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Posts posted by (PSN)GamersDiary

  1. As a games technology graduate and a big warframe fan i wanna just add one thing.

    I love the balance in this game and having to stay in missions we enjoy and face harder enemies each turn. The warframe abilities mods and the degree of strength we can get to is amazing. I appreciate the approach of not holding back on players by nerfing things and trying to push veteran people down like some bungie does. 

    BUT when i spend 90 minutes 95 minutes on a relic opening survival and drop a radiant every round at least by someone and get only 1 gold item it turns me off. I mean i hate people when they keep repeating missions 5 10 waves with overpowered warframes and quit all the time, but whats the purpose of me foghting there for 90 minutes and get only 1 worthy item cernos lower limb that is!. 

    Wouldnt it be better if chances of getting good stuff increase as the rounds increase? I mean u re giving us all this amazing powers and endless rounds to try them on, but for what? If you told me every 25 minutes chnces increAse so that when u reach 100 waves or 100 minutes its nirvana of gold items the thrill and the grind would be serious and fun. 

    Like this everyone gets a overextended banshee(resonating quake) ember including myself and clear the whole 20 waves like nothing and do not have a reason to stay longer.

    everything is amazing to me nothing is wrong but prime farming please look out for the real grinders eh? :)


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