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Posts posted by Wyldbill

  1. MR 21 here with 1445 hours and you can always use resources if the Hema is any example.  While it would set a bad precedent if they take resource grinds via the system as the standard amount, part of the resource bonuses could potentially affect drop chances for rarer items.  Hell, I'd go as far as to slightly bolster rare mod drop chances, that alone would be enough to draw "Veteran" players into older content even if the increases itself were minor.

    I'm one of those insane people who plan to have absolutely every weapon and frame available in their arsenal, and I'm more than half way done with that but am currently experiencing a plastid famine, this system would allow me to both farm for the resource and potentially help players that just so happen to be playing on maps with plastids as a drop.

    Realize the resource drop is just an incentive anyways for players to replay old content, the priority of this system would be to act as an excuse to allocate players into underplayed nodes that currently have open squads for some reason.

    DE has been looking into new consumables for the players to sink resources into if the Stims are any indication, I could easily see some rather resource heavy BP's becoming a thing if the rare resource blueprints are any indication.  And while it may seem silly to promote resource surplus in players, it's already a thing and at this point the only way to really solve it would involve allowing players to sacrifice a massive quantity for some amazing buff that would completely change the meta.

    This isn't an endgame suggestion, and it's not like I haven't tried to suggest such things, however this would help solve dead nodes by grouping more players outside of the current meta farms.  If anything this is a midgame suggestion to help players earn resources for new weapons while simultaneously spreading out the playerbase.

    Endgame suggestions will continue to be impossible to implement until DE either determines what level enemies should be or accepts the fact that powercreep is always in play and continues to enable it.  I have suggested an endgame that involves normalizing a lot of the weapons and mods in the game to allow for a controlled environment that can be adjusted to be difficult with relative ease however we always get stuck on the rewards for such a system.  Problem is people don't want to encourage power creep in the standard PvE even though I'm sure that's a major reason why people continue to play (The promise of virtually unlimited power through mods).  If the rewards allowed players to become even stronger outside of the endgame it would be worth the effort.

    Let's be honest, Raids and Sorties are not an endgame, they are yet another daily to complete in a game full of such things.  The Sorties require a little thought for high MR's to plan and execute and the hardest part of raids is gathering eight players that won't screw it up.  Increasing NPC level is no way to go about creating an endgame as CC scales infinitely.

  2. EDIT: This isn't a new matchmaker in the sense that players queue for it and everyone does random missions, it takes players who opt into doing missions within certain filters and tries to fill them into currently existing matches that fulfill the criteria.  If nothing matches the criteria it will put the player into a completely new game but that's about the same as a player starting up a node that currently has 0 squads.

    Except it pulls from the existing pool of players and distributes them into already populated matches (For the most part, players can opt to simply randomize a mission in a private match but they lose out on the larger bonuses, on that same note these are the same players that already do everything in private matches so we aren't detracting from the existing playerbase).  It rewards players for randomly joining matches by increasing their potential loot drops from the mission, the more diverse your filters are set to the bigger the bonuses.  This isn't a new mode, it's simply a way to attract veterans into playing older content again utilizing some randomization to keep it interesting while also moderately rewarding.

  3. Another issue with Alerts and the like is that they don't help populate nodes consistently.  At this point I pretty much only run the Nitain alerts and a specific few invasions.  Both of these also have the issue of being relatively short lived, i.e a player happens to run the mission once and have no reason to return.

    Ideally the matchmaker just fills the gap with players that are currently playing many of the dead nodes that 95% of the time don't see action as nightmares and alerts aren't a guaranteed thing.  The original intent was to provide another incentive for players to increase their MR as doing so would allow for larger resource bonuses.  Honestly it's just a plus that you could conceivably work this into livening up all the nodes in general.

    While the recruiting channel is nice for specific runs and can occasionally grab players to help fresh blood, it's an extra step that we could potentially avoid entirely. Also, recruiting channel in general implies a coordinated run on a specific mission, I can see players in general avoiding this as they may feel it is entirely overkill to enlist players to help with things as mundane as world completion.  This is without saying the chance of someone readily joining you for a world clearing run isn't exactly high.

  4. NOTE: I originally posted this on Reddit.

    TLDR at the bottom.

    Back in Devstream 43, DE had briefly discussed bringing back the adjustable difficulty setting but decided against it as the numerous nodes and planets effectively functioned in a similar way. Their argument against adding the system back in was it would simply serve to split players apart even further as there simply isn't enough of a playerbase to keep every node populated, especially if there was three+ variants.

    My argument would simply be this, DE introduces a matchmaker that allows players to randomly join missions on a certain level scale. Using the matchmaker rewards the player with bonus loot (Think the Defense bonuses in void maps, but already active at the start of a mission). Increasing your MR allows you to search for higher level missions and simultaneously reward a larger amount of loot/experience.

    Players could tighten the search at the cost of bonuses, for example if someone wanted to farm Polymer bundles, they could lock the search to Mercury, Venus, or Uranus (Preferably this would be a filter that allows for multiple selections) or rely on luck and go with the broader search of simply "Grineer Only" for more bonuses with a chance that the map may not contain the resource.

    Advantages for New Players

    Any node that a player starts can now be joined by someone who has opted into the matchmaker with the appropriate settings, thereby livening up many dead nodes.

    Increases the potential for new players to find fellow Tenno to play the game with without utilizing the LFG chat.

    Advantages for Veterans

    Players that opt into joining random missions receive an increase in drops, the wider the search the larger the bonuses.

    Provides a diversion for players who don't have anything in mind but wouldn't mind having an excuse to run missions.

    Technical Explanations

    The matchmaker would probably be locked until MR 5, at which the player would be allowed to automatically be assigned to missions involving enemies up to level 10, every MR after that increases the amount to (Ideally) reach a max defined by the current meta.

    Considering the idea is to populate lesser played nodes that are actually seeing players, tightening your search results in a smaller bonus, yes I mean if someone searches for a 30-40 mission and another searches for a 1-40 mission the latter should receive a higher bonus even if they end up in a level 15 mission.

    As levels are locked behind mastery, the bonus is incapable of being too OP for new players, ideally if you are someone who can be prepared for literally any mission with a single loadout, you should be rewarded for your dedication.

    It would be possible for a player searching for a 1-40 level match to end up in the same match as a player searching for a level 30-40 match. However the one with the wider search will receive more of a bonus at the end of the mission comparatively assuming the rest of the filters were the same.

    Bonuses would be kept separate from each player. Someone who seeds a node would receive the typical rewards while someone who uses the matchmaker would receive bonuses.

    After the mission, players using the matchmaker will be given the option to immediately jump into another mission with the same settings Possibly add a chain reward?

    Preferably the players will be able to designate whether to avoid Nightmare, Void, or Syndicate missions. Conceivably they should be able to define whether to allow all syndicate missions or only ones you are currently wearing a sigil for.

    The ideal filters would include the following:

    • Level
    • Faction
    • Planet
    • Objective
    • Resources
    • Special (Nightmare, Void, Syndicate)
    • Privacy (Anything aside from public would come at the cost of bonuses)
    • In Progress (Host a new matchmade game, Join a game in progress, Join a random matchmade party.

    Preferably all of these would be checkboxes, allowing for multiple selections.

    Unfortunately I can see the possibility of this being abused with players going completely unprepared into a public match, possibly add a checkbox somewhere on the galaxy map to allow matchmaker joins.

    Overall with tweaking this should provide a nice balance of loot to reward veterans and help make the world seem livelier for newer players running random missions in between Apollodorus and Cerberus.

    TLDR: Implement a matchmaker that allows veteran players to score additional loot while populating the lesser played nodes usually hosted by newer players. As a side bonus, hopefully alleviate some of the load on popular farming nodes without nerfing the reward from them.

  5. If you hold space to wallrun where the dueling wall appears (The one that separates spectators and duelists) you go up and down like normal while still being able to jump through. This will probably not be a problem once we switch to tic-tacs in about three days but figure you might as well know.

  6. I think the main issue here is that Nef Anyo has started to pass out potatoes while M. Salad is still giving 50k credits. I know he is a mutated being, but there's no ambiguity on who is going to win the bout. I've seen 25 R5's v. 20 U5's (Silver Fusion Cores) and I usually stick to my guns to support Salad on those. But having one side give out potato BP's just screws up the balance as you'd be an idiot to not go for the potato. At least do something like have one side give a gold potato and the other side gives a blue potato.

    Like someone said, it honestly doesn't matter what we do lore wise because Salad will most likely end up being the new J3 Golem, but I want a god damn Karak Wraith and will be &!$$ed off if we end up getting a Dera Vandal due to rewards getting manipulated in this fashion.

  7. Every once and awhile, when you try to switch skins on the Liset, you click something else and it just goes to default.  You can try clicking any skin in the game and it refuses to change.

    I later found out if you leave the party you're in, you can easily swap liset skins.


    I bet someone with knowledge in coding could fix that pretty fast by either blocking the changing of Liset skins when in a party (With a dialogue saying you need to leave the party) or whatever other solution there is.


  8. TL:DR Version:


    AFK Bot punishes too harshly for small infractions usually caused by bad connections.


    Full Version:


    I know it was apparently a big issue a while back about having people join games and just sitting there leeching rewards while others covered the objective, but the automatic system in place has punished me over stupid little things by taking away the all the exp earned, the rewards, and all the mods collected one too many times.



    *Steam pictures seem to be broken for a bit, hopefully it'll fix itself at some point*



    Even though I killed close to half the enemies spawned (Around 768) I lose all the rewards due to a connection error between me and my partner due to the fact that when I revived, I revived as a headless Hydroid that couldn't move and just stood there.  Since we were already at around 39:40 when this happened, Deucanion just headed to evac at 40 and I ended up with nothing to show for after all that.


    When the whole afk thing was popular news, I always proposed a player controlled blacklist system.  Sure, it doesn't stop the person from going AFK outright, but maybe after so many blacklists, they'd be under notice and if it turns out that's all they do, appropriate action could be taken.


    A vote system could be abused too easily (having parties kick someone near the end of a mission) and a reputation system can be used against the players that aren't doing anything wrong so as I see it, the most logical change is a blacklist that prevents said person from RANDOMLY joining your game.  Relays would be an exception to this and if you invite said person they could still join.


    "But what if the blacklisted person just gets someone in their game to invite them in"  You blacklist the person inviting them and leave the game.  The only way they can get in to stalk you is if you invite them at that point.


    "If they blacklist me, wouldn't I be unable to find a game?"  The blacklist is client side, this means whoever you blacklist can't join YOUR games.  Not that you are making it so they can't join anyones game.


    In closing, the current auto system just doesn't intelligently decide if you deserve to lose all your rewards and instead does what I can only describe as a knee jerk type response if you barely fall out of the boundaries.

  9. Besides stagger on your weapons and blast procs, you also want to consider Limbo. I know that apparently all people use him for is to troll (I don't play pubs so I don't know if that is actually a thing) but he does help immensely on survivability in ... survival, and to extension, defense maps.

    What Pumpkin is probably thinking for the 2 man T4 Survival, that we run, involves one of us being Mesa and the other Limbo. Pretty much both players live in the rift while Mesa uses Peacemaker to kill things as soon as they enter the room. If any nullifiers appear, the Limbo Riftwalks to them and uses a sliding melee attack to one shot. Pumpkin and I pretty much got our gear maxed so a slide melee will one shot those guys till maybe level 45.

    Sure this isn't the best strategy, pretty much once enemies start hitting 40 their armor starts to overpower Peacemaker, but you don't need to use Mesa. The point is that you can mix and match frames in your party and make things die faster and faster.

    Here's my Limbo and Mesa Loadout, as well as my Vaykor Marelok, Boltor Prime, and Tonbo (Scindo Prime is better, but I'm still modding it). Hope they inspire you to grind your way to killing level 50's with ease.

    Limbo: http://goo.gl/6et8UG

    Mesa: http://goo.gl/mK9jwF

    Vaykor Marelok: http://goo.gl/J6iEoy

    Boltor Prime: http://goo.gl/zdBQ31

    Tonbo: http://goo.gl/f3ESh8

    Combo Elements are up to you, I just like Viral for knocking down enemies health and use Radiation for CC.

  10. Got it, since it is just like a regional difference in spelling (Camera - Camerea, Keys - Keyes) I wouldn't put too much thought into it.  As MechaKnight pointed out though, it is an inconsistency and probably still counts as a typo by definition.  Since the ability is spelled Molt, the description should follow suite.

  11. I do remember back when they talked about the customizable HUD, although since no one has even mentioned it for a long time, figured I'd try to make it resurface.  I know the HUD would have to change to work around this, and even though I didn't know it was referred to as a Raster HUD when it moved with the camerea, obviously it would be simpler if one could customize a HUD and it didn't rotate with the camerea.


    I think people would sacrifice that feature for the ability to make the game their own.

  12. After playing hours of different objective modes, the HUD's in general become rather boring.  The result of which is I usually lose interest in looking at the various core elements.  Also, with the HUD change many updates ago, the general size of the HUD (Even with the size maxed) on higher resoulutions are still barely visible when you are concentrating on the game making things like looking at the Life Support gauge very punishing on higher levels when you have to kite on higher difficulty missions.


    I know the newer HUD was to go for a more minimalistic look, but everyonce and awhile you want to be more objective and would rather have as much information as you can available and noticible.


    NOTE: For the future sections, I am going to make some very crude visualizations, but need time.  Posting the ideas now, visualizations will come later, possibly tomorrow.


    Possible Objective Changes:

    Survival: The gauge under the minimap is small and the visual pulse (When you are running low) is rather unnoticable in visually heavy elements, such as when you are looking at the center of powers.  Some fixes involve either having the bar enlarged, or having a percentage bar near the cursor like how you have the 4 power dots (However, careful planning is needed as this location can get whited out easily and some people will hate having a status bar here, keep this in mind when I start the HUD customization section.



    The Edit is just underneath the power dots under your crosshair.


    Interception:  Having all the objectives near the map makes it kind of hard to watch points and play at the same time.  Since your only hint of a point being capped is either a sound if you are on the spot or a very faint pulsing of the letter used to mark the objective, you can have a hard time noticing an enemy capture if you are busy fighting things.


    Consider moving the points to the bottom of the screen, across the bottom as well as making them larger.  Since maps have a ABCD on almost all maps (I know the Mastery for 15 only has 3 points) symetrically place them across the bottom with a numerical percentage dead center at the bottom splitting them denoting the two teams progress.



    Note: Obviously the white spots are just quick edits, but this gets the point across.  The arrows point at the direction the bars fill, the idea with the reverse bar being the enemies pushing you out of the area.  Percentages would be on either side, but since I didn't make space for it in my crude drawing, I didn't put them in.


    Customizable HUD


    One Feature I'd like to see, is the ability to move various HUD elements around on the screen through the options, i.e. Minimap, Health/Shields/Stamina bar, Abilities and Energy, Objective bars as well as more freely sizing them seperately.  If someone wants to have a massive health bar and an almost none existent energy/Power bar, they should be able to resize independently.


    EDIT: Cleared up some awkward sentances.

  13. Title says it all, In the description for it it says "Moult" instead of "Molt".


    EDIT: Considering the ability name is Molt, even though "Moult" is still an acceptable spelling, it should be spelled "Molt" througout.


    Even though I figured someone probably brought this up, searching "Molt" on the forum didn't bring up a topic on this.

  14. I have been getting some heavy yellow fog on Hieracon Pluto that I haven't seen before, there has been a few updates so I am willing to beleive it was a change, but not sure if it is intentional.



    EDIT: It isn't just that one map, pretty much all the infested maps are doing that now so I am starting to question myself whether or not it always did that.  There is some spots on the maps that are really hard to see through with it though.

  15. I can't find the post now, but someone mentioned it would be nice to have it where if you potato or forma a kubrow, it either requires less maintainence or loses the health meter (Morale can still be there).  I never augment my Kubrows purely because of the chance of them dying on me and losing it all and would like to be able to add more mods to them without that constant fear.

  16. I know this is old, but it slipped my attention back when it was relevant


    Wyldbill, on 17 Nov 2014 - 2:47 PM, said:snapback.png

    Blacklisting doesn't kick players, lets get that out of the way.  It prevents players from matchmaking together.


    However, if someone illegitamately blacklisted you and they are in a friend's game, an invite from a friend or just directly joining a friend would bypass this whole thing.


    "What if people abused this?" well, they are trying really hard by getting buddies of theirs to randomly join your public game just so they could jump in and troll you.  So blacklist the buddy that constantly is in your game and move on.



    This in a nutshell. It wouldn't stop people from just idling-- Or trolling, or harrassing, or any of those other things a blacklist can be used for. It's like getting shot, THEN putting on the bullet proof vest; sure, it'll probably stop other bullets, maybe, but it does nothing for the wound you already have. 


    And there's plenty ways around it, or to make it worse. Make a new account-- for that matter, go reddit on it's @$$ and make a battery of new accounts, so you can idle on all of them. That surely won;t overload the character system. How do you stop that? IP blocks~ Even worse in a multiplayer game than blacklists, because if more than one person is using the same IP-- That is living in the same sodding house-- then they're all blocked. Of course, then you could always just get an invite from a friend, specificly find that person's friends, get an invite, and troll them-- Yes, people do that, regularly. Can't find their friends? How about you join their Clan? Then you could just go through a clanmate instead! 


    A blacklist is a bad tasting placibo that causes more problems than fixes them. The only time it's fine is when you have server based games, like BF or some of the Source games; The server admin can handle that, over the general population having the same amount of authority as a GM. 


    Besides how the first statement is overly-dramatic (If it is like someone shooting you everytime you run into an AFKer, you may want to reevaluate parts of your life) You'd have to go through a high amount of trouble just to join a game someone has blacklisted you from just to AFK.


    Make a new account?  Sure, I'll drop 550 hours of gameplay to work my way up to the maps you play just to afk and troll you.  IP blocks?  If you are playing a game and you know someone in your house is constantly trolling and might get your house blocked, you'd tell him to knock it off.  But we weren't suggesting this, you suggested this is and it is the most indirect way of blocking people and thus forwards your point.  Do not put words in my mouth, I have been going for account specific.


    If the troll is entering your game via some random you don't know that somehow keeps joining your game, you blacklist the buddy.  If they are a part of your clan and keep joining your game just to idle, bring it up to your Warlord or switch to invite only and recruit some randoms.  If they start to idle you blacklist them for pub games and you pay attention to the ever growing list as more and more people slight you due to being afk.


    I honestly haven't even noticed it, maybe it is because I pretty much run on invites only or friends only.  Sure you may want to play Pub, but understand you run the chance of these people and even though they don't see an issue with idling, your best bet is to abandon the mission and try again somewhere else.  If everyone stopped it whenver there was an AFKer, people would stop doing it due to it being worthless.  I am only in here because any kick function in this game would ruin the community willing to play.  Elitism would sprout and those high rank people everyone has been complaining about will start just kicking the dead weight instead of running it with them.  My suggestions for right now?


    Go into recruit, find similar rank people, and enjoy the game.  Make friends that are the same rank as you and play with them constantly.  Going up ranks is more fun if you have some friendly competition or a group where you know everyone's strengths and you all work together to accomplish your goals.  Having issues with abusatory clans?  Start your own and only invite people you like, I started mine around a year and a half ago and even though we haven't hit any leaderboards and don't have all the research yet, we enjoy playing the game and I have almost never seen an AFKer that didn't have a reason.

  17. I think my problem with figuring out why no one pulls guns on each other is because I honestly don't get how, at odds, everyone is.  I figured they all were working for the sort of same goal but due to their beliefs they'd kill each other if they feel the other hinders their progress.  And someone aparrently pointed this out from a movie, haven't seen it yet, but there is a neutral ground that they all agree to work remotely on as long as no one tries anything.  Lest the *ahem* banhammer falls on their head.

  18. I expressed concerns on how any type of automated service would require vasts amounts of coding, testing (We know DE does a lot of this using the public), and feedback from players in "Live-fire" exercises.  The issues with having a system that invisibly builds up marks against a player in each game is it is unforgiving.  If players in a match can deal with someone who needs to idle for a bit, what right is it to have a system that decides they aren't pulling their weight?


    I just went through a void where I couldn't find a single enemy for a good 7 minutes, my allies were killing them so fast no one was bothering with me running room to room looking for caches.  Just because I didn't take/deal damage and in some cases spent minutes at a time in the bigger puzzle rooms shouldn't mean I get kicked.  The system doesn't care about these things, it just looks for people and boots them in matches where once you start, you cannot pickup any more players till the end.


    I'd like to ask again, what is the problem with a profile ID based blacklist system?  It would require a few tweaks to how matchmaking searches and a smaller system that kept track of blacklisted accounts on each profile.  Where is the issue?

  19. Tenno home turf, our rules.


    This, this settles syndicate.  Although, the actual leaders don't really need to be there.


    Lotus has agreed to lend this space to syndicates so they can reach their Tenno Operatives, there could possibly be a teleporter inside each faction room that leads to a room with the leader.  This tele is only accessible by people who have reached a certain rank in the syndicate.

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