The impression I got was that, as a clan, they gave heart and soul to Warframe and felt it wasn't reciprocated by DE.  Besides, being top Clan in every event has to take it out of them pretty fast.  That's a lot of hard work.


    Kind of sad I never got the chance to run with any of them. 


    Found this by searching "Top Clan"   I'd like to point out that besides this last event EGT was the only clan to be #1 in every event.  Warbros is not.  Any event that required quantity over quality put Warbros at #1.  Oh wait, that's nearly every one of them.......

    (edit) well after the hotfix that is =P

  2. Level cap is irrelevant, we've hit level cap many times and while under the "suspicious cargo" buff as well.  Honestly at a point somewhere between  level 1200-1800 the enemies will one shot you.

      The damage they deal is easily avoided with specific frames:  With Frost Globe for example, people inside are immune (now a spam for 3sec invulnerable);  old Trinity (full invulnerable) new Trinity (hurt yourself to low hp or proc Quick Thinking, and bless for 99.5+% damage reduction (Rounded up Immunity); Against non-Infested Loki Disarm spam prevents movement; Banshee Sound Quake can stun-lock enemies; Vauban can completely lock down Infested and has some use against ranged in specific situations;  In the right group Excal blind can be used to lock down any enemy, as long as you use silent weapons or Banshee Silence; Rhino Stomp (limited), the ability can't be spammed so it has a huge downside.  I'm not sure if Oberon still works, but you used to be able to force enemies out of Rhino Stomp with Reckoning.  So together you could spam a CC.

      When thinking about killing anything regardless of level you'd think Nyx Chaos, or flat out Radiation status effect. Which Oberon can also bring to the table.  Against units with shields Mag's Polarize removes them and does back at least double the value in damage.  In a comp with Nova and while using max Blind Rage, Mag can do nearly 11 times the shield value drained (also drains 100% of the shield) as damage.  High damage comps with frames such as Ember, Banshee, Rhino, and Nova can produce insanely high damage hits (although weapons don't infinitely scale, neither does the game)  While using Heat damage on a target with Accelerant you can do  x5.7 more damage.  Combine that with Banshee Sonar at x11.5 and Nova at x2.

      I'm not entirely sure how this calculates: A hit of 250 Heat damage on a Sonar spot with Prime/Accelerant would do upwards of 40k if those values multiply [i.e (((250*6.72)*12.45)*2)] otherwise about 5k if the damage increases add together. [i.e (((5.72+11.45+2)+1)*250)]  So somewhere between 20-160 times the damage.   I know that Molecular Prime is calculated as a weakness on the enemy that forces them to take twice the damage, so it would probably be factored last.  I've heard rumors that Sonar and Accelerant don't stack as well.  So this is purely theoretical.  Either way it's completely off topic.


    Long rant short:  There are too may ways to play (manipulate) the game so that the enemies damage and health are not a factor.  To that extent it would be quite hard to add something "end game"  without completely revisiting each ability and aspect of the game.  This is a game of percentages and to some a theorycrafter's wet dream.  I've had some ideas about end game in a post I made a long while ago that has since been removed.  Would it be nice to see... yes.  Is it likely, not at all.

  3. it's the philosopher's stone


    Compare to eye of horus


    Which one does it seem closer to?

    Remove the square and move the circle up and we have the Corpus.


    It fits them, considering their attempts to control orokin and tenno, to create wealth.

    both mystical and scientific in the focus, and thus quite alchemical in nature.


    I think you're right.  I had completely forgotten until you had said something.

    Great reasons, also the Corpus and their pursuit toward immortality.




      It was knowledge that was given to them by, they claimed, the gods [the Anunnaki].  It is always depicted in the literature as a triangular shaped stone, but it’s about twice as tall as it is wide, kind of an elongated pyramidal shape. I think Zecharia Sitchin refers to it as the “athinder? stone”.  But all of their sacred text always began with it.   

    Curious enough, in the ancient Egyptian text it was always referred to as the “What is it?”, and if you read in the [The Egyptian Book of the Dead; the] Papyrus of Ani, that was found in the tomb of Pepe the 2nd in Old Kingdom Egypt, it says, “I am purified of all imperfections, what is it, I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it, I come by the immortals without dying, what is it, I come before my father's throne, what is it, and he goes on and on, page after page, talking about all these attributes that you acquire as you ascend, but they always stop and ask the question, “What is it?” 

    Now we come back to the Hebrews who exited Egypt.  All of the Egyptians that had this knowledge were slaughtered, and no one was there to bring them back to life.  But the Hebrews had this knowledge, and Bezaleel, the goldsmith, was commanded by Moses to prepare the “What is it?”, the manna, or the “bread of the presence of God”, which was another name they knew it as in Old Kingdom Egypt.  In Old Kingdom Egypt they had three other names for it, it was called “The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus”, it was called “that which issues from the mouth of the Creator”, the spittle, or it was called “the semen of the Father in Heaven”.


    Source: http://www.halexandria.org/dward483.htm

  4. I mean that's a cool theory but it doesn't fit any of the lore we have. The corpus are definitely alive. You didn't mention the infested. The Tenno were the ones who killed the species in charge of them (the orokin?). And the Tenno are supposed to be keepers of balance overall. You didn't really talk about the orokin or the sentients. So imma have to say that it doesn't really apply to warframe.


    True... I wanted to relate Set to the Infested, but it didn't explain the Grineer.  Orokin could be Osiris, as Osiris was the King.  Although there are plenty of tales about outsiders entering the lands that were unwanted.  As for the Corpus, do we know that they are really "alive?" I know they are sentient but how they live, I have no idea.  Although the bit about the Tenno killing the Orokin.  Maybe I have the story slightly wrong in that the Tenno are in fact the creatures of the earth and Set who killed Osiris used the Tenno as a weapon, persuaded by Nephthys(Lotus), his wife.

    Infested could also be apparitions of the afterlife, what must be killed in a Pharaoh's journey to see that Ra is reborn and the sun rises again.  In that aspect, what makes us special compared to the other Tenno is that we are Pharaohs.


    Good points, I will try to rethink how to relate it better.  Always keeping me on my toes immolator, thanks =D

  5. can you pass the smoke OP? You're overusing it.

    I understand why you think this.  Sometimes outside the box thinking and outlandish connections are connected to some form of psychedelic.  The most common psychedelic drugs were usually smoked for some kind of insight or vision.

    I have often been asked questions like this.  Unfortunately I don't have that kind of smoke to give to you.  Sorry to say, these things come very naturally to me.  I guess you can think that, as a person, I live my life constantly on a vision quest.

  6. nope. illuminati


    The Illuminati have been known to use "The All Seeing Eye" as a symbol, as their name translates from Enlightened or Enlightenment. The All Seeing Eye is inspired if not a transcended from The Eye Of Horus.  They are pretty much the same thing. So, I see why you draw the conclusion. 


    Edit:  Let me correct myself. I was gravely wrong.

      The All Seeing Eye actually has nothing to do with the Illuminati. The Owl Of Minerva perched on a book was the most common emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati.

    What we see as the All Seeing Eye, or the Eye of Providence, is actually a Christian rendition of The Eye Of Horus surrounded by the Holy Trinity.  Freemasons later used an eye surrounded by a semi-circle for the same meaning, that "he" or a divine being is watching over us.

    Although leading to the same point, The Eye Of Horus and The All Seeing Eye are conceptually the same thing just transcended through religion.


    One thing I did find interesting, a lot of people correlate the All Seeing Eye or the Eye of Providence to AntiChrist.  Although it's very much the opposite.  When the symbol was added to the American currency it was put upon an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps leading up to the eye; as to symbolize the original colonies accepted under "god" and the Holy Trinity. Unfinished to symbolize that the country was only starting and there is much room to build before being finished.


    Albeit, there might be some secret society that uses the All Seeing Eye as a symbol.  The "fabled" Illuminati(New World Order), has been known in various conspiracy theories to connect itself to a "triangle" such as the holy trinity in markings or hand gestures. Although the "Illuminati" were very much against religious influence over people. I don't think that the "fabled" link between the NWO and the Illuminati should suggest that the All Seeing Eye is any bit AntiChristian or AntiFaith.


      I think that they only coin the name "illuminati" because of what the original group stood for: To oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality.


    Sorry again for my poorly informed response, I hope this makes up for that.

  7. I know many have thought about the correlation between the Corpus and The Eye Of Horus etcwlw.png


    If in fact the current day Corpus are followers of Horus, it would make sense.  They are known as a type of undead space creatures.  Their father could very well be Osiris, and the Grineer would be Set.  The Grineer took over this Galaxy out of jealousy of their brother, the ruler of all Tenno. Ripping them to shreds and scattering their bodies all over the universe.  Although they thought the Tenno to be dead, Isis -the Goddess of Re-Birth, with use of cryopods brought them back from the dead to rise again.  Using the mummified body of Osiris to birth her son Horus -The Corpus.

    Horus, abused by Set, The Grineer; have fought an endless war over the Galaxy.  Although the one thing that Set, The Grineer, have as an advantage is Nephthys.  Nephthys is the gateway, the nurturing mother, The Lotus. 


    It makes so much sense why the Tenno are lead to the Grineer, but I have faith because I know how the story ends.  Horus shows his resolve rejecting Set's virulence but symbolically loses his eye.  Geb grants Horus with all the desert, or the universe in this case.  Although Horus lost his eye, a new eye was created from part of Khonsu the moon.

    Lastly, for a lingering thought.  I took this quote from the wiki:

    "Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his mouth sitting on a lotus with his mother."




    For those that support the Corpus, you know your path of sacrifice is just.  Don't lose faith, times are changing.

    Typical sacrifices to Horus are as such:

    Horus is usually linked to Alcoholic tributes: Vodka, whiskey, gin and rum in addition to beer and wine.

    Anything that was green, growing and fertile. Produce: particularly grapes, dates, figs, onions, lettuce and the like.

    Additionally many different kinds of grain, loaves of bread and special sacrificial cakes as well. The commonest of these cakes – called a shat-cake – was shaped like an isosceles triangle and had to be laid on its side and stacked head to tail.

    There were lots of other non-food related items presented to Horus in antiquity. These included images of hawks, representations of the Horus Eye, ankhs, winged solar discs, jewelry, gold, silver, votive figurines, etc. Since the sun and moon are his right and left eyes respectively you can offer him representations of these. Also, Horus wore the White Crown of Upper Egypt, so anything in this color makes for an appropriate offering, as does solar colors like gold, yellow, bronze, etc. One color to avoid would be red since this belonged to Seth and had certain dangerous and unpleasant connotations for the ancients. Blue as the color of the heavens or green because of its ritual connotations would also be acceptable. Some totally modern offerings that many Kemetics give to Horus today include: tobacco, metal, fire and spicy foods.


    Horus enjoys very physical activities carried out in his honor – dancing, running, martial arts training, mountain climbing and so forth. Anything that gets the blood bumping and sweat flowing. Best of all, though, he appreciates when we fight for what we believe in, live justly and help those who are less fortunate than us.

  8. I understand what you're saying, the green has too much of a contrast. It should have been a much duller green.

    As for the post, you might have noticed, it was a mess near the end. It was written over a week in different formats. I didn't mean for it to turn out in a way that was too much to take in at any given topic. So I tried my best to space out topics, which did end up breaking some of the points. I felt that some of it was ranting, so I hid the ranting and details for those that wanted it.

    I don't suspect everyone to read all of it. There are 4 topics of discussion, people can choose one they like and discuss it. I tried to be broad and general as not to offend each player type. Since this thread addresses many players and many concepts, Id hope someone can find what they feel strongly about and add some input.

    -I do thank all those that have read this. Despite the format, I do feel that the ideas are there. I hope I can get some solid feedback.

    --response from my mobile phone.

  9. So I'm 5 spoilers deep and I realizes this is ridiculous.


    What do I trade shards for? Clan tech? Because there is a set way to get them already.


    You also don't explain the downsides to the more powerful weapons.


    Also tl;dr most of it.


    Those were examples.  It will just be similar to Clan Tech.  Gear is always an option as well, but less desirable by some.  You must understand, these are just concepts.  Not full ideas.  They are attempting to promote others as well as DE to come up with ideas of their own.  If I write out every last detail or only write out vague details, it doesn't change the fact that people would want to change it into their own terms.  So to that, I hope they do.



    So, basically, this game should be most unfriendly towards casuals.

    You want to turn this into Vindictus?

    I never said that, not in the slightest.  I said, in fact, that the game is most friendly toward casuals.  I just want to round the game so that there is a reason for players that aren't casuals to play.  Something with a bit of challenge.  As I've read so many posts saying that they don't want to run defense or survival because there isn't any incentive after a certain point.  So many people in this game claim it useless to be at the top of a leaderboard, as it does nothing.  The goal is to promote such people to want a leaderboard listing.




    Those aren't downsides. Explain the downsides. Like it will 1 hit any enemy on a headshot but heal them on a body shot. (a dumb idea).


    It is very well formatted but that doesn't make the ideas better.

    It was loosely written as an area of format. The "expert" type is only opposed to novice or intermediate. Examples were given; weapons such as the Ogris, Torid, Dread, Paris, Lanka, Penta, Stug, etc...  Guns that require slightly more than point and click.  When I was talking about a rework, I wasn't talking about a full weapon overhaul, just something to balance weapons in the way they currently are.




    Thread cleansed of spam posts - any further derailment will not be tolerated.


    TS, while you make a couple of good points (such as tweaking the mission types to make them feel more rewarding and worthwhile), I'd suggest maybe going easy on the colored text? It's a strain on the eyes, and some may find it obnoxious.

    Green was a specifically chosen color.  From numerous studies, Green on Black is the easiest to read; as green is in the middle of viable light spectrum.  Red on black would be the second best as it doesn't interfere with night vision.


    Really? Is that what passes for formatting these days? Colours that burn the eyes and horrible nested spoiler tags on absolutely everything. Here was me thinking that use of paragraphs and headings was sufficient. What is wrong with default text sizes and colours?


    I actually cannot read this mess because once you open a load of spoiler tags it all becomes a horrible green blob.

    Green is in the middle of the visible light spectrum.  It should be easy on the eyes. 


    If I dont have the will/time to read it DE certainly wont (they already mentioned months ago to keep your feedback as short as possible). Please pick better formatting next time, nobody wants to wander a labyrinth hoping to find some information.

    The formatting is not intended for you to read everything.  Think of it as a rabbit hole; at the surface of each topic is the most useful information.  Then when you go down the rabbit hole you more but learn slightly less useful information.


    I meant that OP tried and it didn't appear as a block of text at first. But it soon became one.

    Thank you, but please remember, you can close spoilers.


    Or he could have simply used inoffensive colours, like, say the default one and broken it up into paragraphs with bolded subheadings like anyone would for a school/work assignment.


    There is a difference between a wall of text and a neatly formatted post, the difference is not a million spoiler tags.


    His point is completely lost in the need to continously click boxes and endure bright green text. The bottom spoiler tag (ignoring the logo) doesn't even contain logical spacing. It is basically a single paragraph spaced over 5 spoilers in order to achieve absolutely nothing whatsoever.

    That, as I had been writing this in another program, would take up more space on this page three fold.  No one would want to read that, I guarantee you. You don't need to open all the spoilers, just the ones that contain information that you want to know.  From the numerous studies I've read, I can't comprehend why these are coined "offensive colors" do you have some proof?

    Either way, this is very derailing.





    All your guys comments are welcomed, but can we please talk about the topic.  Immolator is the only one on topic.  Half of you want to complain about the colors, and the other about spoilers.  Nothing about the thread itself.

  10.   Considering what Capitulate is telling me - I feel like I must have missed a change somewhere.


     Oh well. It's what I deserve for falling behind. Just means I need to get back to playing these beefy runs again.


     <3 Shibbo.


     I still strongly feel like until DE nails down the Enemy side of the equation for the long haul Weapon and Frame balance is bound to be whacky.


     Because if what Capitulate is saying is totally accurate that means that the under achieving weapons are even worse off then I thought to the stuff commonly consider 'viable'.




     As a general question - where you using a lot of Viral weapons in your team mix?


     Also - thank you for the explanation. It would figure that I'm a bit behind on this topic. Oh well. 



    We did use Viral in some of the builds, as it's the most effective damage type to Flesh I.E Grineer and Corpus.  We've used it as well as other types over the many changes.  Viral has been changed at least 3 times that I know of, so it's hard to say if that was a determining factor.  If that's what you're looking at.

  11.  This is a fair point considering DE just recently fixed the Endless Defense scaling further as well. Wave 100 only carries to 200, where it used to carry to 8k.


     That said - I'm not aware of the scaling increase in health totals being effected by any sort diminishing returns (Got a source?). Though I am familiar with Armor doing just that. Though it really doesn't matter much if their resistance isn't getting better when you're dealing with incredibly high resistance on top of incredibly high health.


    The scaling to 8k was only for a very small time, but because of this we were given slight insight into how the enemy scales.  We ourselves have encounters level 2000+ before 2.0 and after.  As well as after 2.0.1,2,3,4,5,6 etc... In each of these cases, we've seen a cut off value where the enemies fell to the same weapons after taking the same amount of damage.  It's not conclusive, but the fact that many had finished a wave with level 8000 mobs, which would be somewhere around wave 500 prior to the bug means that it can't scale too much as to prevent people from finishing the wave.

    We experienced that when they hit 8000, although the shield values did seem to scale a bit, the health values seemed to stay quite static.

    The issue with resistance can be bypassed with the corrosive proc or aura.  Which the proc can be stacked to remove armor entirely.  Which is the same with magnetic and viral.  The procs were designed to bypass the enemy's strength. 

    If you are using magnetic against Grineer, I can see where your issues lie.


    I also must point out that damage 2.0 was much harder than damage 1.0, and easily 10 times harder than damage 2.0.1+  If anything I would prefer a revert to damage 2.0.  Damage 2.0.1+ was a community nerf fest that lead into what we have today.


    As for the thoughts of what is considered end-game.  I know you are part of the biggest supporting Grineer clan, but outside of events which don't generally have enemies that pass level 100 if even close to that.  We on the behalf of the united Corpus supporters don't tend to see enemies under level 100, if we can choice it.  As to what I consider end-game, anything past 1 hour in survival or past 60 waves in defense.

  12.  Actually, that isn't even what I mean.


     Enemies dealing massive damage? That is fine. CC and brain cells counters that.



     What I'm talking about are the sheer volumes of health and armor that can and will eventually be present.


      A weapon perfectly lovely at level 20 could be a bad joke by level 60. And it just keeps going downhill. The best weapons and Frames in the game are the ones that are best capable of dealing with that. They're the gear that does get utterly crapped on by the 'Meatwall' nature of later enemy levels.



     Currently there is no particular roof on Armor and Health. Enemies can proceed straight upwards to absolutely ludicrous levels and their health, armor and damage just keep climbing. There is nothing stopping Grineer enemies from scaling upwards far enough that their armor and health totals allow them to shrug off even obscene damage.


     Thank god for the Viral status effect. Without it fighting enemies past a certain level point would be practically futile.


     There doesn't need to be a damage cap, not in the current playing field. But there certainly does need to be work done to create a roof to defensive stats on enemies. The weapon pool would probably be easier to get into a comfortable place as a bonus, since now there would be a roof on what DE would need to design these weapons to handle.



     Gotta fix enemy scaling to fix weapon balance. Can't leave scaling as-is and expect the weapons to even truly balance out nicely.


    I must add this before the community gets the wrong idea.  The problem is the absolute opposite.


    You complain that things will eventually scale beyond the point they can't be killed.  In our experience, they actually don't scale at all.  They used to prior to 2.0, but now they cap pretty early.  Once armor/hp/shields hit the DR the level they rise on the curve is minimal, making every level after as easy as the one before.  Which makes the difference between level 1000 to 2000 absolutely nothing.  I know this for a fact.  I also know that although the enemies past 200 are harder than past 2000 in damage 1.0, they don't scale much higher, and weapons will always be able to kill them depending on how you use them. Which I assume is the design.


    I admit, abilities are much faster, and in almost all cases will be used to make the game easier.  Damage increase from Rhino, an increased damage taken from Nova, an Increase in heat damage taken from Ember, are all dynamic.  There are also ways to pump dps with with abilities like Fire Blast, Miasma, and/or Hallowed Ground with the energy gain from a Trinity.


    The only frames that are poorly viable for late-tier:

    Ash (a solo frame)

    Excalibur (a very good frame for mid level/low level play, but radial blind can't be spammed if one or more targets are already affected and also requires Banshee or mods to make yourself silent)

    Volt (has useful abilities, but other than shield and speed increase it lacks much benefit. Can be useful in speed runs and early/mid level range where it's ult is probably amongst the best aoe, but lacks a real spamming ability)

  13. @preanette

    It does, but at the same time a group with a super defensive build ( which if you don't know, there are options to afk. IE rollers/shield ospreys) a person could effectively go forever or until you hit the game's internal (final boss) or lag.

    With the recent information it seems like once an enemy's level "rolls over" 9999. The level resets and bugs out prevent spawns, at least seen in derelict by EGT.

    So with that in mind there needs to be something else to run for. This also allows for points to be added up and given to a clan, for a possible future ranking, if we could get enough people partaking in defense runs.

    I do realize that someone can beat our "score" with our 205 in 5h 55m with a run to 120 in 2h, but maintaining 1minute a round going that high, is actually quite impressive, seeing as the majority of time lost is maintaining lag so that the spawns to don't slow down. A scaling system giving bonus points for every 50 waves, ie. *1.1,1.2,1.3, etc... could work in making the further waves more important. Although, if I do open it up to all maps, the lowest level will allow the most rounds if 9999 is the level cap (unconfirmed)

  14. lol... I love you guys defending the 7hour thing.  We originally just said, "let's get some practice in with the new recruit."  So we decided to do a survival until the patch dropped.  Well... DE likes to wait until very last minute, I think it was 11pm CST.  Which we had expected the patch a few hours earlier.  So once we passed the 4hour mark, and realized that the fps wasn't bad at all we wanted to go for the EGT time and effectively double Trainer's time.


    I'd also like to point out, humans waste more time daily with sleep, on average 8 hours a day. 


    When we establish comp ideas, we don't try to copy anyone.  We're also attempting to come out of our shell and give back a bit more to the community.  Soon we will have a youtube channel with informational videos on comp ideas, frame builds, and weapon builds.  We do have a few trade secrets that we're trying to keep under wraps at the moment (I guarantee they are not exploits), but we've decided that with enough followers(aka: Subscribers) to our youtube we will tell all our dirty secrets. 


    -I wasn't sure where to drop this info, but it seems like this thread never fails to have a bump...


    -Also, my Damage 2.0 leaderboard thread will be going through some renovations to include survival, now that Infested is limited to the Derelict.


    -I would also like some feedback to the possibility of doing some kind of ranking system based on RPM*Waves (to promote quicker runs but not hurt further runs, unless they take twice as much time.)   Formula would just be (Number of rounds)/(Time taken in minutes)  Numbers are usually around .4-6  Then * #of waves.  So for example.  Wave 205  5hour 55min 36s = 205/355.6 = 0.5765(rounded)*205 = 118.18 Points. 


    Just looking forward to feedback.  Thanks.

  15. The changes I promote would easily be the opposite of the community. I feel that survival needs to be harder, especially in T3. I also feel like there needs to be an incentive to even go past 30 minutes. When you're 6hours in and you get 2500 credits, you really feel like you've started to waste your time.

    Although I will say one thing, there is a spawn limit on life support, in which after you use one another will spawn instantly. There are rooms that support many life supports, and playing in those rooms can be good. Although, I've gone at least an hour without using a blue. We decided to tackle them before they cap out. From my experience, if you just stick together in a room it will get better. Try to find something with an easy 2-4 spawns that units can travel to you without getting stuck. If you walk into their spawns, they can slow down in spawn rate and if you split up the units will split where they are going. if one person goes out on their own, that side will all be following that one guy and not falling into the group. I'd hate to say it, but staying put is the easiest way. If you fail sitting in one place, you just need to find a better location with more spawns.

    Anyways, that's my 2cents. =p

  16. This thread made me LOL... OP has it right, they took a wrong turn here.

        11.5  They allowed it so gear could be traded, this lead to people being able to buy the "grind" content to instantly gain their 100 points.


      Not to mention, now that the event is designed so that everyone can be #1, just requiring that you do 100 outside of your clan or are of the 4 people in your clan to do the event. 


    Everyone, if they have a reset, should have a 100 average with 1 mission run (4 people or 1 person)

    The fact that you can buy those abilities to win this event and gain limited items with platinum is slightly cheep.


    Sure, you might see it(and I can see it, partially), that platinum is the sole currency.  Much like gold in various other mmo games.  It can be traded, but generally it's farmed within the game and sold outside of the game to the player base through a 3rd party.  This game makes platinum exclusive to a sense that it's almost always bought.  Now that it can be traded, it allows the player to skip the 3rd party site and buy directly from farmers in the current game.


    To relate to a well known game.  The trading of anti-toxins for platinum is similar to trading away an end game boss kill for outside the game money.  Which in World of Warcraft is commonly done, the same as paying farmers to play your account for gear and titles. 


    I understand that "pay 2 win" is more coined with games that have exclusive items that are only from money and happen to be more powerful than anything a free player could hope to obtain.  Although the game is coming close.  Given the right amount of money converted into platinum, you could join the game and buy every mod, weapon, and warframe (of course not the exclusive ones) Although then he could pay a group of guys to power level him on all his frames and weapons, buy all the materials from the store and rush the research guns.  Surprisingly enough, one of the only things this game doesn't provide for platinum is the ability to rush the cool down between training new ranks(ranking up)

    Within a few days, this player that had just joined could go from nothing to "beat the game" status.  Where as there are many people that had spent months upon months farming and obtaining those mods, weapons, and warframes.

    Clearly there isn't anything that can be abused here, as there isn't a steady competitive following and definitely not a popular pvp scene.


    Although I'd like to think that events were sacred...  I guess not.    Hell, I thought the Prime pack was a little over the edge, giving away void weapons/frame, and an exclusive (insanely easy to build, comparatively) Titan Extractor Prime. 

  17. You would have been passed in the next weeks since if there is a tie in the score the clan with the least runs wins.


    This just means, everyone ties.  How do you determine who is Gold, Silver, Bronze? If everyone in the top 100 is  100points ave | 1 mission run.


    Edit:  Also... we were a vast margin ahead.  As we were in the last event.  We held out until the end, and I see no reason to think any different here.

    Wave 205 Defense

    7h Survival

    We are the Tenn Os...


    Edit 2:  Seeing as this event fell into our favor, being as it was days off for a few members. We had 5-8 people on farm for the last 20 hours.  Myself coming off of a 7hour survival into the patch, I've still yet to sleep and absolutely hate the thought of all that work being removed.




    They are reseting the clan leaderboard thats it. your personal score is unaffected.

    The clan leaderboard is exactly what he is talking about. Personal score?  It's 1 run with 4 people, for 100...  Easy to repeat, I couldn't care less if that was removed.



    You keep your points the reset was just for clan scoreboards. This changes nothing. You will still get the reward for your runs.

    We will still get our Gold trophy for our runs?  Will you give it to us?

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