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Posts posted by theMongoose

  1. Years ago near the start of the open beta I was on YouTube watching videos for something. I came across one video where a guy was talking and had random gamplay from a really cool looking game completely unrelated to the topic. I scolled down in the comments and right at the top.

    Comment: "What game is that?"

    Reply: "Warframe."

    Immediately found it and installed the game. I still remember it vividly. I never would have thought that I'd spend so much time on a free to play game. Before that I pumped a few hundred hours into the original Monster Hunter. Initially, Warframe could get old quick as there wasn't much to do. But it was and is still the best free to play game out there.

    Aside from a short break to play Destiny 1, Warframe has been my #1 game. There is something about it that drew me in and keeps me coming back. 

  2. 4 hours ago, rune_me said:

    Well it does affect how often mallet causes damage. As in, it causes damage on each note. So if it did say 100 points of damage and you have 10 notes, then each note does 10 damage, but if you had 4 notes, then they each do 25 damage. But it'll still add up to the same amount of damage over the same amount of time.

    Hope that made sense.

    Interesting. Thank you for the clarification!

  3. I don't think the music has anything to do with the duration of the ability.

    The only one that I think matters would be the metronome ability. If you have a weird beat you could easily miss shots/jumps/crouches. I just spam a single row of notes on that one to make it easier to activate the buffs.

    Other than that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the music doesn't actually effect the first two abilities. They're more based on enemies damaging them.

  4. I don't know if this has been suggested before but I would love to have a push notification of any updates/hotfixes through the app.

    I don't know how it's not a thing already honestly. I'd have a lot more peace of mind on days where I would obsessively check the forums for the next big update to drop. Like with POE or the recent rework update. 

    Just a quick notification on the platform you play on saying, "Update X.X.X is now live!" And you tap it to go to the patch notes. Or even just "New Update Available. See what's changed!"

    Am I the only one that would appreciate this?

  5. The riven challenge is actually easy once you know what to do. DON'T to to the plains.

    It was suggested to go to the first assault map in the kuva fortress. Go to the first part at the bridge and place the item on the door. About 6 of those flying things come from the sides to attack you. The riven also counts accumulated kills. It doesn't need to all be in the same sitting. So once you kill the dargyns quit and repeat.

    So after about 3 runs at about 3 minutes you're done. It was such a relief when I found this out.

  6. They made some steps in the right direction with the changes but:

    Her 1 is better. The old one was slow and out of date. It makes more sense to mod now. Duration for length of flight and range for speed. Easy. Look down to dive bomb, no-brainer. I still lawn dart like before into walls. There has to be something they can do about the strictly linear jumps she makes but idk what.

    Her 2 is slow. It either needs to scale with some stat or be effected by jet stream. When the first showed the ability I thought it would be more of a quick burst of air not a projectile bomb. It's awkward to use and doesn't seem to fit.

    Her 3 is of course the same. But if Chroma can get a recastable 3 then why can't Zephyr? Come on guys it's 2018.

    Her 4 is essentially the same. They hold enemies better sure. But the synergy with air blast is not there right now. It shipped bugged. The aiming is not something I would call good either. How many complaints do we see of eidolon lures in front of people do we see? It's the second here. I'll use her 4, be aiming at something, and here comes a tornado into my line of fire. Wouldn't it just make more sense to speed up the tornadoes and make them chase after the closest enemy? I'm also not really a fan of all the tornadoes spawning at the reticle. 1 sure but all 4 is overkill.

    Like I said, some steps in the right direction but it's sure not the best. This update was quantity over quality though. They made a lot of long asked for changes/buffs/nerfs/additions at one time. This coming week will be about hotfixing from all the bugs and feedback.

  7. I look forward to getting my Zephyr on! Can't wait.

    Also have a suggestion for a future Atlas augment. An augment that turns your Rumblers into walking paralyzing totems. Essentially an aura version of ore gaze that starts at a certain range. Just another way to help accumulate those rubble stacks.

  8. Hahahaha! I had a good chuckle with this one.

    I get that it's a hot topic right now and people want to consider all the options. But why would you want to leave something that you could do with absolute certainty for chance even if it was at a "reduced cost". 

    The whole idea of loot boxes rubs me the wrong way. We have the option to buy a lot of stuff in this game. Allowing us to trade for platinum has made Warframe a game that doesn't have to be bought to enjoy the premium perks. It's not pay to win when you can grind prime items/mods, sell them in trade chat, and go buy your cosmetic or that prime part that's alluded you because of RNG.

    The RNG is already a topic of complaint in Warframe and now you want to add a monetary value to it? You want to pay for a box that will give you a chance at something you could just purchase? The microtransactions are necessary for this game since it is free but just because loot  boxes are the trend doesn't make them the right thing to do.

    AAA games have been in a downward spiral into milking customers for every dollar they can. Games aren't shipped complete anymore. DLC is pre planned to the point that it's advertised at release, pay extra at your preorder(aka give us money before you see the finished product) to get an exclusive skin, buy the "legendary edition" (the artificially inflated $100 copy with a map, stylish cover that'll sit on your shelf anyway up against all the other ones, etc.),  then they threw microtransactions into premium games (looking at you Destiny), and now slot machine loot boxes.

    The marketing departments of these publishers are praying on your hobby to make as much money as possible. They don't care what the game is, they don't care if the schedule is rushed and glitches make it to the final product, all that matters is that the people who financed the game get a return on their investment. COD alone has made billions over the last decade for these guys on an investment of about $200 million a year. Advanced warfare alone ,after a quick Google search,$200 million budget,$400 million in the first 24 hours! And it went on to make billions. That's just one game in the franchise. 

    The money grubbing in gaming right now is just down right ridiculous.

    If you want to support DE then buy plat once in a while, buy Tennogen,  buy Prime Access. But don't become complacent with following the trends. Loot boxes are cancer and the epitome of what's  wrong with mainstream gaming right now. Not to mention it's starting to get recognized as gambling in some areas.

    DE's business model for Warframe is extremely fair, if not balanced more towards the consumer. The flexibility of platinum and nearly zero pay to win factor is necessary to keeping Warframe the ongoing game that it is. 

    TL;DR: Wow! I got a little carried away on that one.

    Basically, hard no on loot boxes since they are the scum of the gaming world right now. They are just a way for the publishers to get more money out of honest people. I'd like to believe DE has a little more integrity than that. 

    If the sentiment is to support them, buy what they are already selling.

  9. 3 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    I used to feel like this and while it does still bother me a little bit, what leechers have come to mean to me is more kills (i.e. fun).  :shrug:

    That's a good way to look at it. It mainly only bothers me while leveling equipment. On regular missions I'm having too much fun being a space ninja to notice until the end. 

  10. Yes. It's a team based game so you should be supporting your teammates. So long as you can survive the process and aren't going to get gunned down yourself. But I'll try my hardest to revive someone as long as it's physically possible (e.g. can't get on the other side of the plains in 15 seconds man. Sorry!)

    That said, if they are obviously leeching I will let them bleed out like a cow in a a slaughter house. I have no sympathy for someone riding on the rest of the teams coattails that gets themselves downed. 

    If you want a revive then put in some work. It doesn't have to be a lot of effort. Use some skills, shoot some trash, stop watching YouTube/Netflix while the rest of us are doing all the work. If you're constantly afk or you have 0-10 kills while the rest of the team has 100+ after 10 minutes on akkad then I'll go out of my way to avoid them and hope they use all their revives. Leechers are the only thing that gets on my nerves in this game.

  11. I personally like messing around with the kestrel with Mirage. You throw like 5 of them out and launch an entire group into space if you're modded for blast. Although the damage isn't really there the fun factor certainly is.

    Other than that the rest will hold you over until you can build something a little better.

  12. I did close to the same with my infested zaw. Same grip and head. It's an extremely strong staff now thanks to the viral/corrosive combo it has. Also has pretty decent slash damage. I just wish there was a better stance.

    As far as contagion goes, I only wish the wave was a bit larger. But for a basic cc it's pretty good. 4 free seconds to bash on a heavily armored target is always nice. I never planned to use it for damage since it was obvious that the covert lethality part was bugged. If it looks too good to be true then DE will need/fix it asap.

  13. I did the exact same thing. It really bothers me because stat wise it will be a great weapon once I'm done leveling it.

    But looks wise it's like what Arnold says when he finally sees the Predators face. I just bought the Nekros deluxe pack and I figured it was fate that they released a scythe style zaw.

    Hopefully there's a fix in the next few weeks.

  14. The problem with the last one was that out of all the trees people only invested for really 1 node per tree. Maybe 2-3 if you used Madurai.

    Naramon was just a broken cheese sandwich, zenurik had the passive energy regen, madurai gave a small boost to damage, no one really used unairu, and some people used vazarin for the revives.

    I was a zenurik guy before and it's actually been working out. The lack of cool down means I can get a full energy pool right out of the gate. I'm slowly working towards unlocking all the trees which I didn't even think about before.

    Now there is reason to invest in multiple trees to get the most out of the focus system with the waybound passives. The problem now is that it costs a lot to level it up and not many people have time for grinding out the focus. DE will be changing this soon so hopefully that will be it for now. 

  15. Ya that first "amp" really doesn't do much. I guess the only reason we got it was so that the shield would actually take damage.

    Once you craft an actual amp you'll have a much better chance of solo hunting terralysts. But right now you'll have to get together with a group.

    And it helps to realize that almost all of the amp parts are more or less sidegrades. Each has a unique function but aren't necessarily upgrades. I think the widely considered best amp includes two T2 parts and a T1 part. I crafted that one and even unguilded it's good. Pick the functions you want, farm the resources, craft the amp, and go have a blast. Don't get hung up on having to build all 3 tiers. That's more headache than most people need.

  16. Leechers are a problem because they aren't contributing to completing the mission. More fire power is always better especially since some missions scale off the number of players. 

    By purposely sitting out you leave the rest of the team to potentially fail mission because you're too lazy to actually play the game. It makes absolutely zero sense to me that someone would want to take part in a game and not actually play. If you're not interested then go do something else.

    Carrying is a different story. Sometimes people come under prepared. We've all done it at some point. Or brought the wrong load out. I remember a few times there was a glitch where I would load in with no mods.

    Mainly, if you want to play then just play the damn game. If you're going to sit and watch Netflix while you rely on other people to do your work then just close the game because you clearly don't want to be here. 

  17. Welcome to Warframe! 

    Luckily most people inadvertently collect many over time that they will never use. Which is great for your situation since most of these mods are standard for any build.

    The community here is usually willing to help whenever you need it so don't be afraid to ask. There are of course always going to be those people that don't want to help anyone but themselves but overall Warframe players are good people.

  18. As someone that does not play Ember and would not have bought either of her skins:

    The initial one was better. It looked like bubbling magma and had a badass feminine touch. It was sleek and powerful.

    The new one seemed like an after thought of doing Mags deluxe skin. Because the Mag one looks good and was clearly the primary project. Then they looked at ember thought of a Phoenix and threw a very out of place mohawk on it. It ended up looking like a KFC reject with Daddy issues.

    If you like it that's great. Fashionframe is all about you doing you. Make the frame as you want it to be. Stuff like this is all subjective.

    But the problem is we were shown a great deluxe skin and only got a meh one. I hope for the sake of compromise someone just submits it as Tennogen and we get both.

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