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(XBOX)o StormKeeper o

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Posts posted by (XBOX)o StormKeeper o

  1. If you got the same mod again and again its not marked as new item. Generally is as the mention of identified on the mod. Check your inventory and see if you have a few same mod and check on wiki to see what the drop for her.

  2. I need to do fissures to get more ducat. I want one or two mods. Bit i do it for me. I won't sell what i have grind for couple of days.

    Actually the mods cost you on 300 and 385 ducat. With the credits to get with that. The players on trad chat want to buy this mod under 40p maybe 60p.

    You know i won't sell them this low price in not good for the time i have grinding this fissures because i don't want do by them with other player for the junk prime.

    I don't see why hiw many people is complenning about the relay. I bought the pack essentielly for the plat and cosmetic and this for support DE.

  3. The digital pack was in the market till the 3rd july. You have a little window for news on your orbiteur. They have put on the front page of the site a few time the news for the digital pack. If you have the warframe app for alert that is there too.

    You can blam DE for the choices of there communication. You can pretend you don't go on the site web for the game you appreciate the most. Every developpers do this.

  4. You know the pack have other things that simply the key to enter the relay ? Who have bought him have got plat, an amor, a glyph and a picture.

    Yeah its not fun for you to don't guet access to the relay. And apparently the same thing happened last years.

  5. As tu essayer de contacter le support directement ? Essaie de faire un ticket au support et voir s'ils peuvent te réinitialiser ton compte. Ce n'est pas en postant sur le forum que tu pourras avoir ce que tu souhaites. Si tu as déjà contacter le support attend simplement qu'ils te répondent.

  6. Salut. Première chose essaie de demander en anglais la prochaine fois. Je crois qu'il est impossible de réinitialiser un compte. Ta solution est de créer un nouveau compte et de recommencer avec celui là. Tu ne peux juste effacer ta progression comme avec d'autres jeux. Si tu n'es pas un mr 25. Je te dirais de rester accrocher à ton compte actuel.

  7. I know the sane problem. Sometime my invite failed. Or the ocer player can invite me due to fail attemp to join the squad. Have to go to maroo's to trade.

    Sometimes i can't close the tab chat. Choose a player with space in is name. Have to close and open chat if i want to clic on link because it won't allow me to do it succesivily. Sometimes the chat crash the game. 

  8. Il y a 22 heures, (XB1)ZDragonLord X a dit :

    I personally would rather wait an extra week or two and have the option to turn that crap off.


    If I wanted PC's UI and mouse physics, I would buy and play on PC.

    I'm not telling i appreciate the new ui. I have a lot of trouble in chat. My game crash for no reason. And sometime can close window chat.

  9. il y a 11 minutes, (XB1)InsSane HoMi xx a dit :

    I undestand your point, but the thing is you can maybe get from the rank of neutral to the last one within the ostron in 10 hours of playtime, but, you are forced to waith maybe a month of doing it daily to archieve it, its great that you can play everyday, but not everyone, and the fact that the game punishes you for having a normal life with a job, friends a girlfriend, and family its just dumb for me, it literaly has no sense at all

    Sorry i want to say i can't play everyday. I understand your point too. I'm doing poe presently because of the release of sacrifice. And the arcane its ty to poe activity too. The cycle night/day frustrating me too. I can be here every time a night hit poe. I have a lot want to lunch my controlor at my tv and turn of my console. I thinks a lot of people here comprehend your point but we have all our opinion and how it would be good for us to have more time or for DE to implement a new way too play. Well this is not coming soon. Its give time to DE to implement new things and this the old bugs.

  10. I put my 2 cent here. I have a job and can play everyday. But the cap don't annoy me. Its frustrating and i want to have a better gear. I'm actually farming for my first amp. I have not approch much the poe since is release. I'm actually doing a few eidolon hunting. I have to go after Cetus Wips. I have 2 syndicate maxed out. Its just the ostron that a little bit difficult for me. I'm doing it for two weeks now. I don't play poe every time i can get in the game. I do trade this day for plat. And i'm trying new build for my main frame and weapon. I do fissures when i want. Thas my play time. Yes we have a cap and when low mr can be difficult. I'm mr 12 and i'm still learning how the game works. If your are frustrated with the game maybe get breack and enjoy others games. When i'm very frustred by the game i do other thinks. Well thats my 2 cents. I don't deny your opinion but the game its this way and have been this way for years.

  11. Faut penser à vider le cache de la xbox. Redémarrer la console. Solution drastique supprimer ton profil de la xbox, la redémarrer et entrer tes infos à nouveau. Le forum est principalement anglophones. Faire un effort pour parler anglais te permettrait d'avoir sans doute plus d'aide et de réponse.

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