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Posts posted by FuriousUnicorn

  1. vor 8 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Ruthless_Russ:

    After 2 days of searching I have found the cause of my twitch drops not working;

    At the bottom of every stream you will probably see the following message:" Enable in-game drops with account link"  If you ever switched your linked twitch account before in the past, then that might be the cause of it. You will have to go back and find the previous twitch account and make sure that in the connections settings that you disconnect warframe from it. I just did that on an older account and tried switching the link to my main account and sure enough, my drops are enabled again. Best of luck tenno!

    This is it. You are the real MVP!!!!

  2. vor 4 Stunden schrieb scoopusu:

    I've had the same problem since the past 3-4 twitch drops, creating multiple twitch accounts/relinking etc. all doesn't work and on the twitch page the "Enable in-game Drops with Account Link." message remains. Extremely frustrating 😞 

    Have you tried to contact twitch or warframe?

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