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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Rentago

  1. Technically, any weapon can be good if you invest enough potatoes into them. The main factor is whether you like using them or not. The other problem is some weapons are more meta for completing tasks like eidalon slaying. I have a friend who wield's grakatas for both primary and secondary and wishes for a grakata in the melee slot as well.

    Seems to get by just fine...


    I don't think they do personally though. I would recommend trying to get your hands on an ignis wraith blueprint, it is a weapon you see used often by many deep into late game, but regular ignis is good for things until then.

  2. This game has been worked on quite a bit, but if you are grinding and plowing through everything then that's kinda it. You can't just play 1 game forever, I usually shelve something until it gets more updates and such and come back.

    That is kinda bad cause then I miss out on content and features that are limited time events, but there is only so much you can do in about any game until you're done with it for the time being.

  3. alright scrubs, the burston sucks, just accept it, just like a couple of other weapons becomes rather useless as they don't scale well later on, but this game wants you to level everything up to level 30, and in that sense it wants you to use everything because it should be useful beyond any system its just a weapon it should serve a purpose.


    some things do need something, a recoil fix, a penetration bonus or higher crit damage/chance.


    whatever it is they need some tweaks.

  4. There should be core condenced semi-open levels. More of Deus-ex style, not like Far Cry 3. There should be more choice in navigation of areas instead of hallways and rooms. There is practically no way to stealth your way through. I love Ash, but his skill set is not at home in the levels as they are.

    I agree with this, the game already ALLOWS you to play through the game stealthy, where if you dont let the alarms go off it really feels like the game has a stealth mode option.

    However, there are no vents to sneak through, no alternate routes, and hell i'd love the options to be able to use terminals to hack turrets, or have the option to open or lock doors, seal or leave windows breached.

  5. I like the idea of a central hub for the tenno, it really should function as a trade hub so players can trade blueprints or other things.

    Aside from that I wish there were two factions of tenno, one that are mecenaries and another that follow the lotus, personally i wish i had someone else talking during the missions as a choice besides that lotus woman.

  6. we could just have tenno that are taken by that infection, i mean they are in cryostasis, there are chances of that infection spreading to them before they even get woken up.by the lotus or something.

    Another thing was that, they could do missions where there are double agents.

    Lets face it, no one is obligated to fight on anyone's side but their own, and if they want to do it for profit, why can't they get hired out by the Corpus, we could do missions where it is a team of players trying to complete the objective while another team tries to stop them.

    Though this would only add variety to the kind of missions you get between taking on the grineer, infection, and corpus.

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