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(XBOX)alf swarm

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Posts posted by (XBOX)alf swarm

  1. The weekly 'help clem' mission didn't become available for me like it usually does with maroo. I wouldn't usually care but one of the nightwave objectives requires me to be able to do it this week. Not sure if there's anything I can do here but a fix would be greatly appreciated.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Kawalorn said:

    You realize you're posting on a video game forum right? We come here to have fun not to do same tedious thing for an hour in a game that already has problems with repetitiveness only for something to go wrong at the very last moment, forcing you to do that all over again.

    I HAD FUN. That's the only reason I'm posting here. People are trying to get something removed that I like. This is the first time in a super long time that this kind of activity was actually rewarded and I want it to stay.


    last post, nobody here is gonna change their mind

  3. 6 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    I am worried that DE will add more of these types of activities, if they keep doing this those players (like me) will be missing out, not to mention that Umbral Forma is not Tradeable or can be purchased with real money or plat.


    You realize you're posting on a video game forum right? If you have time to do this you have 60 minutes to complete 4 challenges.

  4. Just now, Soldier1312 said:

    3. Nitain. While it was annoying eariler it may be even more now, especially for the players that want to build e.g. Vauban Prime. If my calculations are correct you can get 15 Nitains in season that takes 10 weeks (still need confirmation). That leaves 5 more for Vauban Prime for example. Of course there are caches, but with 2% chace and only if you have found all 3 of them it's another tiring grind. Of course it could be fixed with slightly higher droprate.

    300 wolf credits in the battle pass, 15 credits for 5 nitain. 300/15*5 = 100 nitain in a season. More than you will ever need and much easier than doing an alert for one.

  5. 6 hours ago, JHarlequin said:

    It isn't 'challenging', it is just time consuming. 

    It is more challenging than anything currently in the game. You're right, it's not hard. But it's a step in the right direction from a game that refuses to create new content over level 40.


    I don't really want to stay in a mission for 60 minutes but it's the only way the actual mechanics of the game get tested. The entire star chart and every quest can be completed with an excal and mk-1 weapons.

  6. You only have to do ~60% of the challenges to max out. I played the 60 min kuva survival with my friends, loved it, and got 16,000 nightwave standing. Every time some even slightly 'challenging' or time consuming content is added the community asks for the game to be made easier. The MAIN REASON most of the people I know don't want to play warframe is because it's too easy. Please keep some challenges like this every week for players that actually want to play the game, have a bit more challenge, and don't think playing your game for 60 minutes is 'torture'.

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